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<br />,.~~;;' ,"':;~~:¿i.'~' <br /> <br /> <br />,...,., <br /> <br />John Daubl1ey appeB::"Bd in beìlal.f C}' ::f¡l' ", C<"3ci-tc'1dG stÜ¡,;; ;~'? Lc-'1 ,P "': '¡~ <br />a ttiO story ~rtï'Uctur~~ '":,.".: Dc1J.IWJJ "md C~)l1nt;r Road l.-L :~,j' ':md c,>;p]~¡j,,1J'ì.g 'è,he <br />surroundings in tho a:r."8B, <I'h<~ B:ri1.ding lnspBc'c'o!:' Ì.'epe'{~·t,0d i)::;:;1:, "U;ø hu.H.d:L\'ìg <br />is in good condition,- The att¡),rn!J,l read Yl'Ü]'!i, Ord:l:;1Hn~c #:~91) ::¡,nd~"tÌ.1I'::;d that <br />Mr", Caaci has eomp.Liecl by ¡';;{~c1J.'d,)Jg cons,~nt, ~l L\.cì.jA.t;ent, p:C~)}.W:7::"'t;y omf'::N.), <br />11r.. !illdsrson~ who :1..s r,cd.ldirlg an CC;'tH'lt.y H.üi3d 'ß,.;! ¿;¡.11<3 HT,J},:û,r:" Ci'bji:,;ct:?d hi <br />ha.ving the house ncvüd ').nto the a:C'3ao- <br />CarlSQll Moved') McGee Seconàed. <br />Dsllwood and COì.1..Y.l.t..y Ro~¡d B,,,:~, <br /> <br />p"31'ì'\i:}eion 1): :-r,;-;:.:/):l t,() <br />,'1,;)11 (,.'1::"::' !..JI.,., !....\,I <br /> <br />r~C"~/<i thß <br /> <br />t.!"j <br /> <br />1':(1).:;6 <br /> <br /> <br />(G; " <br /> <br />c<-.'t'" <br /> <br />MI"~ Street from th~ \loods1.åe .~dè·'·:~icx: 5,n,f\n:ji~,¡ð tt.:; C(ì,,',1'~:Jo:;. {~1(-1't 2;'"í,W;f:,- <br />is into hL:; bW3ùment ,;,tAü',!p.:;i L/ !:'i 5í:7 1.01*:111. 1Y~ th.G f.\'DX!t. :d' fe.i.:,; jJl?(~e <br />and asked wha:1:. could be dGn\.'1 'j<'" .¡:U;,5",;j[d:,z;¡ the p:r~J:;},~~m, <br />Ed Bather stated that t:5J, scon ;:.w ViS H8'1'i;,Zì0'C' b,~:'e:)£2~'8 (t¡\}' 'C?'\:(".\C:Ì1. ';',hr, r,~t1,lt,·::,;, <br />will be tended to, and¡-h;;'t, -!;,swr(,; S.S a. ,,~S:3:'}';jJj_\i' '!:'itrt. ':.h;,)~:,'y ¡·::1L'~!'},} <br />have to be rcriloV'ed(". lIE) ¿(!J:;r.J 'L"'-3r~..!~"~·'o~,; ;"~.,};>~~'. ",;':G ; j~;:t;:J, ;J\:~E>:1 e,~J<~,a.b:tt~:,,-. '·1 <br />.for the sawel" cont.ractor,- .i5\C·ÜH{ <::':,1'iJ:,t; i,,;',' ",','"s\,f';"c::l <br />dl"Y ~.¡ell élslœd 1_f t~e \ryJ..J.E(~~:~, ž.~ci,~~_~·;!:~,~~~~,'L :,(n ::",,_~":\::_,t C..l~ :¡'}':'/ ;;·~;lj,~:;.':'· :~.j['~:,. <br />ch:7.1dren f:rc1:'Jl U:æ;. 00' ,"; ,..!""~;:. è"';::'·.~I::'·' ". l ';:·)f. :~,j. ~, <br />~'1va been l(s:apiug t~Ì'J.iWl !,Jj.J~G{l ,j.:)·:·r:~ "~~>J ):~;)d(' J -~:'P,''':, ,t ~~':"L:' J,:-.¡';>::,'"..:.,." .,'" <br />to check tc see t,h;it, dx:/ W8:U,'J :,1"'3 '.)Ire,;", <br /> <br />", <br /> <br />'..,'}' <br />. .) <br /> <br />Richard Hoone:t, new OrltH3r of :-i <br />council ;,)'0\)11 talt6 I:PldBr ad"! j <br /> <br />SA.~}'v'ri,C~3 ;;,."t¿tt~~.I,,)~·l <br /> <br />{ -, <br />..,...í-' <br /> <br />U)G <br /> <br />('j, ~~ }:-,'.~ Ó :L~~~ <br /> <br />::.h,~ <br /> <br /> <br />t:!.t;¡' :rl~! ; r <br /> <br />" <br />..JJ.. <br /> <br />t.:l ;2, ~T~ ';'. t, (·:;.C <br /> <br />'::;,,;. <br /> <br />1'he builmJlg i.n:~pe',~t,oi:· !"£Ip(J:rt8d::lF.·~ lJ,3 hd.;;:; c11,>:.:1¡·,,;:d 1nt.v:>" r'(~'l(\T; õ:'¿ <br />}1r" DsnBe~:;nl of 764 G.:~G11dv:i.6'!·: t·:) .;1.dlð <l gé'!':"1.¡:/~ ('.loser ti¡':m fi'fE: f'}ot <br />to his proper't;y line and 11', :\.5 11.1.13 0)1.:;.5.0;1 t.,ha '" it .mtï.ld OG '..