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<br />A report T,-as 1'::,6 from Taylor 2,.':1::-1 :·icC:.~s':i.'.l ,: Co., TAYLor: <br />After tLeir intervieH Hi th app1ic(;'.::1 :,s :'::-n' ':,>le bookkeeIJing )()s::.t,lon T'TLLCil is cr(Jcn. HcCA3::::':::J.., <br />Th~ir comments T'Tere limited to t~"e T':"eìrlS of the afpliccnts 2ccounting caps.b~li:~ies. <br />Discussion was :1eld Hith regard to +"':'-e d'.~ties of the position. <br />Kitts ~::o·.~€d, Eammersten S8ccnded ti:¿.,t the CJ.erk be c.'.:thor:i.zed to contact R2ms~:,. <br />:':".:;,'n School to obtain help to bri"l".':; t:le 11'-,;,.101' per-petu8.l inventory books up to <br />d2.te. Roll CAll AyS'è (;)-i{ayes CO). <br />T:18 Clerk ·¡.r:J.S asl~8d to request +",h2t a re:¡;;reser:t3.t:_ve of T,,,"'..0r 0: ~:cC2.~:':i:_l <br />be present at the Council meeting setr'or Tnesday, ~:'ebn..¿:'l~J 26) 1957 7: 00 <br />to discuss: bookkeeping applications and their yearly report. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />r; <br />L -I' <br /> <br />r~'l, 0 7~~ f~Dt r'·I.·. <br />.__Le 0 : __.... -;:..e,__ v ~'" <br />,....-P tl'l3 S'~'J '4 cf Section <br /> <br />of ':::'i+l136 ::-peJ. J.yi-c'.[; <br /> <br />cf ~lcsevi~_le, C(.Y,Lnt~{J:- <br /> <br />~ YJO <br /> <br />~, <br />.,. .,.~ <br />..:... u. <br /> <br />,f)",,! <br />, _., ..J_., <br /> <br />lJi.":~~ <br /> <br />1 "\ <br />~v, <br /> <br />...~'I?-''''!''13) 'T~"""- <br />~'linr:. ere t ,'~', <br /> <br />\. <br /> <br />- ~- 'r''', .~ .,.., 0 <br />~::.- . -',-" .~,'- , <br /> <br />:- ~-, C:- <br /> <br />'or- """0"'- <br />.c_" , <br />t:i_CYl ,~. !1r! -(--~I I.' t <br /> <br />:)S <br /> <br />~ . <br />.I'a..::. er~::>e::;_ <br /> <br />La -~~~e <br /> <br />l.ic(ìee l,io7ed, =r8~--:.r~2n Ss::;cr:ò.e:'l t>.:"tJ,lC <br />pl2.Ylninc Co;rLì::LS ion :cr t. eir' 2'leeti::".[ ):: LTr'C:':-;. ~:th <br />opinion at ~'é.t tiê:C and t"¿~t tl:e co::«.: >l'lsider <br />RoJ.l C'.ll 1-":;/85 (5)-:Tayes (0). <br /> <br />';"he p:;,operty in ,:;uesticn is <br />oeen lnterested ::Ln. <br />J(i tts Loved ~~cCee Ssce,nded tl:'Jt ::r. Stré\uss 0: "OJ <br />',r-+_'c-e'Y' "nd Ij·'<:.1t -!-.,.,t:) ~eDr:j··,~-_·~L":+-l·'T·~ ,...,C"" 'l....·~...·n rr~l c':::cr¡ <br />¡,":L.". 4 c' 't,,"C" VHc" J. ~ ÇOV_.V:'.') v~ I",.L V ,..