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<br /> <br />.. :> ,'" <br /> <br /> Novedb Carlson Socondød that Audrey 'l'ru(l(~au bo employed at. <br />$2S0",OO per month as full ~vime clerk for the Rosedlle Police ~pt.. <br />Roll Call, !yS9 (,)-Neys( 0) a <br /> <br />Mr. E. Jobnson subnitted a letter requesting a buildlng permit al'ld <br />also to have his land plotted into 67' lots. The Council informed <br />Mre J ohnsŒ that it would be necessary for him to submit a plat fOl" <br />this prøper1:¡y and the Council vliJ.l S\1bni t plat to Planning Comra18sion~ <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Carlson Seconded that Ordirmnce No" 239 be adopted <br />pertaintng tò M:Ln~"ota Statues. Chapter )/9 p relating to t.raffic <br />regulation. Roll Ca.l.l. Ayes (')-l~.qY5 (O)" <br /> <br />BrennanJ;loved, Hammersten Seconded that Ordimmce No" 240 be adopted <br />pertaiJ).1ng to intoxica.ting liquors and liquor controL Roll Ca.ll, <br />Ayes (5)-583'8 (0). <br /> <br />Hammersten Moved, Brennan Seconded t,,¡"1at Rosolution #175 be adopted <br />designating St. Anthony Park Bank as " àelJi,xÜtox'Y b1:11Ü< .for the <br />Village liquor and gSil'3l'al i'llilds" Roll. CallI' Ayes (5)~·Nayg (0)" <br /> <br />Hmtmersten Moved.. Brel'man Seco1idedtb~lt Rf' '\.:t;;.on #1';.'6 be! <br />designating the First Uat:1.onal Bank of S t'ft "raul as deposito1'Y' hank <br />tor sewer cons tI~l.1ction funds.. Roll Call ~ i\:res (5) -Nays (Í)" <br /> <br />Carlson Moved, Hsmmerstt.:>n Secon¿¡,,·d t.h1:l:(, Bl~ún:::l,·~n ')8 ¿\:p~}oin Led lif.' <br />actlng Ma.yor". Roll Call~ Ayes un-!Sa.:rs t C)" <br /> <br />Hammersten Movedf- B:r~nnan Seconded thld.;th"J J{ose 'i'rib,me b~ destgm¡>;t:.I3d <br />as legal newspaper for the ViJ.:L':'.go., Ho11 C8.11, "\res (5) -Nays (0). <br /> <br />Carlaon 1'1.oved, Brennan SetH.lnded tÌ", Dan Shirley lJe ~q.)pointod as a <br />member ot the Police COIilxnisaion. Roll Call. Aves (5) -1-'.'lV'8 (oL <br />,,~ ..... <br /> <br />Brenntm hoved.. Carlson S,Ðc~onded that Ken G:'.l1:L;:¡ bd appz;.,intì!..!Jd ~E; <br />chaL-rn,'!!n and George Membr€\<z a$ Sücreb;try of the Plam1:Î.<1¡?, Cor:md.ssioll<. <br />Roll Ca11~ Ayes (4)~Nays {l)~~cGee obj8cted~ <br /> <br />CLERK EIRED <br />POLICE DEprf <br /> <br />PLAT REQUIR¡;:' <br /> <br />OIDINA'JCEll'" , <br />A OOP TED <br /> <br />ORDINANCE Nt' <br />AOOPTED <br /> <br />RESV"L li'tS or,; <br />J\OOPTEr: <br /> <br />RESQI,urfI U( <br />AWPTED <br /> <br />ACTING H!\¥U; <br />APPúINlrl~D <br /> <br />LEGAL rm'.1SPl;;·· <br />IJESI GNA'l'ED <br /> <br />W1ŒER A?!"l' <br />POI.ICE CWš', <br /> <br />.A..Fr;rS r.. TO <br /> <br />PL~\NNIN0 <br /> <br />BrenTk.~l Moved, Carlson Sacònded that ,Jack ~¡eisen be t:Appointod :as APPTS. TO <br />xnanager of liquor stol"ea and all liquor. store employees be reappointed. LIQUOR sIres:"': <br />Roll Call, Ayes (S)-Nays (0)" <br /> <br />Hammeraten 14QVed,Cro.~lson Seconœd that l1r<i Sako:n be reappointed as <br />Hea).th Officer and that Robert BI"t!Ilette and E.. J.. A$ be appo1nted <br />':) members 01' t.b.e Health Board" Roll Call, Ayes (,)-Nays (0)0 <br /> <br />Hanmeraten ~'toved, Carlson Seconded t.hat Soutter be reappointed as <br />ac.tin~ Engineer and tha t. present road crew be l"Gappoint.ed" Roll Call, <br />Ayes (S)<>N~s (0)" <br /> <br />Hammerstan Moved, Carlson S'3~oiLc1ad t.hat Ed Salverdn be reappointed <br />as Electrical Inspector and Chris Paterson be reappointed as Building <br />Inspector and that Harold. Haglu.<.1d and James Skog be re~lpp"inted 88 <br />Pluffibing Inspectors. Roll CRI1~ Ayes (5)~Nays (O)~ <br /> <br />.APP'fS. fro <br />HEALTH DEP'I' c <br /> <br />ENG. AFP'f <> & <br />ROAD CH.EI.4' <br /> <br />INSPEC'l'ORS <br />APFT. <br />