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A YIJ S (h ).N.\i,YÐd (0:; <br /> <br />:rhe <aerk was inßtructed tü c:1(iwk iriif.< LB.}! 01' Uw amoun';.; th0Y 1>11.1.1 <br />raÎund for the time clock J.n 'wn V~l1..1;lgQ¡ ()ffic.~'~ \;h:L,h :bs not. b!;;:ing <br />Ils~d'1 Roll C~Ùl A~ra'i3 (4)·Jiay-e¡:j (0)" <br /> <br />Howard 0100112, Liquor St.oN Bo()kbBep~Yi" rc~ql),JGt(jd thn Cmmc5J (:,C KU1,bc'l·i;<',ß <br />the services of E=i)ir"-M~~Jlowsk:i üi' 1raY]l)1~ al~td, I~.cC~:2s1t"il:t -to a.qsit,r:<.~ h1:m .fOI' 1 <br />approxim8:tely in søt;~-,:i.nG. upé.o:r~ t:OÜ};:ß l'";:,r),,O\'Ò'Júd Er'CMk"n:t Ii f¡ <br />rel\~or¡ds to eÅ!J€d:ltk~ :~~tt"lng '\'.J '().\:'~ G~:J"!.JLc~tJ, (~'n,~,~ <br />,,1' the M~ont.h,., <br />¡U·tts Mov'3d; Ih" '3 rn I ',Gl <br />01' such ~er'l'ice:] HoD. <br /> <br /> <br />JXl::J '::.);""~ <br /> <br />~1 i't ...~). <br /> <br />.: };}.t <br /> <br />.~: '~;':,' <br /> <br />'J". ~ <br /> <br />(:i';~ ') <br /> <br />I"'" (,J) <br /> <br /> <br />. ~ . - <br /> <br />/. <br /> <br />~~: <br /> <br />'!''I~{2.: <br /> <br /> <br />~,b" 1!!~lð.e poliüy af.l :!.ll ..¡(' <br />....1 '~ ,',o;"'\- r' ~ , " :~1 ,;. \'1'\' '." ./ ''', .~ <br />~-1..-.f\,¿~ J:J.J()'~) ~~.L,/·'"I1td...}~'...~'J,'......¡ <br /> <br />Iatts ~1oved9 Bre11nan Seen ndQd the f,;';:u:!.ciI ':;0 m:,J.rnh: <br />tlh' pa.8t r.'<11at.i 'IJ)~ toO (ìb1.;ain:L(ú~ ,íe~;i:;',:'~::::J,:!!ù>!ån t,,: <br /> <br />I:tm 1¡J;D.501'1 ,.rélS p:ee;lGnt :·ügéi:',i;;.,:? 'ch,¡ <br />of ~'iid:Umd V:\el{ Aö.d:i.M.on, iiQ C',('t.:1.~¡Ú <br /> <br />, ' " <br />que :n~:j,Œ1 U,i. <br />'~,7 liS ..t .:?1·:~~lt~ <br /> <br />~)øf'~J·.'L'~:~ t(~ hi;:: :\.ìJ.:ì":~f <br /> <br />r:¡ e "'1' ;:; X'~ <br /> <br />Å p~po1Sed l"asoluti~)l'l :et:ld.ttv~~ YO t~~,~;~ 1€1~~'~~r J':(r'o"'~;if-)i,JX~S J:or iSSU:l1"H:';fJ <br />certif',es was dinL"I1.8I',e¡j and ':,ablwl ';:tn !iil the ,,');,;:+, meetJ..11¡J.;'J <br /> <br />~ "P <br />,.),. <br /> <br />C8:rlson Moved", He!}:1;';, Sceond¡:ìd::.he CJ.'E:rk ,L\DÓ ;''¡¡£!7GZ' h:; anthori:::Jt':d <br />t.he fol1o'..ring' ease.m81Yt!2i" 001'1 CaD. .1\)"."5 {h) ",¡id'{('!:"1 ;0"" <br /> <br />ga~1~)1110I1t No" 418 <br />hI? <br />::.;.'