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<br />Carlson I'loved, H2Jiì.rnersten Seconded t.~at Ge::>rG8 Lembr8z fill the_:ne:~ired <br />term of Eve~ Jernberg on the Pl~1nin~ Co~w~issior.. ~oll Call AyesGa)- <br />~Tayes ~) KillS -t' Me. ~e.e 0 f~o~e.~· <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Ca~lson Seconded that George Nenbr.ez be appoi~ted Secretary <br />of the Planning Corm11.ission effective Janl:.J.ry 1, 1957. <br />Roll Call Ay-es (3)_Nayes (2)-Kitts éUld HcGee opposed. <br /> <br />, Brennan Nov~dt Cé1~lson Secçmded the matter. of filling t. he lJl1eÀ1iired term of <br />/,^",~l~m I1eserlJ.. e\ tabJßd untll the next meetlnp. Roll C:'-lll AyesT(*)..ff~1a.S<Î): <br />'Kltts D rr0s-eø. ( <br /> <br />Hammersten Hoved, Carlson Seconded the f ol~_ÜÌ'dng resolution be ado~Jted. <br />Roll Call A;/es (5)-Nayes (0). <br />¡vHEREAS M:inn.esota St;~tutes, Se«tion 212.35 authorise the Council to <br />designate the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November as the <br />regular village election date, AND H1ŒREAS the Council believes ttc t this C:lanr2'e <br />in election date should be maae in this villaGe, Nail TFiEREFORE BE IT HESOLVED ,_ <br />BY T1~ VEJI.,A.GE COUNCIL ?F ROSEVrr....c.E, "',AT co~~eEc;Lpg lÜth the 1957 village. <br />ele ctlonl tl1e regular vlllage e1ectlon of,l:!: shall be he ld annually <br />on the flrst Tuesday 2.fter the first Ì'1onday in Nove.mber 0:' each veal". <br />Adopted by the Council this 2nd day of JanuaFJ, 1957. u <br /> <br />~"- ') ..)'- <br />1\ L ^ <br /> <br />Ha..l1Jìlersten Eoved, Carlson Seconded that Dr. Sel.dwn be n;a¡;T.!ointed l-ie::.: th <br />Officer for the ensuing year. rtoll Call Ayes (5)-Nayes\0)~ <br /> <br />TŒllLTI1 C-?~?}_~C-'~~F <br /> <br />PL. COl'J'¡. <br />AF?Or;TTl'[E;TT <br /> <br />H:E1i8REZ PL. <br />COl1N. SEC' Y. <br /> <br />PJJ. C01·1:;·1. <br />CHArm/jN <br /> <br />ErECTION D..~TE <br /> <br />SET <br /> <br />Carlson Hoved, H2I'J,lersten Secorrded Vlat Council meetings be scheduled on the CJ'~;8IL . ':''; <br />f~st 2.nd third Tuesday of eách month at 2: 00 P .h. 2Jld the second and fourth SCEEDGLB <br />Tuesday at 8 P... Roll Call Ayes (3)...IJayes (2)-Kitts :cnd HcGee opposed. <br /> <br />A letter was rad frcr.~ }-Iarry Tur;::eon, Liqc.or Store. i'laD2{;er.i infor:~ing the 'L~QU:LSITI~;:: <br />Council that the new requisl tion -- :procec~ure is not ::r2CtlC2 for some p1mchases. E~CG::'J .?~ <br />The matter was laid over for investigation. <br /> <br />A letter was read from the treasurer suggesting th2.t his S212~;y be increased T:=tE..t"..S,-c::ER <br />to DOO.OO per month due to the tremendous increase in business, 8ld the necessary <br />car expense involved. Ham..llersten :1vloved, Carlson Seconded the matter be tabled <br />until the next meeting so that a cceck can be mpde me8Jlwhile on a billing m2chine. <br />Roll Call Ayes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />CarJ_son Moved, Brennan Seconded the Clerk's saLTY be incre2.sed :~50o.00 per year. '~IZRKI S <br />Roll Cpll Ayes (3)-Nayes (2)- Kitts and l\ilcGee opposed. S.\:rAP.Y <br /> <br />Q :7:;: CE <br />HELP <br />RAISE <br /> <br />ç~tJ,.son MQved, Brennan Seconded _that Nr.s. Johlman' s hO\lrly rate of pay be incr32.sed <br />4oJ..~f and that HI's. Ostenson and J.'lrs. ¡nlson's rate be lncre::o.sed lO¢ p~r hour. <br />BeJ1 call Ayes (3)-Nayes (2)- Kitts and McGee opposed. <br />Before the above motion was voted upon, Kitts Moved, HcGee Seconded the matter be <br />tabled untiL . ~J Roll Call, Aye~(2)_NaY~C3)-Brennan,carlson and .... <br />Harmlersten opposed. - ( 1:k~../'771--L..-1.Z<-y'-C,-. ;;..L; :x.M- :.¿".Á-(;-r\../nJJ O~1¡'--"U'''<-<-1.. ~v.JJ:,-..L-/ <br />, ¿r J <br />Bob Fleming of 264 Roma was present to ask permission to install a regular SEW~ <br />cesspool and septic tank even though the sewer is available on Galtier Street, <br />,-¡hich crosses Roma. The SeHer Ordinance states that 1-There the Sanitary Sewer <br />'is available, a new home mnst be hooked up. After some discussion it was found <br />that Mr. Flemi."1g is within his rights as the Village had issued 8Ul a permit <br />before the sanita.I"J sewer was available in the area. No action was necessary. <br /> <br />Max Zamans10J of Capp Const. was present to request that he proceed in his <br />planning for a bowling alley and obtain a building permit for it subject to <br />the Village's receiving the remaining $1300.00 bond for a road easement. The <br />Council decided that from past eÀ~erience on these matters that the matter be <br />tabled until all the neEessary paper WDrk is presented. <br /> <br />Ed Salverda was present to oppose the t~king away of ~lOO.OO per month car <br />ë1Y1~-'"""cc. "'he m~~.te1" n.,,~ "r'E'-f"erTc~ to ~'he !len Pe1"~o""~el~ò'T~"'o~1" Com.' <br /> <br /> <br />BCJ.·TLING <br />AJ.JIE Y <br /> <br />ELECTRIC <br /> <br />"""("1") <br />'-- . <br />