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'Lv ù:;) t.l:!r~-1l!j,it¿~~~ <br />tho difference l,"etwe\lJi ,.;1'3t.u1 fill and Q ffens5.vø ~'(~f'u~~:" ¡.::~ é¡a$j~ld <br />a/.t.iJ(~les such aR blo~lr.5 or dirt. would cn:c;idered ~lf::AD and ~ai:p''):t:Lr.ü~~ <br />creatll1g fire ha¡J,~rdß ocr health h.stZ';T'C'ds ~\J:t;;: {'J'i'erHÜvo rIS1Í'uso. <br />K:i:t,ta Mc'Ved" Brannan Se(,:c:ru:h;d the ¡"V;it.tÆil' be tabled untÜ Ha;)~ 21~Jt, bY' <br />T:1h:1ch tim t.h~ .Mayo:.-' mll check :ì.ntú '¡",h$\ ,/~J.lage ordilî3n':}Sf.'¡· <br />Ht)11 Cf:!11 Ayes (l¡J-".N~)"13f:1 (0) <br /> <br />~"' <br />, <br /> <br />BI~nnan Movedr~ Ceœ SecondHd '\.~:r.8!' Le:::f <br />prices ...."r"no dumping~t signa :t'J.'O~ thl.~#'~{" <br />rinding., at tM next meatirig" Pit~1J Call <br /> <br />,..J(Jhn80i'2 be lnst'¡'uetod <br />01' foul' 1; and <br />1'~'"'''' [I. )'.' " 'lJ;p·<rt.::v: f 0' ¡ <br />" ~; ~-'" .,.:¡ ,I[, ---,.,. -<.:(.....1 . '", \ " <br /> <br />to 8e~Ul'\';~ <br />aubmit hiË <br /> <br />tHO <br />:SIemS <br /> <br /> <br />A letter from :t-tm'Vin W, Johnson of 1610 ;';'1;-11:-1e8 St;:teøt 6tsk(~d p3rm.i.í:fi8:\~)n tOi' Dr, <br />.to build on a lot 70J by 330' on ;:1'¡; G'ì.'():'i.x Strø8t,., :~ri::;;.' <br />McGee Moved" Carl Bon Seoonded t.h~ 1;:"'3.ttA:t' bt':¡ rei'(1ITed tv the buildil1g lnaµect,()x' <br />fOl' t'eport. ~.t the ne:tt meating. ::1,01.3. {j,Ül Ayos (h)!1:j,~I'E:;:t )0) <br /> <br />It :"ed,'":t.{)I" ,fr~)~ AttO¡'1".i1ßY' i\."J\'~()i¿\;~::.~ j),~"qlD ~fU; ¡~en...j ~~XJ i:~Y:\c::'J,:'~)3Ø(! '¡.; <br />~)py of a Quit, 11fj!'.!d to 1',b; ~7:;11agz! Vw¡o t:Lnli, ,,(;1 ,> ~, '. ~f"" '}.i'" NWJ.l . <br />St:'''2f.1t, 0'\/'\11,' No:r1:;h 30 í>~:¡;1t Oì N/\i.:¡: of: th;; :, 'r;~~:'~',1~¡:;' ~;\~~;'or ',';. ; <br />S~3'(~.tiQ:r:l IJ,¡ 'l'ownZJh:tp 29) Ht:Ul~ ·;)n:U ..7;'2;.;:1.1' o:f 1n.n':.l ~,d..,1!);.'ûB on th,::s <br />8, :.rtreet as Hagner S';;r~IðJ'~" r~ ~J:i'5 aJ..~v., :èequøsT..c,d t,hat &ut:nT.:'riï:;,'{ <br />b-a given t.o O'per~ and graoo a 5~~ rol;'..";:' 1~ t.1·oc·[, on .a pðx,t:J.o!1 of W2'.gn;~ r St:ce..,yr" <br />;,md Arch St.reet, pend:U1g a~)t:tQn by trY$ çüu.n.t..~, Xh3.J:'d 'VJ gr,::mt .;:.;. f:l:¡¡~ foo<: <br />e8st'Jj.ì(mt, to{s 'Ì'Laßuí4r St.T\!~!~t60 Z,',ç·(· ]Xl ..··-:"dth tt:~ ,full length, <br />Y.(~a-òe Movedt Br0rma;Q S&(~oi'1d(jtd B èJDi::;<ë,01' ¡~flp.:l.n~e:;^:í.n'F" Ed B ath:i3r", thø Bu.:ilJ.i.:'\~ <br />lnepect.(j:¡' and' At to 1"'001 00 au i",hod."1WJ to '",-ö:d\: '::¡Yl tll:b probl!êm ';1:tJ'1 the <br />applicant6 to wo:d' out 1'110 'b~nt 1](.ùut.:1.on a¡~d pte.lHf.'H"t it to t.h(¡J (kmoo.iJ. on <br />~1ay 28th" Roll Gall AYG8 (4) Ji;J.y¡¡~tj \0 J, <br /> <br />~; c; p~:..