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<br />:5 <br /> <br />A~~~'~~t.a:ï' mw 1"9ad from UJB Perr;01'U\e:t ¡'!('!>king;"¡ß C<.:v.rrnii.t..£h'e ¡X·i~l1<'.m¡'H:"h!¡~ F';~ <br />that, !\ meeting 1:3 5chetiulcd for 1:lnrdl 20th nt f3:('ž) P "t:.;: d:J.3ClW(I t" rmge;{H¡i',s~l <br />organir.nt~i()n ('lHn.~t for the vl11:tlf}) pCI:'5mm~1 tmd 13 ~~(>.r:\.t wI~t(-"jm «,)t'(:¡j~w.\1<.,)\';, <br />(',oUl1ci.l memoors \ie.t~ asked t/.) fi'f¡t,.¡;Th1'l., <br /> <br />1\ WPS read from ~John Co, 'dç(.~:kOt\k l-equ6ø' t,hl1t. ¡liö d:f:"Í\:'mn¡y 9'\rJ7 ~J.-;1\I'l~r.';\ ( <br />il3 c01'lDtrttctod as he IMH not. nd'Jinwï. (,.¡f I'. pl,:;;¡XJŒl1(mt. :restriction at th~ <br />ti¥!le it was conat:rut':tJ:t(L, <br />Haroril8:t'stan Moved:? Mc(Je~~ Seeondcr.J t.hø i:i.ti,t,'},i'Ct> 1)(') ,~feM';;;..j w the building; <br />5..nspec:tor for iuvegti¡:,p:!¡ion ÇJnd a l"\~}X)r·t aŸ, t.he Hrl:t''IC'J' 26~h Þ':liet:tr.¡g" <br />Roll Ca.ll Ayes (~»~~ayar. (0) v <br /> <br />Hamnsrstan Moved$¡ BrenMn S~'H.x:mdHd t.ho P:1."oposed pllrl, of HcCarron' s y~ <br />Addition be refen-ed to the Plmm:)ll¡:: Cr"o:;v0.mdon for évl1ßidel"atiou ~ <br />n report .at too Ajrril 2nd !¡,"!ÐC.',.;;'" f.·kÚl Call AyeB ; S}"l'lr",,~s (úL <br /> <br />Bronmel"swn Nove,.,:.l~ ¡~.\<3\~ ::;·~~~(;!'~¡,úÜ '!;he pt'I)}À,)ß,ad p1:;. t. (.If Oakrldge L,.H1¡O <br />Addition be rere!'~ to the T'l£,; ('¡'X1,!).t:~Hd,t)n fc J,' ç<:msidørr<t.:1.on <br />,~ t t t,h /\ " '"' ~ '.I ') ,'. ",., ¡' , ',,\ 'H, fO' <br />.;1nu. xúpor' a' 1410 "pr:¡.J. ",no ).ï\€O'".l'..{z v ,'c "..I. '.....1 ,.;¡. .I;'.S' S \ ':ì ).t~aYl·NJ \, } " <br /> <br /> <br />lIi:'(v',¡ "t' ?':f:ì',ç)' Ent/"Y'Pl":L:'iöf.1 <br />t ]·,at;(; ; j,'J.'TJ..lI 1:æ;· Gtj Ï'" \\1a:~ <br /> <br />'I'!}fJ CJerk ¡'ead t~ :pl"<~;lfi;mb Pl'(I},)O:;':l'. <br />fo~:' {,1"lft V:J..lla-ga :J.Qntj.,n;~ O)~ Y,fi'Jl~()j.~ <br />¡ÙHtJ ¡litJC1l9scd" <br />H~).Gùe :Hoved') Htm'\¡;¡c;r't:.d:A~m SoeonclO'¿i too At,'t/)x'OOy tiC;.};: '1-!'5,th ti;¡r>" ;'!:1J.\r:l <br />t~o pm..tkular !-y:\5..n1Æ> Ji:.I:n:rtim)O(j in th:· pr.'npotmd I(~<:l$n !lr·}."an:~emeílt; <br />...,ith regard toO li1Sr.bU.\. '::./ 1'0:;' }'l'~\\I'ahJ s:-),-J'cr' tlill-::' 1 LnhlJ.:i. ty d'l.u"lng <br />r.cpn.:i.,rs ~lt the (rto:N3" ¡:::(ÙJ:>Ü,l ty€;!J, ((~~).N¡,\)'\~~ t,:))" <br /> <br />C'l"\ <br /> <br />Ca~loon I·lovodt Ik:JŒ.'ne!";]·;'.on f.1t1\~m}dmt the C1.f\rk bt> jn?::\t{:'n,~1:.t)d to JwV) <br />tho bell discorm~(':t.0l1 <In tho ~'oJ,(!'t)honc in tho fi.:ï.'