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<br />r".2-~'''.~'_-'''''-:'''"_'''-~''' ..~. "'.;'_..-'.~ ~ d.__ <br /> <br />= 2 C> <br /> <br />just soma minor changes in radi at a couple of'c.1over leate onpropo.ed T..H.#280. TH I;' <br />Tbe Olerk was asked to wriœ a 1etter .ek1Dg' tor COUiderat1oD of a l!JepU'ation PLAN~: <br />without inter ohanp at. CouDt7 Road. 0..2. : <br />Brennan Ho....ct, IIoOee alooaded that the letter be written to lIro ~. <br />Hou ltJ,t\1k') CS)...... (0).. . <br />Jtoear Short .., Ibt. VaD 1CreYelen wheD coDl~t.i.oD vov14 start Oft _280 <br />10 _"I' oonatftotiol'1 plane cou1d be JWIe without jaoJdDc pi,.. ~.·tbe <br />8t.I'. hiatn1q.. "0 Van IreftleD etatAÞd that contraots II1gbt- 1AÞt witld.ø. <br />,..-{wo ,...., aDcS 1t mat be 1a:'3e than a year bet ore p1løa8 could be ttt84t to~" <br />:'."-_ _et of ClenlaDd. 81x lane. aI"CJ pltœned tor tM tirst ..., _fA a <br />po~1At addit.1.oD of two or more bJ 1915. <br /> <br />.... ""ft.. pÞ...'.... Ø01IDOU MIIber with a cOpt or .. 1e.... be... 8IWD ASSESS. <br />,...1*1 to...,..... (.... uee...t letter): ..' ; LIftJm FORM <br /> <br />Mr" Popon.cb preMnted an invaøtMnt progr_ with pr1Do1pal and 1uterest SEWER PRE.PAY!T, <br />requ1.....ta, 8114 øp1a1DecS NIle 0 . 8UIP.ted ~SS.OOOoOO be kept OÞ baDd FUNŒ INVESTED <br />and 1be balan. be wa.ted in 9l-dq bUla, or we may purchase 8" of our <br />own Rosovi11e Sewer Bonds. He was instructed to contact the two t1øa 11110 <br />bought our bonds and find out who they were sold tþ, 80 we mB7 bw them baok <br />if' tho holders desire to 8ell" <br />Brennan ){oved, Carlson Seoonded that the clerk re1nvest &26S!OOO.OO of. sewer <br />prepayment fund" in 9l-daY, treasurey bills. RoU Call Ayes \S):"Nayes (O)~ <br /> <br />l~o Bettendò1"t was· present to explain how the sewer eaßsments' are 8e~d.. ' 'BETTENDORI? <br />Appraisal 11 made before negotiation. Proporty owner is oonta,cted before SEWER E1\S'l'HC¡·' <br />an:y condemaat1on is stttr',sd. ' <br />Mr" Huber explained bis s;lœ of the st,Qry relative to tþe anme mattAn·þstating HUB'£l1 <br />that upon being f16ked what hia proprtg io worth, he jokinW replied $10,000" <br />toftsga.mGí1 said tho mat.ter could. have been settled tor $7S0<,.OOo ' ; <br /> <br />Fire Ollie!, Ht'ìl4b Lynt,7:~ .J;\skl."d about./ge~Îol1§ian for the li'ire Department. FIRE DEr'I <br />The {,¡ngiMtïlX' UHS 1ns'tru.cted to r..hGok em Ed Wogle:itnðr~ E time () C11STODIAN <br /> <br />Ð:rffrfiHl/l HI)":tÞ~'Ár. Carli')on S<?}(;:Q).\,¿t¡d thì~ olerk pUf'( the necassar,y supplies BILLING m PFLIf"~ <br />í' ";'I".fJ 1):i.l1:' .('1.~pt-t:r·I;me:nli f~!'~n the H;;:;[m Ccrpcn.°ation..· Roll Call Ayee(S}-Nayes (0)" <br /> <br />..-- <br /> <br />The Cl~}.·lt rHad a lot; from the Poll~$ Dspe.rtœ.ent ðsk"icg pendÐ~1on to POLICE PIS'fCL <br />const1"J.ct a pistol :~ange in t:t1.0 base.a11ant of the village hall, with .Ii steel RANGI ~ PROP1J11'f') <br />back st.:.fJ¡p...,·o åli:to a p~",)pGrt.r room for l"0cové>red stolen articles to oost a~ut. Roœ ORAN~i:ED <br />$)7$000... Hanmeratsn !oloved" Brennan Seconded that the Police Depart&nt proçnd <br />with the al:nve.. Roll Cùl Ayes C~ì-Naye9 (0). <br /> <br />Brennan Movods; Carlson Seoonded the Poliœ Department submit a, requisition POLICE DEPT> <br />/~\or f1Eiloßssary desk and chairs, ete, for thÐ1r depa.rtment~ RoU Call Ayes FURNITURE <br />\ )5)-Navl!!s'O) <> <br />....."':0'" ~ <br /> <br />'l'hð mayor stated 'tÅ."1 t tl:e :ju.dg~¡ '~..·cnD.d 1 ik.o !ß hlgÞ chair. <br />Hns inetlJucted to sacttn pr'l(;£;s fOl" sm:..ø Lmò 7.'&POT't" <br /> <br />. <br />The clerk <br /> <br />COORT FtT1ù~l"'~;Ufì,,~ <br /> <br />1'1";:(;;<;;13 Moved,¡¡ Brennan Secondt;'ó ~;J.".t tltC Ao.~·~11:L~:~y Poliœ be allmlad the sum AU!" POr.,:\cF <br />of ~nOO"oo for a t,r~ining pl"OgX>Il,1lc l't:Ùl (¡all AJt3s' (5)·,1.~~yø~ (0)0 '!'RAINING PH: '" <br /> <br />H at'~\!Æ ];':J i:/:;) <br />re If' t.~,r:':!'.{ I <br />Ho}, ',:,' <br /> <br />i Brannan S(H=;Cl:-::'h,....'~¡)1O h1Mk'ir :err...m ¡;,t~.." ar::d Mrg" Ðu.sao SBWER ASC,t';';:' <br />~:,h:d,,~ sewer r18',r¡;;:<"'t,H'.~"" f'·)r.G''ì':r.,,~d t,r> Jk:g(!¡;~:" Shn:'t, for check-ing., <br />,. :;: ) ..~Nay~s (0/ <br /> <br />