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<br /> <br />_",,.1 <br /> <br />\.! (j.¿.. <br /> <br /> <br />PÆgulro,' meGting of the C()lrJc:tl Tuesday r ,::¡::JlrJ,l;!i11b"'l:" <br /> <br />'1957 <br /> <br />8:co P <br /> <br />The council on the abo \';.9 (12 te ,~:i, th t h(.~ fe· J.lcr,,¡j,l1(; ;¡¡¡en¡j')t..::rs pre serrt,;, <br />Brennan!) C,'!lrlsol1l, Hamm.ers'.:en,",s :'~.nd !>1{'.l'-f,,¡., .4.ti:/,'l'i!'BJ" LoftJsgaarden <br />.~_.~d Engineer were also }y('¡,;serd,;" <br /> <br />''''&<;;J.~u.1Bon Moved.~ Ha.nm\ars'l~n Secondad the IidJ." ,)f Ibgust 27th be accepted ì{[NUTES <br />a.s presentadQ Roll Call Ayes (S)"l'Jayas (oL <br /> <br />Hammersten Moved¡þ Carlson Seconded the mj..nut,us of Aagnst 29th be a.ccepted IUNUTES <br />as presented,; Roll Call Aym) (5)·.;-,NtWes (0) <br /> <br />Brennan I.{o'\red~ H~.m:mar8t,e:o. Seconded the ¡:¡',d,tJ~, <br />as presentsdo. Roll Call }\;yes (:;).cNt:(TeS (0). <br /> <br />~Lqj'\;f-}mb$r 3x-d be accept¿3d t-mWTES <br /> <br />Hammerst\tin Mov'Ød.., ß):8:"-1','.<,',:(1 Sø~ondHÖ\, bid s ful' 1 rrt:"~<1I,1 '.~j.\3;?,:'.per 00 op(>,.ned, STEll}: Ci.,NH ,. <br />Roll Call Ayes (5),,,N~c$ (0), BIŒ <br />The 'bids were read ilG follo-"'¡~3;: <br />General 'r:'~'ading Company ,,) ~í5() co <br />MaJ:"~Jbary GompanJr 13'70 000 <br />Associa.ted St.eam Cler;,D.'j'cl:' 12Cr)C'O <br />€n:'sten M()ved~, C,"1r130r. Second.Bd tt~e )~1.dl' b() ~'eff"':'2°2d to 'the engineer for. <br />t.abulating and ¡,:; T'fJpoort. ~~'i:, the next meetJng .tÌoJ.l Call Ayes (:> )~.Na.Y'es (0) <' <br /> <br />Hammerst.e11 Hoved" ï':k:Ge\~ :~econctecJ the bidE: <br />opened.. Roll Call Ayes C;)··NaJ'89 (0) 0 <br />'!'he bids \'lere '¡"Bad ¿s ,fo:~lo',.¡s: <br />Vennum, Newhall & Acìw~n <br />David Keyser <br />Michie Ci tj- Pllb1.:í.()ations Go" <br />ìJheelar & F'':soI\ <br />Hammersten Moved~ C;:!rlson Seconded <br />a.ppointed by t.he Dla:fOj~ fo;~ Btlldy <br /> <br />f {>~c <br /> <br />¡n't'1in,,:nG-a l'ecod:i.:t'ication be <br /> <br />Œì.1'i. <br /> <br />fCC¡JDIF:'. <br /> <br />CATION BID'] <br /> <br />$1500..00 ,printing not :i.ncl. <br />2100,,00 or ~?32S0"OO diff" in binding <br />1650..00 Of.' 3.500,00" " II <br />1200,00 printing not·1ncl" <br />the b:Lds be re,t"er:,'ed to a committee <br />Ron C~Ù} A1r~s (S)"Nayes (O}c <br /> <br />& no" of <br />~ copiø s <br /> <br />A hearing was nonducted f()).," the r.'e:?ionir!g at.t,he smlt..heast corner of <br />Lexington and Count] Rm"d. II HI; > <br />Attorney Harry Ch,ÚupßkN' 1"Cpras0nted the G\\'!,m' of the prope:-1:\Y' in <br />question, Mr" Eri(~lc30n., <br />Mr" Tmr¡, an a'í'neYr¡ appeared in behalf of K'¡:>an:vr;,: s Food Markat and <br />ertf,:~~)d that Kra.'nm'! s w-ere not. tho record ownors çlf the proporty at the <br />no~ast COl~œr of Lexing;1:",n ~md County Reed "B" H'hen the petition v1aa <br />pre'Îénted t..o tæm~! hOlf~~val'" t.ll~Y' are in agr·B~J!T.el'1t with the peti'Uon to <br />.-.,f' rftßone, and th,ey are now the :re cor.d O'WT,€,:P < <br />John Kellerman of Bll.ì"ke Street äta.ted he t.¡as against the re~oning" <br />Mr" S'c.udn-:.k of Burke Stroe'~ asked ii' there could 'be 8. t:Qnditional renonin.g <br />to provid~ fQr fencing and treøs" <br />nr" Chalupsk.V stated, tha,t Mr" Erickson :ts in ag!"ßcm'.nrt wit.h providing <br />fencing and hedges to t.ta àas'l:. of the prope~:'t¥." <br />MoGee Moved,) HammsrstÆìn Seconded the m¿:~t't,(n' be referred to t4r,) Lof'tsga3rdeY! <br />to draw c:mditions :tn an ,)r.dinanc:e with :t"'E'ga:ce!. 'to :::'on,,,~ing on t.he east, of <br />"the pI'opE1rt'y fI:ad limit,-iu>J :Lngré)[]:¡ ¡,:no ('I~Tisé) to Count¡:¡ fwad "Dn" (Rapor';;' :~e:\(t mtg ) <br />Ikill CøJJ~ ~':! (¡;: Nap.s (:)) <br /> <br />REZONING <br />HEARING <br />"B" lOt LEX, <br />