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79 things are going now and also what suggestions would they have for staff in helping <br />80 Roseville restaurants do the same. <br />81 <br />82 Ms. Bakken indicated she liked the suggestion and City staff did try to reach out to <br />83 a smaller group of restaurants that included some restaurants in Roseville that also <br />84 have a presence in Minneapolis or St. Louis Park to get that specific perspective, <br />85 but staff heard back from one person of the twenty-five she reached out to. She <br />86 understood restaurants are very busy and may not have time to respond. She <br />87 indicated she will look into the suggestion in the next couple of weeks. <br />88 <br />89 Member Luongo thought Ms. Bakken did great outreach work. She asked if the <br />90 City has something set up to get translation services for the educational aspect of <br />91 this. <br />92 <br />93 Ms. Bakken indicated the City does have resources for that. <br />94 <br />i <br />95 <br />96 Chair Ficek opened up the conversation for public comment. <br />97 <br />98 Ms. Jake Lavene, Bar Manager at Chianti Grill, thought the presentation was great <br />99 and would like to be sustainable. He indicated the cost is going to be difficult and <br />100 he thought his restaurant was very sustainable already. He indicated on the compost <br />101 side of things he ondered how big the compost container would be and where is <br />102 it supposed to go. <br />103 <br />104 Ms. Bakken explained the restaurant could start with a smaller container to learn <br />105 what is compostable because it is already being thrown in the trash. The key is to <br />106 have a container with a lid. She noted trash is taxed but compost and recycling are <br />107 not and eventually the restaurant may be able to save costs by getting a smaller <br />108 dumpster for garbage. <br />109 <br />110 Mr. Lavene thought it was important to let people know about the $10,000 grant <br />111 and he wondered how the City saw the execution of this being done. <br />112 <br />113 Ms. Bakken explained if the City Council approved this, she would want to do <br />114 another outreach with restaurants and explain what will be required and the <br />115 timeframe. <br />116 <br />117 Mr. Joe Wozniak, 718 Sexton Avenue, indicated he was on the PWETC when this <br />118 project first started, and he has kept in touch with Ms. Bakken and likes how it has <br />119 progressed and wants to see this move forward and help wherever he can. <br />120 <br />121 The Commission thanked Ms. Bakken for the presentation. <br />122 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />Page 5 of 55 <br />