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<br />.:~ <br /> <br />f,,- :r.~f:JJ.).!,~:'e~~:.;(;n<i·, t:1~Z,l"'}E; <br /> <br />;~,}"~B J~;}r.T:\ou,gb-~ G():Cr,Ol":~.';"~·l.O\·;. ';./;:::_8 I¡rOSeXl'); CO OJ!.",pJ.8.5,,.:n <br /> <br />b1L8 <br />I:10"G.h ~'-'e:pr'at.(~:n.t,~?t,j...'¡JØS é~:?:-!~e.B6 'to (!EÙll;:Jrld·~·¡:;~d·t(:?J <br />QffJ.iJ.'a {')T ()etol)8)~' 3.0111 ·~\i~ 1:'0:) P ..Ì\'J.') <br />l'lt,:C1E;(:~ ?Io';J'z(l!.}I;irmnerst!:;;~l ~:ü(;ç¿j-':að~d, ~J}3,'i'{'\~i~:~ <br />Dna wdalr\~ noll Call f~) d \ <br /> <br />~i:"hi::;-:i~I!: ¡ntt~~t).j_~.·¡~~S <br /> <br />a-~:. tb.v Vil}.'lg~~; <br /> <br />. ..' ' <br />f18·,'::1.~3')_(j~ì 08 <br /> <br />f.Li~t ~~3id<:~ fo~ <br /> <br />BrLLIJ!G <br />l"lt,CHINES <br /> <br />The building inspeet/,)¡> rmh71:¡"i:t.t,~d c. t'Ü:n.Üetim:l ~):f bj.drs :foj~· the RENODo BIJ)5, <br />.--......,~~"., '''; -.L -J - -. "» r 1..\ "., ~ ~" :,.. -. ....,...- Of'·....,.,.., \... ,.. '" ." . <br />';, k~ .d.g~ _ua.J.. Ou:t 'Jl1~) 1:"" tl:1.Ut:;S .<,¡,:.bft; :J3e:c ~'-1¡~V'~\S 3\~: <br />',.'Brennan Hoví::"3,! Carlson Secù'lc\(;¡d tÌle bic:;: b¿; :c:),je>:rtecL Roll Call Ayes (5),·,NBY83 (0)" <br /> <br />NcGee Movedi!' B~ennarJ SeconC!ed the "JiHag<,:; l'ead:¡ for contracts to De <br />le"i; on t.'1e revised 910ms and spacÜ::1.c3·;:J.ons .for the remoòeling of tb.e <br />-<Tillage hall and the bids be í OJ;. O:;t(ltxir 22nd <br />t¡ ~)'\ 1 ".,'\ 1 ¡' 1T" 5 {r::' \ . "(1.,·.,,", <' 1(1) <br />...",'~ ..._.. Ut;.L~.. ì.J \õi" \;1, -'-\~';;'\1 <';:"":J \ ',-,'" <br /> <br />'8paL':1JJi ;'ì¡,1,.ovedf0¡ C[ìr~150n. S;~,~(~():i.1ded 1_:.Ìlf; ~::~~" "'~,}; - ~¡i. /'f3ecd.:tf1J;8t5,on of \rillagt~ <br />()r¡dj~r;Ð.rir;eS be :~~(;~d t.ç t;·r¡~~ a t;·\'.'·o r..'l·8J' :'0:~' ~;t~cC:~,;':~J1g ,~rld. to{ r~.~)ort Ð.t~ the <br />!:<.;;j:t ~~)~·~_t.H~jJ~ m(';3't~,.1';.:?, ::{o] 1 <,:~J',:. "f' :~;) ~ 0:; : <br /> <br />~~\':~ _:'~ ~)l; }Jo-}t;:i.~ 1.~¿r,n.:Y;ç.i:~'\:;t.ôr: ~: <br /> <br />.:;:;.', J,.1),,-;,~:~i)11 ~;_,:)\c':l~':!.jJ.~!111g t.he <br />t(iX' "~..h:; ;.\JoV~1:TI~J:3l~ ~?À."i¡?1,3:t'io7 EJ~e'~~tlon, <br />:;:;"};lt~:t> be G0.('¡pt-ect. <br />'tll;:.~G.e{·j cp}.~)() sed <br /> <br /> <br />., . <br />,,,..,-.'."-:' <br /> <br />C.~:;.~:l;~ :~, '.:"U:j. to l,,\.:f ;·~~,~~ <br /> <br />"'., í t ~:,!1\'3 "1;- '0 ·i,~;:,~ y: ·s <br /> <br />",.,~":~/..:...~,.,. ,t"... .~~'I>{'t:"";v'''':¡'''Jr'' '~:)""~ \.":''',''':.."":<9 ") (,¡í''''~;^ <br />.....l:':;..~..O"., lJ.t'-i'..; ~ Ct'... ,:,~..I-.~ ..L..~t;, ....(',.r.'~--'- .. ,,-,.1.. (.,', '.....- '-¡f.¡-..,J,,~ <br />T:z)Jl C~~llJ. Á:VE.lS ·¡..3 ;L-:.N 8J'S;:; (~;) ·,·}i~:L¿.t:~ ,: ~nÖ <br /> <br />~::,1.'~l)t~'-; H>)f¡~rn(r~~.::t,.{-::::·~·), ~;(:,;(;'-'"i -ld~~·:.~ ~J10 Y'~u ::]r.:'J;;~TL~.;~·::;i.~rl b(~ ¡"teq1.lE;Ert¿~d tÆ; <br />eO!lÝI ~.,{~~.~ ~·.h_:::· f e:r~' Oâ!~e·2.··::'D,·.( ·.<!"