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'tOt) ''::1. l": , <br />be i)-\"r.~-::d fçQ,'1< ()t:e '~IJ8~1: 1l.J ~~\~·t 111) tt,.c [1':--:'; :"3.Ql1.c.J' ::r::¡O','-¡\;"'1 '>~( (1!'7.5 f:t-o¡t! re{;ord~J ~1(~ld /\'7~')ISI1 <br />by ;¡.'~~rlor 8~ld ;!:it~Cnsl~¡'1J ':~'rhiì.:':;l 1'.h3:tp 8~\.IA:~é·_itø gottillr~ tJ-:.e C]'(~l~t,er'~v Ttrno:r'i-.. .ßKJ.{prt,~ <br />OUt-:::èl.!'15.'21" ,>,.-'6 ~~e:;t,:i.n€" DurJ'Ent rsc0ì":Ü:; up .::.c ti2¡~;¡) :1oj.l G:Ül Ayas(4).,Na}'es(O;. <br /> <br />1\ l(j Lt'";',:,--r. N'as :f~Hßd f:::":ìlil P,,~1)-. 1~t.iù..I13 of :'~0:;..·'th C~JînO }:'r'8sb:rt,erj.:;.¡.l1, ChUI1c11 };Li\J~Gli.GU, <br />:,-;qUJG( thÐ \iÜla¡:;e. to ,:¡}.·Ü\..rk ,.a p2.:r,::¡Ù c.f tJ:.~Ü~' ·;).l'crxn"t,y j'or playground ::'20?(;;:;í,;" <br />a~T8a" Bronn.C'1'l :~tTtr:¡d Üv,¡;, :;78 ·;,-cuJ.(l :;è[''l'~' ¿o;. B'L.p.;;)¡"\>~;.EL'.O' ~ p:rQ hlc~¡¡" <br />Kitt.s f10vedþ Brcrmm1 Secünd",d tho mat.'Le:r be I'oferr\)d '::'0 the Attorney for <br />~o)"""i("C''i'~;\·:·.i'''F' ,·,,'Ö "">'~o· :PH;~1!d;:!-;();}. l)~Jl f]a1L~H'&~<:' (1,'/'. N;-'''ï'l'' (0) <br />..... .....\3_. ............, ¡;,:o.... .~ ",... ,......1 J.." ." ..... ".'.' , ""~..... "'.: irtJ ... - J'Vu I.. ._,~:., -... \J- \ . <br /> <br />John S ~r:L€demarlJ.1 su.¿¡;ga<;t.ed t.h:'1t .3. Ü()'}-Y of the dog orðin<'ln(;.~ be printed a11.d DllGS <br />~)oilc(l 4~O E;J.(~h. l~¿:G~ p¿\r'e:':!~,,,. -J'bü V:\ll.-;jgð r;,uf; l1CJ prov:~siOl'1S tf) de; t"his... Brenn¡~. <br />Hill p!~Hpa:J>::) ;; :L::) ;'t,e.r.' .fl);:' '('.:,10 next. to be publiF.'.h€,L <br /> <br />r-Jhe L:Un'Ðrian of t,hB Üamsey COl.lnt;'1 Libra).~~ infoX'!Jled the OO'Uncil that it naa LIBR,ö.HY <br />: .!ÆlcesfJar;v to instal:L a ..~I1Ì1\mey top and cap to keep the bird5 out of t.~e <br />'.,........Dhimne~r 1:1.t tt(,¿> tibTRì'Y which came ';:,0 $5:0.,50, and therefore wished to deduct. <br />thealMmnt. from. the:}r ¡''ant" <br />Cn:rhìt,}1'\ Movsðt; NcG·ee SecGl"..düd that 't}.'¿£:,'Y 85nd t.he u3ual ~¡,lüO"OO fo",¡," rand and <br />fcr~mrd a bill for Lhe 1'Á) j'.'l<: t,:tm'(, had to b€ done,) nol'l Call Ay'!!ss (4)·Jlayas{O)" <br /> <br />å fr¡;>¡ll the H:L"mo:Jota Wl1t'9!' PoJJ.ut.:l.on Cor; '_:['01 ComrrÔ.ssicn ,,¡as read <br />;~pp.'O"1:b:~; plan',~ 8,od ¿X'imt:lng peri,Lli; for cOI1ßtructjoI1 of sewerage fac1J.ities <br />t'~ì s;!,r¡·;f{~ the tTï'}J,'~:;rJ.i:i..í~ Dotð11"O,~j~t',n. r~,O!i:B <br /> <br />SEWER <br />DETENTIOl' <br /> <br />H\J!tU~ <br />