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<br />AttOl"n\1Y aarne¿~ (]~~e:o;:T~~J';::.e~':_~1 ~i2 :~ p:t8!Jerl~'~ ..L:~ c.f"~ B,oae 0,[ :,.¡i¡nn. <br />and filed a le'i,tel'" from !'1st;:!.".; Ryan ,.¡;-!.ic.~· 3i:.a',:·.¡;¿ hø Ü; in agreement. ~dth (,hI" <br />fron·/:. footag+3 ES:3:?S5ment, oU'G not, t.ha !:1(>,t)!,~age <:S.s6s~~ìn]eri.'t, \·¡-h:tch he "W.<;; told <br />is based en the assmnpt:ton that in ~:J·).e;:'(;r\~\l":'3 i:nø l)arish abondon the 81 t.e <br />and too p:{ope:t"Ù'~ be corrverted :lnto rssj,den;:':h1J.., NY'. , G:ceenste:tn JxÜrrt(~d <br />out v:ould be no reason lo:t' 3U;:~;1 an :,,;~'¡~ic!l "U~ one m:l1lion dol1í· has <br />ooan invested :l.n th? chÙ'Ch pl'ope:rt.y Rago':> Short explained th,e bas:!.s fa:," <br />determining t11Ef ßssaSSlìlerl i~o No ;:'H~t..:l'~J'1 ~,';¡r1:~ LakfTl ¡, <br /> <br />.."'"",,, <br /> <br />Eo 1." Hawkins of 872 Count;j" Road I1BII asked <br />a'ssesSI1"ent <br />McGee Moved!:! Brennan Seconded the C18~'k b:':) <br />letter with the help of Mr,) Popovich 1-Jhlch <br />handling compla:tnts on sew'9r' assessme!lts, <br /> <br />d;¡(.;1 c:ony.~:"ti1 to recohs:ide¡" his <br /> <br />instructed to draft a form <br />~'1'oJJ.ld :3xph.:ì.n a procedur~ for- <br />B,011 C~Ül .~:rEìs (5)-Nayes",(O) <br /> <br />A sa'cial' ass8sr;;.;.nent. p:,<"otE<st. lettc':r !Ì!J:';;'¡;¡ <br />Outlo't,s was A'e"".d 'F-he protest 1.;111 ;.7;e :;'":;':Lxl <br /> sent tÇ¡ i1r" I.inÒøro <br /> <br />'L:l.:ndt):c fOI' I.ot 2~ ilsylum <br />Gnd ODG ;)1' the new form <br /> <br /> <br />é;I" <br /> <br />.i. 1.\, / ~ _ <br /> <br />A~JSESS>'. ~~:o:;. <br /> <br />l-L\ViICLN'S <br /> <br />"" ..~ ", <br />/1-.~; <br /> <br />I,I¡:DEr;t <br /> <br />A lat.t~:l~ from ;'lr¡3" Verd:\. ilslson ,¿ Ë'Dklyj that thG black mr'~\!.K";¡è', <br />top In front 01' her ò:'J:vcvnW 'ì-Jh:L::h ;:'.eitJ81" Gon3~J:'uctiQn, :,:iiT;\:~;;: <br />t.e rGpair(£:'d:. <br />McGeø Noyed,) Eé~1lJ;1$rst<m Secondeò. thz ClcT'l:i: bd :L."ls\:,1'1wt.ed \',0 rrrit.·;¡ a lett~D\' <br />to Mrs¡;!:l :tr1fo~i:r.lg he:r o.e~ tJ1EJ ;"l~~e~·:d~lcn in ¡~,:~;o·~,rft,:1 to :repl9.ì~r of b.t.~;~::j{: <br />tc,p to drt~.Yt;<~·~)J2,~~·'":::; ,> rtolJ CD,II ,i~~Y::';;~ ovN.:l'/<:: :) <br /> <br />it. letter f'rom'."eEdden'c.::-,; :Jd,iaecnt to; r,.r~ ~;,,'o:iOtjed <br />tile GOi.U1cil to recons¿.dc.:¡r theÜ'" 3e"18." d;3~"d3¡:Jffiej,"'d:." <br />filed and one of the nc~.¡ form let.te:."s sent <br /> <br />Cdx':U,sle AllE/nUe requcr,teCi <br />The pro1bast. will be <br /> <br />Harrnnersten Noved, Carlsc>n Seconded t~le building inspector be designate,i <br />to represøut the villagiè1 as a nlEHÌJer of the committee to deal \'Tith <br />building codes and licensing, set, up by tile Hamsey COUD t{r Municipalities <br />Associat:ton" Eo11 Call Ayes <'5)~Nayes (0), <br /> <br />Fred C. Wigh tfl C "P "A U;I l'ecomr.'lended a mode:;,:11 boo kke.eping syàtem be installød <br />for the låquor account before engaging outside seM"icas ~ <br />John Mnttila, C0P0AÙ' reported that he has also invpstigated our bookkeeping <br />system and \,¡ill make an initial audit for approximai.ely ~500nOO which will <br />include recOIlIfnendatiol1s for bookkeeping p:ë'ocedure~ He EJstimated additional <br />system work would be approximately $300"CY.). <br />Brennan r1oved~ Carlson Seconded tha't Þ1r. Mattila be hired, to make a third <br />quarter au.dit of the liquor account for a.pproximately $500,,00. <br />Roll C ell Aye s (S) ,,,,Nayt::Ei (0) 0 <br /> <br />,~'''''~ <br /> <br />Tha attorney gaVf~ an ilPc,to=dat.o repo!"t on ·t.'1.e mat,ter of' tlort.~ern States <br />Powe:c Company vs, 'fhe '!:Ulage of Rosevil1o and certair, sewer contractors <br />relative t.o the \ of ga<J mains" 'I1J.B matter ..¡ill come on for tria.l <br />in Dis trict Cou,~t i..?1 due time ~ <br /> <br />Þ letter from the Cmmi¡y Audi'tD!"'s Officß askod the 1lHlage to rGIÌ1,it <br />$2200 lu:~' .":,;!..,,t c::.,s!,.'· assessed. and not collec:tt~d ,~hi~.h Has not in~luded <br />with our re¡;af"¡:' :remit.tance í)f :flnGB co112':ctedc <br />MeGeE', ?k'J'Gð, PémJ1Y\oI'sv.m C'¡econdod thø .(('qU;',é;"j of the C:';)lmt~r Aud:tti',r be <br />g:C'Hnt€1:l t.he ·é,;,,·~;j.t:.-tli:·nec) t~!)~}Ç) and the, ::l".Ìn .for (;)St3 b;") filed <br />~:J.;:;.( ':-, '-.!. ,4 , ,,).., ': <.., '(:;, '{,J. C1¿)1:~. "~l(?~:; «", '~)?~Te~~ (C) <br /> <br />;:) ¡~:~~ìl~l1 <br /> <br />ELm, I\S;' <br />DESIGNA'l'EI~ ., <br />CŒ-1MI'I"l'EE <br /> <br />AUDI'l' ':\: <br />BE MADE <br /> <br />~J. So p~ GAS <br />'VS ~ ROSEVILLE: <br /> <br />COURT F'INES <br />