ð stntlol1 (not t,bt,.) <br />fire ~&l phone) .9nÜ t..hat !? r}¡cnJ)" extoneiOD 00 5,~3~t3.11ad in t)~." ~ld.n, <br />&^.......\~ d""..........¡........,",../I. '1';-'1 C q:l' ' :",,*l:'''' (r::'ì, H"~'ß"rH' (I, '> <br />\ICI......."l.'...V ~1..'U.j,-\A~'1.4.( \:;.1 "\.".i.~ .I".H .,," ""'~i{.·'~ ...'>j·.J..~,:v't..Wt,,' \\'r(l~ <br /> <br />'!'he Clerk ,..-iJ:.l p¡3J:>f~on~lly' contÆct llr _ Ashbach" the d~veloper 1)1' Huron <br /> ßouth of GO'l.\!ìty Row: JIG'¡ l'X:f;æ.'1ing com:;:,1ot.ion of tl1e 6tro..y~,i~ <br /> <br />Oem Krauoe dit:ICUS500 ~.¡:tth tho Gou.nci 1, tl1i'ð dl'ßinage pX'Oblem at <br />Lexington aDd CO\xnty- ,R:Hld 11131'. Kit.ts,¡'Dl chec\{ tho Count,y for <br />a solution to tbe problt)}I" <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />K:ttts J'!oved» BNnnen Seooniød Uint Dat)',·g,t' 00 i'nl't:horized to procaGd k <br />~=t,P~~~~~vey~ ,~~ AyrJs ~~) ø . <br /> <br />Lw:hrig May'er Qf '144 Co" Rd.. "'ß,.~1etJted p~ draiDAgo on ottto <br />betMcen County RF.)ad ·B,,~2" and Grandv1t..w v <br />K1ttR Moved. Brennan. Seconded t.he \' be refen-ed to the engiœer £.."1'1" <br />chec1dngQ ftoll Gs.ll Ayss {,)-N~vea (oL. <br /> <br />Hc00e Hove~.. Dr"Hu'l~n S~condad t.he a~):r Mrl building inspector 00 <br />inatru.cted 00 drw a. m...!iþ ()t drainage areas in th~ village and <br />that two copieß be J.:ept. on fila for' Uf~G in detet'Jldni.nS where building <br />permits shull not l"le idsued" Holl CCÙ~ Ayes (5).."Nay'Ets (0)0 <br /> <br />A tx'O',iJ tJw Stat,)', ~r( TAxnt.ion announced that 't:.hG <br />annutD. co\mty fH}u1~ :ins'¡':;.."'\l~t.:i,()OO:1. w)8î',tri3 for. t..hø .aseiitssors and a <br />~t!f)r of Ðtlc.h .,f i'be 1':)('<).1 b"\'\x(~)) of t.hs Ç,J\J.n"GY will be at tbe <br />{;(MJ''i; ho'l¡St~ at ";(} , "Uti, ,!ì~)",J,.. ~1. t9~;'?.. <br /> <br />Mrx.;/lRJì.-:ms <br />VIE'\1 A:ì)D ' <br />FIJi'; <br /> <br />()AiQ"tl})J.L <br /> <br />1.!'\ :1~1) /i ~)T)~! n <br /> <br />} ".l,)<~.'r <br /> <br />i~ I (~~.r ~)};~ L~ ~!_\) f\ <br />lf~2 L:~_~!\ ~~F~ <br /> <br />1'~:r,gPHON¡':': <br /> <br />HUHon S,\'H , <br /> <br />DHAINÞ.m: <br />T..EXING'l'ON <br />& ~Dn <br /> <br />ra.~!NAm~ <br />¡ <br />'SURVEY. <br /> <br />DRAINAGE <br /> <br />rmINAGF~ <br />MAP <br /> <br />DEPT" üF' <br />TAXA'l'!01.J <br />