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<br />Villa e of ~osevi~le <br /> <br />rtegular meeting of t.lle Villat'ß Council T..8sday, Febr':2.ry 5, 1957 <br /> <br />1: 00 P .1':. <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date è;::"th'::.~e folle'.¡ing mel.1-~ers pTesent: <br />Brenc'1an, Carlson, H::'TrJl:lers';:,en and Kitts. Engineers Ed 13a tller ê~d CI'.as. Sou tter <br />were also pro;,ent. Loftsgaarden and l·lcGee reported at 2:00 P.l'l. <br /> <br />Ha:iLersten Hoved, Carlson Seconded bi¿s be opened on the ~l,OOO,OOO.OO Bond <br />Issue Series IIB". Roll Call Ayes (4)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />Peter Popovich, Village Bond Consultant read tÏle foll01Üng bids: <br />. 'lst National Bank of St. Paul - ~Jit.h 11 firms in accou:1t. To;l::al Bid 3.9412 <br />Am. National Bank of St. Paul - 'TÌtl1 7 firms in account. Tötill. Bid 4.0304 <br /> <br />The bid of 1st National bank ,¡as 'Le lo~;est so Ù:.r as dollar cost is concerned. <br />111'. Popovich read a resolution Hit~'l regard to accepting tIle bid of 1st National <br />~.Mk. HéJJ11IDersten IvIoved, C;-rlson Seconded the resolution be adopted a.."'ld exec'lted <br />Y we Hayor and Clerk. Roll C:'l1 Ayes (4)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />At this point t::1e 1neeting '.'I&S recessed. <br /> <br />The ¡;;oeting',ias resumed at 2: 00 P ú. <br />. <br /> <br />C î .' ",,' - "",. co t S· . .~, ' ..>....: "-'.,,... "1" J~.~., ,. 22 19c'7 'b ~J, d <br />ar.....son ~·.liiTea, "'1~._.vrs en econ_.eQ~,le ",,~n'AV\;.._':.J CCd",ary , :/ e accer'ue <br />as presented. Roll Cal Aye~; (5)-î'Jaycs (0). <br /> <br />The Pla"ming Corr¡;<1Ìs "ion reported,~::t -'c..ey lwld Fè. ::::;ublic hearing on the <br />~ petition from Speed-O-Laq Prod'J.cts CompeDY to rezone -elle follm¡::"n~: descr~,bed <br />property from Farm residence to an Indlstri,Ü district: <br />Th ,- 1';.)0 0'7 ft f" -r··'l '~t' 8 <br />e ,I. au . . 0 cde "'¡-14 c_ .:>ec ::Lon , <br />T 29, R 23, lying S. of t:18 ¡T.P. ri§)lt-of-~Tay. <br />The Commission voted un.arÜmously to recorrL,lend the rezonin;; as recuested -oy <br />Speed-O-Laq. No one a,'peared at tIle council ~k;aring in ~)bjection to the <br />rezoning. Judd Hulally a;;peared in Lvor 0.': ti1e petitii.o~ <br /> <br />HôlTùnersten Hoved... Carlson Seconded t;-w coun~ 1) concu_r ~ the recoYtI:'œndation <br />of the PlannLlg lJo:rn::Tl~.ssion. Roll Call Aye~) \5 -Hayes \0). <br /> <br />The Planning Comm::"s ion reported Lat they held a publ::"c 1182X'ing on the <br />petition from Sunset Hemorial Park AssociaT,ion to vacate a portion of tÌ'leir <br />plat 10cated'VIest of Briggs Trémsfer, sO'lth of COl:,nty Road IIC". <br />No one apeared at t;'-le tlanning Commission nearing to be heard on the In.atter. <br />The Conmlission reported táat tüere is no s'_cch plat on record in tne Village, <br /> no action vIaS taken by them. H&Tj,}:lers;:,en 8lplained that the plat may <br />be on record in thE; 60unty or State bat not in the'li:L:_age beca-D,se at t=lat t:Ln.e <br />He -¡-;ere ~hanging over from township to village. <br />\ Brenn~ hoved~, Carlson Seconded t~e.matte; be referred to the attorney for <br />c8ecking an~ tnat he render an Op::LDlOn~ ßoll Call Ayes (5)-Nayes (0). <br />HéJJ11IDersten Haved, Brennan Seconded the attorney I s o¡Ünion be reported at the <br />February 19th meeting. Roll Call Ayes (S)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />The l'Iichele Schiena Plat Hc_S considered at the Fla:."lning Commisdon meetiIlg <br />February lith and it 1-13.8 reported that they are of the opinion that the plat <br />does not meet liith the requirements of "~e ordinance with regard to the <br />culdesac and that there is a:pparently a drainagecroblem ~'ïh::"ch should be <br />consulted the Village Engineer. . <br />'iammersten ll:ovedJ CDrlso:Q. Seconded the matter be refe:ç'r~d to thEj :$ngineer for <br />. report at the Feoruary l,th meeting. Roll Call Ayes \5J-Nayes ~O) A <br /> <br />Hr. Parranto, real estate agent i'or Frejlach and Sullivan appez,red in tl1.eir <br />behalf and presented a plot plat i'or their pNposed bowling alley establish- <br />ment a.YJ.d reported thavto his knmJledge tnev h~ève complied Hi th ordinance 141 <br />governing the issuance of amusement licenses. <br />Hanmersten Hoved, Carlson Seconded th'>t, an arnusenent -'-.lcensebe granted to <br />Frejlach and Sullivan for tileir ;roposed location and that Jlme cigarette, <br />on and off sale and foodlicenses be transferred. Roll Ca11 Ayes (5)- <br />Hayes (0). <br /> <br />SEÚEP. BŒID <br />Sj~3.IES n-:: tl <br /> <br />3ESOLLJTIOH <br />ACCEPTING <br />BID.. <br /> <br />1'11:. -; ::J !~' :i:S <br /> <br />SP.",.::;r:-o- <br /> <br />LÚ.Q 33Z~-i'-~~ <br /> <br />PETJ,TIŒJ '1'( <br />V;~CATJl, FIi"J <br /> <br />SCdI,¿ì¡:" <br />PLAT <br /> <br />BŒILIE G <br />.AT,¡,:W Æ.·~Si" <br />HEHT LIC. <br />