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<br />'~>:i Ei.1.-Li~l~j:(· :t'"'8c.\J:·r,:~;·:or~cled t;'\'Cl":l) :;.:'()j" t:-10 'è,~lf}~~l c,f St;":ti f,~:;~{C~,.-.} <br /> <br />il~lS~)e{~i:-or,') ilrerHì<.).n líIov(~«(¡.) ~~:~S!<1.!:;:·t.1n ::~'$G\.·jXH:\:-.·:d J¡eort2!.l'''(l ~:(;!'\(;;'U..1J l'_!~~~ ,~·'~j..r~~~l ~lr; <br />S·lnï....·l'."- '"'e·¡c.... ·in"~·"'ctO.,., ~." ';:I,r,\/,\ OV'" ·.r'c.)"~ month ::tmJ. '.;'."1.', ..., ;""1" <br />,'0:: ",,' \,~ J. J \.,) \.. .....:. _.... t::.J:"'ç;. . 1..:1 t.J ~",,(..!-·~JV 0 t"'.,t. ,;;~~t~ f..... 1\!J:..~·..-~, <br />¡:;,()ll Call Ayes (5)<-,Nayes (0)" <br /> <br />I\'¡fJ{~~;~ Mo~{()d't. CH~.rlf::,on Secortc1~;j:t '~he C101~1t t·~ in::rt.l"'\lct¡CQ, to :lcl{ro:rti:;10 f(J1~ <br />se,le!' iIlSpü:TtG:rS in t...'1G ~fu, ·1'L':l.bu\w, S~1int. Ptm1 DÜ;p!x!.~ch a.lid <br />:ìOS{3 '¡.'rib1mc .~ Roll Gall j~:rf)8 (~;)"N[)Y(!E: (0), <br /> <br />w:u¡¡mers'ten Hoved~ B:rennaxl ~~(¡C'.Cnd8d t.he Clcri,: bc aut..}¡ori~~9d t,o J.Mue <br />"e"'t·"f.t",.:I C1...-"'k-'" .t.n .¡.the ":"....,,"".... O~' ·:J>"·'('.i) ('J" "~O'J 00 ·~l·"/!·r,J(,~ ('0 .'''' <br />\# ¿ ..L .J..:gQ J.t.t:,-, W;.I.' W ¡¡;:;d¡tJ~t~ .J~ ~pc.t :........\. ')·........J~i ~jf~..? . ~,.J u-!.{.,t ·~);r,iV~,...; lA.... <br />the Commissioner of Highw8.Jrs an ~1 chiponH :fo!:' pe~ÜtH '1:,0 c()n~:rGruct. <br />'" . t~ .t ' j t -~. J!:t . J..". >"'J 'Jl. ",,~.,. ,'l(J1 '" '3 ',"t ,'0 <br />sanl .Ary" ....Er..Jar pro Be s ;;u..OE:"" ,3ü..W 1.L..t,.d.¡".,.¡S ¡;>..~.. ,ill".. ¡;'2.'..;,. <br />Roll Gall !lye a (5)..·tlnyer. (0) ~ <br /> <br />Bw¡:ls ter }j;l1ßirtaGrj~ng re'C01fJr'cndcd t,h:,:1-t '~Jr:,~ ..,QLn.G:t1~ :;t'0~t;J.j,,1\0 t~~) .i·1)~:;<~?l.i..r;tl:L~l[;; <br />of se'..rer engeI:le.nts bi:J:ro~ g:;:.':1n··:.:1,n.:.'· :'1pp::'cv"Ù (¡i' ';:JD C;:;1~r1dgc !.I:'?:¡:~ Addit1(.'n <br />adj acent i:,o the i!1tßraectie:rt 0::' ::nd íi"'.c·\~(;.::'i:'\" \;b'.;,"o 1:::8\,,'~10n~~ 1.HlvC <br />1.l1dict,ted t..11,(1'.. '~¡xy arc :h'.G::~"::::;'i:.;; ,:'):r:c G.<: :-:8111'>:'1:'.7 <br />SeW0Y~ :JB?Vj..CC to '~-',:h(~ adèj_t.~!_¡~'-J_ ';:;.:1F·t,~ "i'~ H_~' :';_~c~:~:i:'3-:'}(st:l <br />tll0 {)u ~{ fti.dgo ~l~,-:¿r:~.:'; /td':1i'~ ic ~':I 2_~2 .,; .,",: >x~c ::.b ,':it:, (;.) \'_.::C ':.L~"Yi.:· : ..._~ X"C :;1".'1:J ':';.il~L <br />':)e ¡m{:ountÆ)~ed. <br /> <br />Oc~:dcn¡\.r)d0re0l1 of 1.305 ~:h1:"3iiì.<:· S';'(:.ri:Ì.t/:,:;1.Ì ti b:LU. 1'0:' h:1.1:ì:'J(~lf D.l1d ::.hyet) <br />,y:.her· X'Bsident.g on Shrye:r feX' d:::!:':.G ';';() 'Î.~.h6ir :·lO.ffiCS Cé.t!J.:)I.:d Z:i"\!Jl <br />'¡" "~"í'J a'.", "J," . 11.~ ·~~t ,~. T - ~;'" ,....., ~.·"·)1n·'· ',,~'I ,'...~~""": ,r'"I.{; r,'f'\,('.~","""':"{Y <br />,,-a·~~d:\' .....("3.~j.L:g{~~) !.U;'; f.N a: L¡i:~l L,r.l~; J-r,...J. ~-' d!ií.\..L. V (.,J,. ,~;)'..;..t"...:)...I\.)... '" .~1,...!'_4~.:_·'" <br />stHtecl it ~¡a8 tlle5.r cont€·nt.j~(.'