\máw~ :'0:,' <br />t.hs councj_l 'Î:,(ipel"',rrit. f3uch d;,;',ri¿'\:\.::),rJ'i~; '¿;,0:cO ii'S: :;¡l1Ongh ¡")(:..1 'i~(J b1.l:rL.(C\ <br />e,ccording to 1)0 cia , <br />Carlson Moved 'l McGee Secondw:' t.c ,},,;;o¡ )·,".fC¡ specit.I d11:·'1:1~.¡tJ{):·1,; <br />Roll Call Ayes (4'·, Uayos (0: <br /> <br />A letter from the ·::rliei' (11 :è>J.J :,~::f;;CI:i.:!:l't8ä en tJH!5 <;U,edí~nd vÐ.thiÙ ,.:o:œ.JL¡\~ G <br />of a M:tnnoapolis pol5,ee ::,i1'::'Ç()~'. ¡d.:. ')"l tJ"f lag::,; .ro~· J:r,:'¡t:'.'Uf'r,ion :;_~<J"Pin':;:: <br />After invøstigat,ic'J of t,hl; 11;0;:,·teT :].¡~,d'o¡)f' facts .,:J.'·'ZJ:",,)n·t--o:;r.~ \,,':; i'oUi\.datif:'[i '..iElt', <br />found for the cOínpl,rin;:' ¡¡lé'.ch~ I.m tho: 0:(' .tic!'!':i:', <br /> <br />,oJ <br /> <br />'j.{(J{, ')} <br /> <br />dO~",~ <br /> <br />"y,a '¡i?f1 <br /> <br />_ '., <br /> <br />',i :¡ <br /> <br />John St.,l'BUaS appeared in. beb;:ì.f' oX' ~¡;i.:ld '::;\lbm:l·(..:~~t: ;..;, res"l.tH,J..vI:' p.'C:ìl);lr8(' <br />b:r h;.mself rel9.ti'9€' to a:::q1.:! D, tr'"c L of 12nd fQrc.h¡s 1)t"oposed C:LVif,; eantG~', <br />Y.itts Moved thta ms'Ì' of i;3&"~,in.C handa and pu:rcl1;;~s:ing the proposad td.t~: b,-:;- 'i,,' <br />submitted to m'3 lJOtØ1"3 :1.:7.1 'thõ: f,):;t..¡r,."ii..t'J elðci:.ion In t.he £n11 a".1(i:~j1.:::' at:\:orn"qi" <br />be i1'1J.rlil'ucted to r:cep[U'" t.he r:.8(;eS~.,3!';' r'esolntJ:.m to be )'/,:¡,t, cnt,hB ;)t~·.t]~t" <br />l'he IIl0tion. ,¡faa lost lor 1.ack ;".t' a SGI.,:')nd" <br /> <br />The Mayor ßtated tha.".;, he ,~'ou'l,d c}'(J~;h: inte Loti ,:11)0-'1 t.r.8'~pp1'id,i;;;¡J. 01' ·tJL". Sj-¡',f; <br />can bE) made rold rcpo:-:>t at t.h~' !"\.0;t;t IN:;et5.ugc <br />l'l<:..-r.r'56 ¥.IoV'Hdf, B:!'onmr:: 8ecor;,dc'¿ t.b:~stt'Jt'ne'T be :1;1 t.'1{.nÜ~.,:Id b.,¡ 8 X:DrL..t'J.{ UJ'i ;':''Ö1f;C¡ <br />11ltion as ffi~l:g¡ú,ttod. by It:', S't:r£J.l:ÒT to asc~r'r.a1n as to ÌOX"ill a!í(:ì :t'ga:U..t::l ~,<lf:i <br />report at tho ~TUJ.1..e l1i;,¡'1 ;ooe:'i';,bg,,;(,r;JJ. ::~811f._Y8f1 (4)·~Na::r(i:3 (0). <br /> <br />E5..ttß tioved~ R~"2l'¿;J) Se.I~onõ.~(. .t.J:',; eOliDc:tl exprøs¡J tLtJ:1.1" ~',~"'!-n'€,c:Latio:l HUi <br />·~}\a.nk" to ;:;1" r oaC~'¡{fJ no(' ~'....,tJtì" ;i""'~T"'~ fer!:' t.r..1' ~"'1.1"k Ppt f·':vH' :ìn 'Û¡Ø;'" .0;"(2).':':" <br />~,...,~ ......,'. J.' ....1 ,....~ t:',......,. :'~ ./.~' ~ "...,. --¡ ':' ~,'\~',' \-.,~,,; ..." ,", ~ .. 'J, :. "I ..... ~ .. '~..~.. <br />I'Í\now .7.0'.1.1' GOVßX'}:J,l·,,:;.í,i·(, ; "''::V-1 ,,;¡)Il.~;LL li:Jf.'('5 O.$.),J!;;¡yt'::s '.L:}. <br /> <br />'\ lêttt::r B:::\d :"E),.,üoV,;,tio!' <br /> <br />è~'),:.'" ij5..::~r CJ;:;, ....'k: of Sa:\.nt'. Faul. 'f;;:L th r-:Jf~;1·.r;2H:+'~ -¡;o <br />J O~7f '>, .'<' ~ :,.]'¡ ~J'0{:!(;1'¡ (~on";1octi(tJ:18 .;;:,:3 d()~r,7':~1)e(':~ il~ 'Lb<~ <br /> <br />'1"'\~ ....f.......r~, <br />...' ...... ,..~'.# "" <br /> <br />¿roc: Cl <br /> <br /> <br />J..~~.'.. ':S:,:,~,,\~:<~, <br /> <br />;' . ," ,'- ~ <br /> <br />,,'-.- <br />, .,:' , ~\ { <br />