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<br />,- <br /> <br />5%, ar1 th~~ contract is subl:3' completed 0 <br />Hammer-sten MO'V'edj Carlson Seconded :iiì.30Ð524.;30 be paid on t,ha balanc€:'1" <br />Roll Call A'jres (S),~Nr-¡ye8 (oL <br /> <br />Lpj"¡.E~·~Tj :~ <br /> <br />~~~E' i. ,S. i, <br /> <br />The ¡,lark was lmrtructed to Hri te to ,Mr r. Fine of AmcFlean Shopplng Cantøn;¡ LI'...! <br />and request repair of a large \~rack :ÌJl 'th.o ',iall at ou.r U,qllor st.Orf.¡ locHt'i<¡n ií <br />so that heat 10s9 may b:'3 reduced, <br /> <br />~-""'.,,- <br /> <br />¡;- <br /> <br />The olerk reported that Dr" Olin 1iÌll board dogs,¡ which aJ:"8 p~ I~ked up by '}'", <br />the dog catcher, at his animal hospital it.! Saint Paul, until spriogl' at <br />which time he wHI return to his location o¡1¡ Dale Street, <br /> <br />~1cGea I>1oved, Carlson Seconded that Charles En Ermin and Ray B:~.d.on be [ND'I~;'í'TU j <br />appointed members of the Rosevil1.e IIldust-rial Corami t..tea (~ ~;(}1'''1l'. I '~1/r~,' <br />Roll Call Ayes (S)-Nayes (0) <br /> <br />The clerk uas instructed 'to seCUl'e pr:tces for parl{ signs to be '3í'ei:::tÆ1d Ll',.:(::¡ <br />at. Liquor St.o:CIJ #2 t.o pro' fot' .f:hre minute par1r.:Lng i'or liquor ¡;1:-û;rø ,-t, <br />CUBt.omers onJ.:r, as suggested Brenn,1n" <br /> <br />Per'~ Johnston of' the Roævil1e ¡¡'ire Døpart.meni, WÐS present '00 explain <br />the procedure :followed by th8 departmont ,,;'han requested to b'U'n a build, <br />ing", t#hich is a !ManS of' drill p:raf;tice fo!' t.he departm~mt~ (,0',',116 Christi <br />Church has submitted a requoft :tor a burning at County Road "E" and Fa:ir'liew, fŒ'..::\: <br />McGee Moved. HalTlTlarste.n Secon5ed the z-eque st be rei'erred 'to the building BW.)J! <br />inspector to check the building code relative t.o this matter r>nd report. <br />ÌJacl{'at the ne.xt meeting" Hell Call Aye::; (5).,·¡\la,YH3 (0)" . <br /> <br />Brennan report,ed that he r""'3 ;~~¿¡;e:l.v ad roque stß from ~rgtrniz¡.).ticms for usa <br />of the basement at th,e Bar a,nd Lounge for meet.ings" <br />,h~en!1an ~1ove<X., Hr.:Gee Secondø;;' the a 1;' t.orney Choð;~k int...o t}x~ lq;al i tf of <br />matter and repor~ at the ~"!eX, :neeting <br /> <br />Fred Krause of North Lexington report~d a closød culvert as a result of <br />sewer construction and asked that the si t.uation be remedied" <br />Brennan MovadJ Hanunersten Seconded the matter be referred to B~nister <br />Engineering" Roll Call AYEJS (5)~·NUYÐS (oL <br /> <br />George Loa. of Eldridge Avenue reported dumping at Dale é1nd County Road "B" <br />and asked to have it stopped.. The clerk was instructed to mtify the owner <br />of existing ordin31lces, :1nd a.lel")~ the Police Deparment.. <br /> <br />Carlson Moved" Hal1ll1ersten Seconded a resolutioh for condem nation of Sewer <br />Easement #612 be adopted" Roli Call Ayes ("..Hayes (0)" <br /> <br />~"~,;.,,,..., <br /> <br />Carlson !-tovad¡¡ Hammersten Se:;:onded 8, !1:Jsolution for oondenmatJ.ol1 of Sewer <br />Easement #623 be adopted" Roll C[Ùl AS"8s (S)=Nayes (0) 0 <br /> <br />Individual motions for final paymerrt for the following easements listed <br />in their respecti va order 'Wer made by Carlson and seconded by' Hamrersten <br />and ind'lvidually voted uponh each being recorded as Ayes )S)...Nayen (0)., <br /> <br />Esmt.o No. 425 ~.1.38"oo !!;,-, P.. & Beverlj" Gray <br />¿-I- 71 1J.4 ~) 0(: G,~ J,~ ¿< Mar-J E!-!tebo <br />jù')~ 911.00 H G, & Ruth I.J€SSlTl,?,.n <br />30!.¡. 30h Cii' :~; -. E, & :t.aur.a Boss <br />;..~~' ....., .;,~ T1'''""",í)"':'''~~~'''1 ~ {ri.j·~ve:r" <br /> <br />BAn. <br /> <br />F()~t j\'n·~_ <br /> <br />'., <br /> <br />" <br />" <br /> <br />FO~ <br /> <br />, <br />....' <br /> <br />, ) <br /> <br />G~}IJ ']!:',; ',".' <br /> <br />. "'TING <br />DALE ,0/,,' I; R <br /> <br />HE20Lt'1TJ <br /> <br />}tEt)(}~~I:C"l Ü <br /> <br />pþ,~{~fJ..\" [".01 <br />E ¡; ;;;J . E:N;1'~3 <br />