{:O <br />[1.21 <br />h2~ <br />;~~~3 <br />J.¡.2h <br />303 <br />.30h <br />30:) <br /> <br />to sign <br /> <br />':i"{' ()O <br /> <br />,JH1~1 ;~( f~1,:3i3 }<olil1 <br />h1fred í:{nd :3h:h'lcy <br />t1 ilIitlli1 :701ir. <br /> <br />PJdgol'sld <br /> <br />" C¡(; <br />,~,; f".·,C(.' <br />12 50 <br /> <br />:0'7.'('~d è HalYl1 Hice <br />O,t)!} Be :Ha:rie J ansan <br />Ig1"iatiuf; & Julia Waller <br />I~;tJH1l1 Burlingame <br />JvJ:t3 Clear-j <br />:;"é:mr3. & E<btard Boss <br />Ellia 8.£ f!ermina Bartsch <br /> <br />a~: OCf <br /> <br />~()LJ. '. (XJ <br /> <br />200".00 <br />48h ,00 <br />J05~ ,,(,10 <br /> <br />35,o~OG <br /> <br />M~e0 MCì'tI'fHi", BroMan Seconded tho C1el'K heins·tru(~ted to write Taylor & <br />M~,~Ca.'31d>11 [01" {! Il1.0rG detailed !'ePUJ;"t on 'c.hs st.atement for SiJrviC0S <br />\-ir!.eh t.tmy }:;,:¡ve ~mba'ìdt~{ld, Roll (:;a:L\ A¡ms (h)·~NayGS (0)" <br /> <br />A pGt:tt~_o<f.i ìHO ;9 ::1Ub1Ùtt",d by Robø?'~, ßwt,~.t';ri' ,,)f 4.,4 Ct"EJscemt La.n.~ demanding <br />tj.l~, G"-\:.'.:t:i1 t.o t.8kt~ '!,~'\:7'l" act.:h),(l. is TI,oc:esoa:F.r to allevia.te the poor <br />eondlt:tm:. c.I¡::d, 02:), CrfH,cent I.ane <Jnd l1.'ene Street,o '!'he Village has <br />i:lskad th~) hŒKti.n'g :~(;:mpe1:i,.? tcl;OTtim<3,\,;.ce C07.1st7.'Uct.ior1 on the I3"Q'9øta 8.t3 '(,h@ <br /> <br />~{;YlO )~fjpC t·, '~¡;(~¥;,',~;. ·~;~~1.Y11;..~.>1..1}-;;1~,~ <br /> <br />~:i~~ 'c;~;:~~~'i :: ~fi~::~:1,:':'h~I'~\;¡J~¡;·i:~:;.;1~~~d ~:,' <br /> <br />::'Ðt~~m." disr':'Ußsod tœ p:t'cblG!ì: \;1t.11 <br />on~ week ir! (Jrdl2lT t.'J 1,\),za-v, tl~ <br /> <br />('\ I~.f~' ~:,;T., <br /> <br />('-, "~,'\ ~:,}}, ~:: ;:~, t <br /> <br />,,~1'!::1"";}: þ.. <br /> <br /> <br />.".", . <br /> <br />¡. ~",:~1; ':."' 'j" <br /> <br /> <br />F':~.c)" ¡ , <br /> <br />IIE;S(}~).J '-:~:;' \ ~¡; <br /> <br />E ,.\ E~ ',:'j~ <br />nUT,~',r':·.. <br /> <br />'l'}\ ~:[;.IC'{'·~ ,~>, <br /> <br />I..1G Gß ~~,;ti\:f.T.:Y 'í <br /> <br />PE'1'I ';'. ' \' <br />CHESi:F'; <br />& 1m?', <br />FÙOH <br /> <br />.. <br />