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<br />- L - <br /> <br />H ?rrrrnerstt:L l'''~O'''C(-ì, Carl_son Secon""lt:;' tJ~,2.-S +~!(... 2e~<rer '?ê~ser-:ents iY'~ prc:_~ ·::'ct S, ~...U·:~~ - :='~ -'-.18 <br />F1.1'."C'pls 22S Q1,-7pnri b'T "cn QL0inbel'k :-nr< 226 oTmpri 0;' ~i!a'rne T'e"12, riP exer:'l+---;-J. <br />Holl Call í'-Y'~S (i,[) '~ Ì'Je"8s (1). <br /> <br />an a '~cr~'~sal ÌJe ootainec: 'ce~'ore <br />~-4~~/t07-:}· ~rll ("''"11' I~-:rc"c: (\1) _ :,"'r_,;-crpr-- <br />U LJ_ .J...... l" .......u .__,~ VC'.__...L .Jr.J .......~, --r ,-·C.'d -''-- <br /> <br />Ca.rlson :lo"ec'" Drennan S:;conòe6 thc-c <br />çondemm, tiop of: _ DiOlme <br />b ......~ .....~ &- c.. i-I ~ ø" .... ~ ~ '" , "f .. <br /> <br />Attorn~y Loftsgaarèen Terortr;cl th2,~ he,-",?s cÌlec~?~' into é', situ2,tio:!1 " <br />envolv::Lng tte Ramse=' County Dstontl:::;n c',0ï.1e rclaü::Lve to :..;c.~;er constr'1c':~JOn <br />to the ..:Iome. ~-íe naJ OWle to tl,e concJ,usio:, th2t:~;~e::c J':-.o:1=' be ¿"r <br />apI;raisal as soc of tj~E: land not needed for the Detention ~clrr.e <br />)"aJ 08 s.:.ìl6 to sODe c'evelorer for "Œnes. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />Er. Loftst;éiE.r,len ré::DOrtec' that we~o not I¡ en :):~,l~n:mce re":ló.tinç· <br />tree tr:ihlIning. Harnmersten ~'07ec~, i':rennan Seconc~ed that th,:, 2.t,':,orney~ ;;mc1 <br />enr'in, ,er è.ra'\<J a DrogosaiB. ordinance re:;l1l?t~n¡)' tree tfil~1]1.:LnG and have <br />a report February Lth. EolJ. CE.ll Ayes l:.+) ~ l\Jayes 0). <br /> <br />I\:itts l'loí/G(" ~I8~dn8rsten S8Cc>~c~,e(? t,lî8 '3n-SJ.r',3 cOìl!1cil 1·'(Jr>- E.S a <br />CŒJ.littee to inervi8\'\T De!':~ons for t:1e r:osit.ion of lienor store n,anaer <br />ê:.rV~ that the clerk 'oe instr~_lcte': to advertise in the l~éJper and <br />cont2,ct 8r,~'oloYffient a[':encies, cJ,so th2"~ 2 ncetin: ~J e scheo.u1ec1 for <br />H'è.dnesciay,' Feb. 13th to l'Ìre a :uma'er. ~tor, ,:;'9.],1 A/es (:;:).?'TS :J_) <br />J..:reèlmm o)~osec~. <br /> <br />A~tarney Loftsgo.2.rc1en l' 8port8~ t11at Lr. Troje, e;;:ec'ltive S,:crctcTJ <br />for, ;':ye ~~aJnse Com,ty ~,!ete,ntion :'i:::m, e has conferred T-J ith niI:l,'i~:. r,e::,a:::'c", <br />to ~ street W,ÜCQ ,-J:: S tempor2.rily taken over a,S a ma~ter:;~' <br />procedutre by the IilJ.£c iß fror.1 the '-.;o'mty ¿Dr, that now the Count:' <br />At c.o:c'nej' hDs r2.i::::ec: the question of J,- ¡-Jhat 2~1t:lority ca;;~Le 'Ij,lJ2. e <br />ret'lrn t:;'e road. :>,r::!i£:.é"s::en :","e6, ':'rexE18D Seco[1C'ed the Il.ll..:.- ~'e <br />2.ttorney be instructed k co:lier vd,t:~ tile County At':,orney to' c13&.r <br />the )1a"c;GCr as this ()r~,,>,mÜly uas the idea of the County. 