~t~~l.\ '1IJ1.fJaol5 h~\lhm:l1:i.t 'nhd. n btt:A.."(,::'~~'~~:~~~.J~~; )T~;j~~,^~:(;~~;t~"¡~~J.~:~n~B~f <.~Q'Ìjß l'Î.;>7,;,~,;:.~;.ì:':::'·' <br /> <br />u.... to:;u4U "'~_V9 ~a.!}.'" Q ..... J:....u.:..~ "'~co....J"ht¡ Å.\ ,->~ .,J"'~.,J'-l_::f¡;,_~ 4'"\ w.., ../. .....'\..(..J-t~ v...~ -~- <br /> <br />px'Ovido for o':.:'lïr..t do . ,g billlgl:\~~ O~~~ <br />Ih"emlan MovEl<i~ Carlro n Secnd¡Y} ~~n''1 pC:1~',;it.:'ò.c,v; b!~ .rGf0:M:~;,.d tr<: thf.ì FJ.s.nn:iJ:1g <br />Co:æi,8F';ion for a henring on. ,J'L\l:.i"J ,;,~d f1i,d tl':ti,Jt :L GOUD.,;i1 h';;¡BJ:,':.tng be BC'.heduled <br />foX" ~ìun$ llth~, Roll Gall AYt:.:J O,~¡~~i<1\ru¡'I (0)" <br /> <br />j Brennan Hov0d" 14dlee Seconded th'3 Clerk be instr\2r:tÆ)fj to inst.l'v.ct t.Ì1S SØOI'f:\tro:;{ .. <br />"II. of 't.~ Planning CosissiQn to mu5,:t ~:wtice;5 ~,f :'O~~Cln1ng hea.ri1:lgs te~5 in <br />. advanCQ) of the Planning COmrJìissj.lÜn híaÐrlng to prop!!ri'N ownerl'l iii thin 2r.O feet <br />of the property 1.'11\ quøa"(,ion.. ·fJ'.o11 Call A~s O~):-'Nayes (0)" <br /> <br />,. ::. -~'\ <br /> <br />L'f}.:": <br /> <br />fl lr,'ï:.tßI' trom þ:ttornÐY Robtìrt G(~8:!:'in was read l' to 30WerJ oaaemant PaJ:<cr~l Sy,;);;::. <br />.", #lofL, McGee Koved1) Brennan Seeoooe-d the mat.i:,ar œ referred to tho Vi.lL.~ge ri;ST'l" <br />l\.ttorntlY' tor a l"ttport at the next D'.lMtingr, Roll Cgll Ayes (b,C"'~.8 (0) 0 <br /> <br />A If;¡:,ter from tJ:w V:tnt~gÐ of ::1¡.<pl':r!'Y',"..:3û¡:mnrm:nc-ad t.ha t. t,hs Ms.y raaeting of. the HO '.' ~;GF <br />M8yoX's", Councila <'Jnd &.":"':4 of Sup::r{"r~.$o:ta (If tha North Suburban Area Cœuumn~?AREAß·(./ <br />itioa \11'11 be h~ld :tn t)'¡~:d.r.' 11l1r:<e,'f¡ ?L811 tl~r 'L)'th B:t. 8 P ~Mç l~FÆ'r:p¡n <br /> <br />.~ " <br />';", <br /> <br />l' \',' <br /> <br />C'hðrlý~8' ,~p,;)r·t,ed bjr J.ettn.!"¡, the IJewIe¡" £schedule f.or Huron South of SEW;i'.!1. <br />P.(it;¡;:¡lt.1'1!:\, H~G€/:., X'loved;: G&~:,lm;,¡; ß¿;condað. that. ~km.t; be designated to pass <br />tht':! infoJ:'m.a:tic!l (lr.! ~~G th>:; intê::X·'.:í:;~·,'3d l~'m··t:tCì5c, H.o:D. Crin A~·eê)(h)...N9:£¥.>3t~ (oL <br /> <br />; ~ , <br /> <br /><..., ~-¡r <br /> <br />::¡..;';lnyrf¡:, 1:"h3 ;,:'QllOldng recowc'G'Adad :3S;X;'::~ <br />:1.:'\~; ;¡~ .:' ,.:>J.,:,:.3. t.o draw trJt.1 n$1"~~lIffiS;¡r'}" <br /> <br />G(r~:tt~if:!. 11o~éd.", 31~(;Jml£¡}~ Soc:);"d':f:;L <br />1)~~'.J'-~~8.?.:1].c¡~~ :J~.ì1:."\{· r;:~r -ri""Ar~, '>~'l:-:t-:.., <br /> <br />, . <br /><r·:','}7:: <br /> <br />n~:;,;xü.c11. <br /> <br />~. <br /> <br />. tt};" ;~.~;;.: <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />,,, <br /> <br />~ ~ ., '.;,' ( ~" <br />