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<br /> <br />B:C'ennan M-»v'ed" Hamm~r¡jtttn Seconded tJ:18 matt.,er he!:'e:r€rl~d 'to i\." M" li<¡,~lund" jIftLL·,:T/D:~· <br />PlUJll1i:, In8p0etß.));':íi f.or recommendat1.on at. the ne:r.:·~, )l1EHi9~,in.g ,. <br />Roll Call Ayes (4) "Nqes (o),~ <br /> <br />CbaSo OlsOJ'1 and Sonst IrAJ" Bubvdtœd a q,uotatlon in the amou:l'rt of $37,,,00 Co r. TR.e <br />tor body york on the civil defanse truck and trailer convenlicn,,?c TRULE! <br />Hamm.ersten Mo1Jed~ Brennan Secc'l')ded ~ contl'al3t for the wOl"k be awarded, 't.tÐ CONVERSIO':1 <br />L-Z Mfg. in the amount e£ $25("",00" RoJJ. Call Ayes (4)"N~s (0) 0 <br /> <br />The matter of appointaent of. it United Nat.::;o:ns Week Chairman trom the U. N 8 \'¡E:~:!. <br />Village was tabled for one week GHAIRMAN <br /> <br />The matter ef selætiDg a nomination 1'or memberstdp on a County CO" OOV., <br />Governmental Study COJIIIlission was· tabled tor one week" STUDY' CO:~'l <br /> <br />Brennan Moved:. Carlson Seconded the Clerk be instru~ted to \-rrite the I>!OSQUrfO <br />County Com1øsieners that we haw gone on record as favoring mosqui'ts CONTROL <br />control 0 Roll Call Ayes (4)_Na,yea ~O),. <br /> <br />Haaaersten »bred!} Carlson Seconded tile Mayor and Clerk be Authorized BUHrm T:' <br />to sign m application ot the telepD.oœ comparJ;Y' granting permission GABLE; Af> ..', <br />for the coDS'b'uction. placement" and maintenance ot a burled telephone <br />cable on Lydia ll'OlB Snelling 'w HaMline rJ <br /> <br />Hammersten!J Ca:rlsoD Seconded permission be granted to Great Lakes BLDJ.· .;';\; <br />Pipe Company to oonstruct a. pump houn building on t.heir property GH.Æ4"1'EIJ <br />as recoœmandod b y the Building Iœp!e"tor ü Roll Call Ayes (4 )-Nayee (0) 0 <br /> <br />The Bu11d1rJg j:nspector 811bmitt':X'1 plans and spec1ficatiol1s for remodeling VII.." fur "r.. <br />the rlllage hall" REMODEL:Ji·' <br />Brerman Ho"l8d,J Carlson Seconded bids be advel"'tiøed for remodeling on a <br />total job basis or a. separa'W bid 'bnaia met that they be opened August <br />27 v 19S7 at 8:00 P ..M", Roll Call Ayes (b)c...,Nqas (0)" <br /> <br />Banieter EDgine&-ing reported an imrestigation was conducted to dete:rm1ne llAl."íA~1g '1',) <br />possible daJuge of MWer Itfcatiena and it appears that. has been SEJm-, 1JIiIi <br />done to the sewers and poasibly Ranholas on Arwa betweesa 8ld1:llu1n and <br />R,yan, an' betafeen Ryan and RosalaWf.L Lamet.t..i and Sons have agNed to <br />assign a crew for the corrections rapa1rso <br /> <br />Ban18ter Eng1neering 1'e00III!18nded tl1a:t no steps be taken t.o provide sewer SEWER <br />service at present for the StGlapar pl'Oper' near TuH" '36 and Westem as STf!.'M.PE..'"R. FE", <br />Støçers haft DO immediate pI/IDs for 1:.h.& devølo¡:aent of the properv () <br /> <br />..t-,"""'......_ <br /> <br />~~) Brennan MoYed&i Carlson Seconded! a letter and plat trom Squires and Borden <br />Cout.ruøt1oD flrantiug necesllm."Y ea,øøenta w pa1'llit oover 1nst.allat1o:1s <br />al.n¡ the re~~ of their properV t!8 roterftid to Banister Engineering" <br />RoU Call Ayes (b)-Hayes (0) c> . <br /> <br />SQUIRES h <br />BORIEN SF}';;' <br />EASEt1Elf.n; <br /> <br />A aopy .t a bill passed a.t thCt laat session ot ,the Sta.te Legislat.ure <br />was read relative to the repa.i.r arId ~.onstruct iøa of ditcbeø and hOY it <br />is covered by State Law'J <br /> <br />DITCH w::r·Þ., ¡ <br /> <br />BrennM Moved" Carlson Seecnð(~i~ the Clm-1c be i.nstructed to write JS1'It0S <br />Curran advising 1rlJn 'that Ed 3,;,1.v(!! 1:-da :is our Village Electr1ct.1 Inspec'tor <br />and that Currl¡n i5 not 8:llt.hor:J;:'Eid to inapect in om" village and!l1\U1t <br />refr.a1n f~ "Evno " <br /> <br />ELF XL.. INSP·, <br />