3.ol1 Call <br />AJ8S (4)- (0). <br /> <br />llerv. Tretter 0,' ::.S.P. appr::[~:;:,c~, :cecarc::Ln; char:.:;es :rl¿)c1e by them <br />for CL1,t"',:',ng into gas Dains c1uri,n, seHer construction. A :12eting <br />,ola.s arrém;;;8:: for illes.. ~'elJ. 26th at 7 P L to èiscuss the rratter <br />further. <br /> <br />IIwnmersteó >,',-\',-e:;, ~?ren'~1an ö:::co!lcleè that the ;,e" of the <br />s3cond Tuesc;ay in iebruary be ch:ill[;ed to -Ic-nr:1ay, ~"ebr1.:.a,ry II th c~t <br />8 P }1 because of Lincoln 1 sjjrthèa:') o. ViL'2:e 3òlièay. <br />Roll Call Ayes (4) - Nayes (0). <br /> <br />Joþn Carlson of Taylor'c HcCaski::"l recom::ænded that Liquor Funds <br />be transferred from Falcon Jei hts State E';émk to St. A:o:,t:-;ony Sté'.te <br />Bé>nk vritl1 the exception of $863.44 'H'1Ìch is ar.. old b.::.laIlce. <br />Hammersten Eoved, Bernnan Sec, ndeà that the CC'lJnc:U concur in <br />1-11'. CarlE;oa's recommendahons. ¡toll Call f.yes (4) - Né\}'es (0). <br /> <br />The Attorney was inst.rJ,cted to investigate OrCL~,né1nCe ló8 regarding <br />pumping 0 ces2pools and discha.rge of same as to being ~ended <br />tp cover some of the problem s which afrise. <br /> <br />The I'la;yor brou~~ht to the Councils attention the orc1ers he issued <br />on J;m~,ary 26th to Vi:léJ.ze Employees ",it11 rc¿;arè, t::: t.he time clock. <br />Carlson state"; 'Ghat the ,,j::'ê'ers Sl'lOèÙò'nl t hav been issued by one <br />merlber of t.'1e Council becê-.use it is a l'i1é'"ter for the entire Counc~_l <br />to consic:er. '¡he. ,ayor state6 that at V1e time his orc1er6 1J8re issued <br />the pI¡¡CC sent a letter s,l:::;e;~tin; that the, time clock not be used as <br />they thoulht so feH e",lloyees ;.¡aul:' b:; è.1.sin¿· it. Thc Ea70r said that <br />since then ì;r. --::icher) Ch:mlJ. of the:';u"lÚ ttee has a skerì hÍlT, t:; ê.estroJ <br />the letter. ¡k reported that ~1e has returned the letter. <br />T}":e ::a,~,-or l-¡).tl1ci_rs11 ~lis or("lers of tJ?n. 26t£1 'l11'ì.tj.l there is cot-:.ncil 2J>tion. <br /> <br />EIŒ:::S <br />) . <br /> <br />D='~'~~~~ rl'~_ C:'T <br /> <br />=-IOI ~E <br /> <br />r¡r¡) ~-j'-;r <br />.......;.'..~....:J <br /> <br />'YECi ìTG <br /> <br />~ T_ 1 <br />.~;)) -'_¥.'.:2J <br /> <br />."'.""",,\ <br /> <br />,\ "'\ ~ .. <br /> <br />,";..Ll·; ,':" <br /> <br />·'-7~.ðj·~S];'! <br />·_,'·:-,~rrn.r <br />,\j ~, <br /> <br />~.-'-I,; 'r"- <br /> <br />I··7 .3 .1:: . <br /> <br />~"!,.:i.!:7I~":r:. <br /> <br />C;A·.:;Z=~ <br /> <br />TI1}~·;··::')- ' <br /> <br />L::: QLÚl ( <br />'?mm <br /> <br />0.:, ;~~.~ ,':', :i'L: CZ <br /> <br />T'", 'c' <br />'. ". <br /> <br />CL,-'Ci~ <br />