~J'-~.' ..u,_,v.. <br />l;ith the Plé:TJline; Conmission :::-1":6 t::' L:.e to:ri:ssion <br />Roll Ccl;L Aye:= (5)-Nayes CO). <br /> <br />-cT:Ltl'l :'e:clest :'01' tl-_e~_r <br />·'·ce :':J!~er on L~,rc:l !_2, 1957. <br /> <br />~(.,\_."."". .1 <br /> <br />,., , <br />J8{1 :,'2~':"' <br /> <br />C:·_~/i2 <br /> <br />.ee <br /> <br />Sé.?:-rle <br /> <br />3:-,t~I t·.~~-.-- <br /> <br />..l.."8 <br /> <br />C;::)," .' .. ",ee '.:'e :;_nfcr;':.ed ,:;f '~,:'8 <br />Re~',ltors 0e 2S~3? to mee-~ <br />re=ort:<~c:; '::'c· t'-:e Counc·i1. <br /> <br />A ;Lotter 1,.¡as rec.d fr·:::),,: E. ? =:cDo.-:CU,:ll reb:.~rdi"'1:·· ce:~t¿:.inTCJ~~¿;-,ty 10c:'èted ~- 't, <br />T .~L 36 and Ha!nline Aven~. The let,t8r st·ted ~::at "_cDonouGÎ1' 3 'J(,rd inay ;~~ <br />corr':l8\ted to OSc?,r =-l' t>~_~-L t~--...e Süuttl 3-; E_:et. o:L' t~-~(: --':,roT)eTt~I cont:"'c~leà :.Y"JT <br />YcTlonuou:lcl "'l'l '00 C''''D,'eU Y' ""r] -'- - ., "e "l"l' :0';-:' ·:',,-A CO+1·C'C.+ - ~ - -,~-1 <br />_:..J .1. bJ.. ,,"___1_ '-" -~...: ',J'_. \,.0\../ '.'__ Ii -'_.......;.,......-.'-..... --'-'............'-'v...-J_,.1~·--C!:)::.::3 -.::-,.... <br />-,Ti~~l 2~s:.~r1e t.h.e ~-:o2.'"'tion of t'.-~c CCS~-J +> t :"8 t..~e:Lr S;¡2.r~3. <br /> <br />'ì" er.. r-1'"' 'l)-,"Q , rIC'1V'\ "econ¿'~d .t,..~,"t. t·.·_'":: -·_·:et.·_~t.~~..·~)n to T8Z(:ne ~:, ~:.-):-;}'''cel 8f <br />~;;~~:er~;; "f(/~' ~~2 ~t:o~,~'- f~;;~ <br />be referred +,0 the Fl'3nnin~n~~~:~_~~~_o~~~:~~~.j'·;b:'~,'_~~f~~j ~'~:~~1.~~~'_~~2~ò ::î::'l~~~S'~';~~~~('~ <br /> <br />and ~-:"~-:'':?t the co"~ncil 1._~ ~~riD ~'e '8-7.', .01' ..: ("..., [:~~.... 2 <br />^ 'ì ' " .L --- ,.., =: .:... <br />1:) ~.~_ C =..: i') \,:; ¡ -~'L::3.~,j~e (::. j <br /> <br />E2>1J',ers+,en Hover_1, C rlson Seco:r.decl <br />cor:.str,lct ::. drive-in restaul'¿n~; ZT, <br />;',011 C;- '_l Aye: (5)-:ayss (). <br /> <br />Da"'¡:Lc1 '~;rL¡Jí.'l'~~}l~ lJ~ <br /> <br />3::;.c _:~lj~ng Þ..7C~11J e. <br /> <br />.'- ;.:..·:te~~ ~ <br /> <br />8f"'~·~ i -'~ <br /> <br />tö <br /> <br />J_ J.. <br />v_lc '-' <br />'>Y7~ <br /><- ..1 J ,~ <br /> <br />- <br /> <br /> <br />~'=2T"~ersten I·Io\~ed, C::~~rlson Seco:C::~.eù ;'~? ~T(~~r1c'e::'~3 t~:e CO~L:iC_,.} ~""jî.d >'l <br />iJ1S~)ectJr t>.?"t, C2.D go, 1JC autiL~:1."5 Z8(~1 ~o c, tenò r: IJe~-' ·_~.c~ of ~;'"u:iciro:?li ~ie:; - Î' O~'.'~ <br />~'~;;~~,e ¡.t.'~:J~h¡Tn~:~~~it~: c 0: .r.;~'~~~ ~:c,tG:~~"jth e~:-cer:se~'n.,:,;·ir'1. .2oJ~1 Cdl Aye:.: (:~)- <br />".."e.:; (J). .:.._8 c\.,_...,ce .'