~~l t~~.n~~~ ·tj'\G :::i"'01:JJ.C!J is {;a'L~~e~1 'o:l 1~h~:: \l:3.11~1~:<': <br />allO\dng lllstal1.i1tion of ûÒ!:Ltim'1<Ü e~,ÜV0¡'t~J in the area" HI'" Sr;:;'lt;tGJ:' <br />pointed ou1~ tha'~ (;u1verts ,11'e :'"mrtal1Gd to k09J:.) i't'Om :i..ntcrfering \lH..h <br />drainage u 11r Pe'!:,erson of 1317 Sh:c:,"c::' r.nt:Ì is:,:, (; t!.munc10on o:f: 1311 3(u~r(;::' <br />also expre s:'Jcd thüir ~de"'8 on. '~,::;.:;.; I:}~d:'~"0:'" <br /> <br />Ce.rlsQl1 Hoved¡j Brennan Secol1ded ';h:t'G u (ìl"Y vmil bo i,'1s';;",ÜIÉ~d In t.he ß140n" <br />Roll Gall A~Te!) (;;)-;~ßY'ef, «(~;) <br /> <br />Tho attorr.ay ;,'ep01·ted en "8ci~~iom' :;::uà ,)pl1"!icn13 th:2t bø ehacìc)d in <br />oroer to døte;..'mine \oJhet;;,c:: o:r HO·t "tìle V:'LllGga e&.'1 make :.!!'l:Jvc:Jm.e:.rtû (.:.n <br />the village baD, on .~ «;y J.ribOl' baed.s inst.ead (If adiTortisi.11g fo!' M.ds" <br />A dofitt:·~ a11ß'1-isr W!lG nr;;¡t found.., <br />HeGGe !1o'l1ed" Cal~16on 3econðcd '(he at/lÞcrne~r be authorized to seCll:rù an <br />opinion j'~qm: the a:tt,omúY gCi1el'a;L::> Roll Call Aje S (5)...1Jayes (0),., <br /> <br />Brennan Moved~ CArlson Se00ndect the contract for the construction of <br />t.he,~ huilcllng he lnmrdnd '00 Peterssn and Templin in the amount <br />of $35!)158~OO" Roll Call A"j"e8 (4)-Nayes (l)...Hammersten. <br /> <br />Pol:tce Lt", Art Jobmrron ßul~M;.ed a police report bY' Offioar ThO!MS H" <br />.J(lhn3ton~ driver of the pol:tcÐ a\1\òulamx~ t-:hon it wag' envolv-ed in an <br />;;l(,)cidcnt April 1 ~ 1951" He a.lso submit'¡'.ed a M:J.nnesota motol~ vehicle <br />,:;.c·:Üdan:!,j pol:t.c0. report and r\ lDtt0Z:' f¡.~onl the 1101ke c.~ief :relative <br />to ':.1:9 m2;~tar v <br />D~c~rmaTI. :lo~J'ød;, ¡·icGee Sacond("HI! bid."IJ h;: [".(lv~rt,i8od for 11 195'1 5.n:t.5~· <br />~t-rpto.t" :.tation wagon m'.d ~:.h.'.1.t, ·\-).,;,~t 1Y,:: r,:,pansd r~prll 23!1 195'1' w <br />"0" ') :~:,'¡'1 ¡~ "'0, '.¡ ( ~ L,?,ta'l1'A<:", ( 0) <br />¡ ~ J.. ~,.. <oJ ......_... " "'.¥ ¡., ,..;1 , ,;,'12 J _ t;.., .. .;.'} <br /> <br />. <~r~ <br /> <br />;:;..,'" ~1 ''!- (..\ r;f'> "r..~. ..'.,.J~~ ,:~..'i r,:}",/' 'IJ.' <br />. '.' ''». '.,' - ..I~. <br /> <br />G5~\ri.1 r:oførlt')'-j <br /> <br /> <br />câ,./ th:D T~o c~:~,:\yj..I~'..() <br /> <br />~;::c <br /> <br />(. <br />.". -¡ -. I.~ <br /> <br />"'........ <br />...."...:. _1 <br /> <br />1 1, ~~:~':1 <br /> <br />~::),~I.'~.C' :,'~fi ~;''',* ì..,~ ~:"1 <br /> <br />(." :'1 <br /> <br />'. f' }~";,' <br /> <br />_~'-;/..-;.r;-'~ " <br />.....!,.!., ~-..:.., <br /> <br />INSP <br /> <br />.ç¡ T')1 ~ ;?c::~ <br />SE;;!.rr~r~ Ii"i. <br /> <br />IJ1~r)03If\~1 ;"\'.: <br />l!IGk!Cj\ ':," <br /> <br />il!.~f\ I{~'; >~~\i :';~ <br /> <br />c,,::,';: ' <br /> <br />~;;J'.~ <br /> <br />IXH -~~>.', í ,;:': ~, <br /> <br />'71:CL.i:' {~::;;.,: <br />HJ\I.l.. <br /> <br />}IT\~': £.) rs~.r¡ <br /> <br />MhINT 0 CAR;\:' ;, <br />CON'i'£{ACrj" <br />NilARDED <br /> <br />SQUAD fí6iJj~ <br />!\CCIDFV;' <br /> <br />F'¡'" <br /> <br />lYIDS <br /> <br />'·1\': <br />iJ;:'j\ <br /> <br />l)OLIGE, (;,\ <br />