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<br />J <br />, <br />I <br /> <br />~, <br /> <br />" <br />1""'\ <br />\ I <br />... )/ <br /> <br />; <br />: . <br />~'; <br />: f <br /><"t-. <br />.' <br />., <br />, <br /> <br />-' <br /> <br /> <br />'-; <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br /><". <br /> <br />.--.;,. <br />'. <br /> <br />--../ <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />,{ <br /> <br /> <br />ol~ L:.\,,:::: !'" -:-_::0 <br /> <br />Regular maetit1€ of the Village; Gour;cn~ '.lue:::K~aY!1 J<:J:i)~8T.I '7, 1958 <br /> <br />2tOO P .~L <br /> <br />':fne Couno·n met on the ; d~\hG uith i)1O f.ollowing lTI$mbG1"s present.: <br />Cedarhö'lm, HB:mrnsrsten;> B:t'enn3!1" Carlson .:-md MeGaE!. !\ttox'ney <br />toftsgaarden ~ld Enginee~ Soutter w~re also present, <br /> <br />Ca.'t"lson Haved, B1.'erffJan SON> the mim.' cf I:2CI'3¡nbe:¡~ 17, 1957, be <br />accepted as presented" Roll Call, Aye~ (5), Nays (O)~ <br /> <br />Fred Rahn of laSh Þ.lel!1eda St.. t.JaS beard nit.}¡ referenc.e to a:rea sou·;m of <br />reservoir 'iH1Sl'e a p1st,01 range i3 ::10'i'1 operat.ed~ Hr" Rühn states that <br />he and his neighbors ~;rould like this ø.!1ooting stopped l.'Ocaìlsc of noise <br />created and states shells haJre ooen rcm.'1d out,side the I.1ren.. }~r '. Sivald <br />of the St~ Paul Police D'3pt.~:> ;.¡ÌW is dso a membm:" of the St" Paul <br />Pistol and Rifle Clubi:nls 8180 h""arrJ ;md he sta·t,!"d this rn,l1v:e is the <br />only place ava5.:h1ble for p~·':H~tic0 8l1::>o'dng in da:r1ig¿lt and ';150 :I..S tlH'J <br />only place for OLU." p;:¡lice in the V5.JJ,hg€ of RcsevjJ1.s ::,(; practl.c8 nnd <br />if this range were closed :ì.t¡;'ou16 hiì.'1c1ic2p Ol;,]~ poli::,:; ;-3t'or;.r1i'!?! goved~, <br />Ham..'11é,rst2!:1 Seconded the aOt!~'J'i} P~l\r;d :'ept, J,::(n: into ·¡~hj.~~ <br />matter" Þir¡;. lì~l"'::1"l and Þ1::"ð SiT/:?ltl ":.¡jJ.} be ?~:)':". triCt~ c I' ';(;:¡~ ~:j6Qt1.?1.g unt. <br />Uþ9 Roll Call.., AYE:;s C'))-Ì'~,<;¡ys (0)0 <br /> <br />AndrBW Burt, Jr,.) 206~~ J!~( r{øbT.'é'tslr,!it ¿':¡t. ?;1.