-w ,\C..ed..L'CL. ~V~ :.:::.rcl'; 27, 1.,")7. <br /> <br />.. =-=a:..ll,:ersten,:Hoved, 02.1'1:':0:1 Sec;C"(dec~ J~l: t lc,<~rin~ ',0 s2''lecl.LL;:;l 701' :IéTcl, 12:Yïh <br />for the vacc.t:;"nc; of [_ tr-:1k 8c-s""~-cnt 12 feet by one tlocl~ l0:~,g just of <br />'lic-cori:=. rwY}11j_n~.; ~'Jortl: '~,.. :Süutl'l ~~'rorTl CCtl~~t:T '~~-2 to ,.r,2,_ J:;..V~_'2~'--;. <br />-~oll 0;::,11 ~TreC rr:.)_¡·T ')'ce~ (0) <br />_... ."__ ""'V ,::) \,/ i ~u .;) ,,'-" . <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Co. <br />" T.T <br />1 ._... <br /> <br />!'Ic?ee ::ovTod, h2:J:'12'lersten,Seconded, that p.s.~ile~t_ c-'::,)72.?O, to Al, ~urst~c'b3.r:: of <br />::é:Il:naker \'TatersoftenE,j,' v:::). 1:'8 +",:;018 d l.:'lltll .~ e or.'.,c.F'J 2cyt-,r:. ,,:t -.TI' +~ '8 ;. _r. <br />Y,'y'stenber,- na',' be Dresent to 8r01a:i.n to the c0cillcil the rSiJ.:i8n i'or the bill. <br />R.oll Cell Äyes~ (S)-1;~.~-9S (0). ~ <br /> <br />:~i t,t"s :'Ioved, IIcG1:ffi Secc1Dded t!:'8 <br />tl:e en~ineEr T;.th r3s¿;~:~(l -::" t~:1e <br />:='0"" r¡~ll '''7e~ (r') ""-'85 (,,,,) <br />.L", _-'- JC:' _"1.,--, 0 .;. -_jç:J_:.-'- I.J. <br /> <br />Pl:.r..ning Cœn:::i.s:"c:n be '-:odT,--'.ied c,i.' <br />plat of Eicl,eJe Sc:, ieDa. <br /> <br />"'.8 repo rt of <br /> <br />The en¿:ir.eer <br />i(i tt:: ,-,~c\-sd, <br />(::'Y:2::~~~_r~.:::. tio!1. <br /> <br />reD;.~rteC:. 0:1 t:-,_d t,,~~,~8lJ.}_·~.tion C~~ ~~:~:-Jol:~~n3 2D.Ô d~~()~?l :f~>lel b:i_d,s. <br />~~a::re1':Jt.en 3eco::1dec1. -'-;18 'hiò; 'ce 1'efer1'8" to ';:,he 2.t vormey for <br />~(/~"" ....':""t-, ~".~-8S 'r.'_~T,:,!~",,-,,~ (1'"'\' <br /> <br />i:_2.S <br /> <br />Co. <br /> <br />-2 <br /> <br />, ' <br />'-,;,.. <br /> <br />CP~~ <br /> <br />)--,lrl ,-,--:-' <br />__JLJ\. <br /> <br />.". <br />:".1...._ ....'.J-_ <br /> <br />.... ....J.~ ~.--..!.. 1_1 <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />~·---n-;-·· <br />. _ .J ~ _ <br /> <br />, ..;.,~ .~(' <br /> <br />-I ~~:.C;~~.l=~ <br /> <br />-.TAU~ <br /> <br />L:OO <br /> <br />J.,:~:;-:~r - <br /> <br />IF!" <br />.I.'i....... <br /> <br />~L~l~··Tl:_j~·.'·~ ~~-~ <br />-c::-;-T T <br />.";"""..i.J.i..J <br /> <br />:":~ <br /> <br />'T' <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />'}_·':.~CL· <br />lJ-': S2;'rJ <br /> <br />T <br /> <br />-....c· <br />:_.1.:) <br />