~~:~S t;,=<~ "l '.;'~ ':.l",!.:~ ',¡ i }.3Dning RepoI't faY" <br />Civi;:: ':;(3)')b:>ie'¡ a.nè attkJ'Jlpt, t:;. d\Ò; :~~ì.:'Tlif¡0 r,j!,e ,:\~>td.D.g pIiiC:s;J and N',µort <br />thO:Lr.' p('ogy·es3.?t Ule ;)Gtd~'0.r' 1':;'¡,h tv::(~·U"ng., Ho1J. C"Ül Ayes (5)-"NaY'3s (0) <br /> <br />'I~1Gi:š Ccmr.Ù.s,,;;¡.O(" :"dvis,;td ·t~hat tl)e~l pase:;:;;cl a Ã!;otton p:!.~'Viœ <br /><:.h<.l'¡, pc~¡.í:í..n.g (~,!} \lple"t~'1¡). of the bl\si.nas.s .'?1l1d Üld'J.¡:;t't':~"\¡ p,c'1.."~ions of <br />tl1n fi",-ti ë;\OI):í.ng c'rdinanc~, (, it is r(~corrlìl<:.:ndf)è. tha'ta11 business and <br />i:ndUttJ'::-èj p.::!n.¡¡i·~s ì:'2 ~'Bd.E.~frTEHl ~')y the Corr>lrd,8tJ.Q'1 pr-Jo!' to the issuance <br />of 'h",'..,:¡,.··! ..~.ns! peI''rli'!~8 I <br /> <br />r~.t{}~~{·~ ·¡,!t;1,.'· (i:;.:.[: n_,(~jluSt¡\'":j[: ~)\'::(~O_nde0 '~ha't~:,;e <br /> <br />1~COJ1,:,iÜ;., \,~ è:.~ ··_.:~d ß;3 t3 mH t.t~J~~ o_f c(),~tloil pol i(;y <br />~_~~ 1-'1. I.; '\."'" S ,< t' \.·t·1.·"·,.",, ( ,...:i <br />1...._ ___ . "¡':J l;' \ ", ,\,., ~,..~.f '::,,'-:J \.. i ') <br /> <br />UKi pJ.8J:1"ning commission';, <br /> <br />NCC1;i(1 P¡)j..n.t!~d on~~, fl ~¡ect.ion tn Oy'dinance #200 ,.¡hlch prov;t.des that when <br />actriorJ ·\.S t,aken on granMng bnilding pemits fo.\" commercial or industrial <br />purposes~ a tMo",thiràs vots ()f the mOOlhers of the council is necessary to <br />carry t.he motion" <br /> <br />HcGa(,ì };,i)'liad,. K:;;¡~ts Seconded that the building permit tor a grocery store <br />on Hamlit:.e A"\t\:rnue recently' raqt\eHteò.. be helÓ up until the legality of' <br />',-," th~ {Jl"dtnÐilco is determi.ned by Mr" Loftsgaardeno <br />Røll GF!LI.Ayea (" ) oN aye s 0)..., BJ'8nnan., C::ælson~ and Hamtní!;!:?:Bten oppoaedo <br /> <br />A lett,e;\:- wa'9 read from the Cou:oty Eng.l.naer <br />village ¡;1.nd CO'l:m1:;l road ligh:è.ing policy ù <br />.f~:'om the county in the near futtJ.r~¡ 0 <br /> <br />reJ.ative t.o establishing a <br />Wø /have :further information <br />will <br /> <br />The Ram"Ssy <br />'i:lpti.on :tOl' <br />E't J.T33 ",' <br /> <br />County )~:IJ~r~!"y ~oa):d <br />r~n~~al of ~hG ~ßss~ <br />COUìjt:-r :F:c·.~;6 ~¡r3ì1 .~,~:·:J~-~i <br /> <br />:'.l1fcrr.lI?d t,hat they v¡ish to take up the <br />(\!!. the L:i.b:¡'''::U'i \kH.'.dquartar Building <br />:bvc¡(1!~~r '1 ""kNember l~ 19,8 <br /> <br />,. ·;'~~.~·,5:'. <br /> <br />., <br />.: " ~::.,~ . <br /> <br />.: (,1 _<:'~ <br /> <br />:Œ:/lDVEH,'rISE <br />:B'OH. HEMOD, Jr""' <br /> <br />Of1D., EECOC'\;' <br /> <br />;;::~ ':~1(),!~ Trr~<:, <br /> <br />;IVJC <br /> <br />r:~ r~>1 -, ',. <br /> <br />C:tJ <br /> <br /> <br />;'~'HI CE3 ~I\'.., <br /> <br />~:~HOPOSE'D <br />GITj;~ G1=~NT~·..:·~· <br />SITES. <br /> <br />COUNCIL <br />POLICY <br />COM~L. 8: <br />Il~DTjS ~\ }?El?:!~'·'- "'~' <br /> <br />ORDINANCE #é~('Á~ <br />REFERRED TO <br /> <br />MOTION LOST fro <br />HOLD UP PERMIT <br /> <br />ROAD LIGHTINC,. <br />PROORAl"'! <br /> <br />J..IBRARY OP'fIOF <br />