\.1]., 'hnnaso't.:;,) purch",s,~d <br />lot 13, blDck I!, ~Òich is 5c ~ wide :èind C,Cì:l1:0 ,;. be i3HU~~f.i ;:. ln~jJ ding <br />permit to b1.Iild n 35' house :;n a )'D' lot, 1',1'" l'11;r[~ ,';'1:c :iY¡St.t·t1(:t,~1(j <br />·to ¡.rork QUt. SOlf)(:: :plan 'iLl. '~'j(e b1~::U d~ng :~'!l"JW;;Ç';:}'Yr' a hOL'!\:: c(JuJri <br />be built, on snch ~¿ n:;H'l',':'lJ 11;~~., <br /> <br />Brennan ttùked t,o p:r'usidcnl, oJ: ,! ('. F:-YM': <br />Blomberg OÏ!mEI tÜI rm,t .3(j J.J:Z' tho pJ'Op","'ty <br />as ~100n 1'\3 he 'i'!'1ceives H:O/ f) :~.n:~GT':U" t.l';'''' <br /> <br />,I"j,u-tu.::;'ì..l rmd ff:H.lHd tJ.I>.l.t <br />EJrenn:1:::ì ;;'L:.l :,'epOJ'i, 'un c!r <br /> <br />End,nee:!" Son,+," j s pern.:.m'ol :;;,':::;pç;;::' ~:. H,lG ¡'-:l,c}d" h;^" Kilton ft." Ð::hnolii::;n <br />23£fl ftL or:' i~'~t. ::~;jÕ h:.u:.1 " u i'~,: ~~·t:,:_ t. ;',':~~: ,~l.~ ;.~. ',~.~~i.~}()'i''\'~';l:., .V.<:,}., L:J..nd-·?;nnn. <br />h,H8 rentg,ne.:ì" ¡"'Y'" H8:r-r::,é'·1 D:uu,:¡;):¡ h'\;::T, ,,'~U,e';fed :25 "c,HmpOri':l'Y hi,"}!,L, <br />SOU.i::,~':;:(', X'i3COIT'.ìne¡,: ""? th~!\~, :{[:'!~'~';" ;]\?hld?:on ',. GirÐy.':3 ii, ,,~, H", Ki~r.e<,:pol:\.s, <br />bE:; tn,:n"3d us :lr\!.neør.'wg A::..ð ""I';. : (JI) pi:1" Hc;nt.;:: l'éll'.l~on 1'JOV80 t,nat <br />th:', ,rohn!3on hfJ employed Ët:¡ Ú;ngJx~em:'inv Aid Imt mo't5.ün H'W not. Ü!;;rri.6d, <br />',..'..,".... w",.,.~, ...JJ·'·····'I'.."'i....vl é¡"._",.y,~...¡."',.. L"~'''I'd B'"'''''''''''' <::::··'Y"1"''''''·d ·1.\·",1', ....., ("'/>:'.' C)',"" ·1'."'" <br />AJ,.\""J.",I¿ ,HI,.{_\\./l~. U ~¿~l.~I..t.)ò.¡' .....:1.1' .::·~".~\ kUf.:..,:,;::J·.'~..1¡,', oi.A]\,_..~:t, '40,.~,J".':Äoo\.l~ ·..,......,.¡/Vi~\.~-.;.... t.tl4Gi......- iu~T..t.,1,... <br /> (l.f",-: <br />.4.~"';~·I.("'d "'t,~'..'" ..t'"....f'~· ¡r..;:;.":!!~-1·'I~:';')..·,;·; /"i".1~ ¡t.(,."';i~' Ir:~~_..?<~"',¡...':l I'(¡\ <br />V1.~u.t...... ¡.¡)r~tl:l..L. lJ.__..h\1 ,,'. ,;~.. \..._..::.1(,).. :<,"-'...._", ",;Or.:.: -"iI .,¡~ift"__t'; ,_"' "'.....r;.t:;¡ß \, I!) <br /> <br />A If;~ttm" from IJolic:E; j)¿;)i;n \'l£,¡, .~'i¡ad 1~¡~(¡'Ùt:;[~d:, :r'ep1aceIrmr;~ of" 'unit #683)) <br />1955 FOj'dr two door" L;?tt,õ';ì~ f:coo Engineü,r' S:J\ was ¡'~}[\d st.a:Ung thie <br />C9.:r ::'t.ß unzotmd and a comp:!.,';)";e O'lrGï:'hmll would Lx~ l~Ç3qttired estlmatadat <br />.~894"oo b:r hict\'1'a;ÿ :Foro Go, i:),nd sUBgeot(!d ,.,.E! rep:L&.ce this nn1t,,, gc~e <br />Novud~ Hsr.;marstol'l Secol'lc1ed t.hat the CrnwdJ, nÓ1rari:.isa for bid:3 tor it tkw <br />"0"''' 01'\" ',.,., 1.,,, . -, dO:" """:'1""':"'17 ~ì -I nl~H ::>....t1 1"","' 1 "Y"'" (C:) .t.y....V'1III ¡'O) <br />~ ",t ."".. t.., .. c Op€;¡.e .,. '. ,;.., .';'«,1. '" "":' ... r ..".' 11<. .\.... v ,,,,L ,., ~ on ~,,", :;; ~! "'v _. " <br /> <br />A report t.ra.s read from }>01i(;e lì~pt.. on b::':~ak(~o,:ln of hO\1!'Bn <br /> <br />Bar¡.iS'oo!' Eng5nea1"ing l"(:::)ürt/2d 'l.lîJ:tt the !38'rfer a,t;lsessment '00 F, J. B;icÐ, <br />941 Shet'r·ú:n,. be lef.t b.~1 :b D,:J h~; potÜtiv01,' ha,;:: i':,¡.m huilding altaa ~l1)d . <br />. .\· .¡,~ ...,,,. J rle"..,."'.....,.,~,. {. /. (....,., ,"J.....H¡'J.~ ~,!"O QC'"i)a'1"..-t'.I>' ~:f'~"'&:I_'!"'" tr-, .,,,.......... +·he"'."" .«""'0 <br />\.IiLt1.~ ._v \-I~.A.....' '*'VI";J~c;o..¡;.J' ~,.'...... ~'_,''''.J!..,;..¡.t<.l.v+,.;......,.~ ;,....J:¡, ...~¡,\J...... _,*,'N, _i;I ..i.-) f~'Çt4.~ '" .Q~'~ <br /> <br />pox'U(ln~J of' his ~ot,: "~ ~i¡il1 b<ë nnt.if'ied of a s~¡er l'ebEul:t·it»ï:~~.n <br />th.e ~~·J)!f,r}.n.\l ~.f" 110 '~r1.r;YL·: :"·C :,t,·,':,':::J.(:;,.}I!, <br />.¡'. -, <br /> <br />~.>.~,,"~',~.:,,"~;'.';...f.> ',';'c-.,,-_· <br /> <br />-;...~.; ":'-':: .-~;;-' ._'^'o-.'";"'~',",._~;'. .-..' ',,'.';""( X';7.';;:,">~-:'-'3-,: >""'-":-":'~'~:;:.":. ""':o,;;;;L,;~;~~:..;<~":",,,-,,,: .:.~,;,..·.,"':e::~:'e:"""'~'._ -,c:,cc',_.. <br /> -,-,::"::~:-".;;":: -0'-....-,..;"';:,,;0. ,':',' ;.'~~'~~h':-';':"S',:,,,-""';"'j'¡:-.':""·_"-:':;~·-.~·,;":"'7;¡;,q.:'.~~,"""."';'~~';;"~":"<::<':;;'~~"""'~"";~~:':'.; ;,:"",_:.,-;;'~~¡';C''';';' <br /> .::;~S' .-?:>"', <br /> <br />Pl~3TCCL H,;\ ~': ,:': ,~; <br /> <br />t:;c~rPL!\.I Y,:l',!' <br /> <br />'g!!jJ, <br /> <br />:,?F~l~ >: -', <br /> <br />'CCGL''','-:,; <br /> <br />A G Ct~·-·:1, <br /> <br />FT:~!~¿~:i(~::. <br /> <br />,"'f ~,; ~}C-' <br /> <br />POLXO:ß <br />BERF,;þVAŒ';, '. <br /> <br /> <br />PQX,!CE <br />&~OR't <br /> <br />.A83~~S>i;;;r;, <br />7I"fi~1."II" <br />.1,-'"A';.jj.¡:Jt, <br />