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<br />....... <br /> <br />TdI;r.1!O...J.. .1..~.J:,._i!>. ~ f:"'; ",~._--'='_'t.'_<.~~""'-';.'''_o:f.~,,-,",,.~,,~~.,.,^.._".,.,,.~ <br /> <br />~¡ <br /> <br />Village of RttS0ville <br /> <br />>:J <br /> <br />Regular meeting of the Village Councilþ Tuesday, February 4. 19.58 <br /> <br />The Village Counc1l met on the above date with the following members <br />p¡"Øsent. Cederholm, Hammersten, Carlson and Brennan. McGee lat.e. <br /> <br />BaøDersten .Mewed, Brennan Seconded that the minutes of January 28, 1958, <br />be accepted as corrected. Roll Call, Ayes (5)-Nays (0). <br /> <br />Mr. Arthur R. Fowler of 468 Ba;yview Drive was beard. He requested .. <br />spetc1fal~$1on .101' abuilding permit tor his lot 7S' X 100'. McGee <br />M. .ov..ect,J...... .. .... er.sten a.OOAda. d that a special permit be granted pro...id1n~ <br />Mr. lòW1Ømeew _ other provisions of the code. Roll Call, ~s ($)... <br />.... JiQ'a....(:Q).. <br /> <br />HaøsersteDM,wed, Cerl80n. Seconded that the contract for a new two <br />~ poUce car be granted' to Grand Avenue Motor Co. for the 8UM of <br />¡1,S10.00. RoU Call, Ayes (,)·..Nays (0).. <br /> <br />'. _,._<.~.,...,.i* <br /> <br />2 P.M, <br /> <br />SPECIAl. BLDG. <br />PERMIT <br /> <br />NEW POL! c:,~; C,,,';, <br />BOUGHT <br /> <br />Engineer BoutteI' 1ntOl"ll8d the Council of the need for a truck to flush TRUCK FOH <br />the sewers. Brennan Moved, Carlson Seconded, that the Village advertise F.LUSHlNQ,:;:L~, <br />for bids tor a truck, new oi-used, bids to be opened on FebX'l.lary 25th.. ' <br />Specifications to be set up by the ~d1gÌ11eerG Ron Call, A¡erJ ($)... " <br />~ (0). ' <br /> <br />Attorney Lottøgaarden wal heard with reference to Ordinance No. 216. Oli.D~ NOo ?J( <br />Lottsgaarden state I that Ordinance No. 216 does not conf'rom to state <br />statutes. Brennan MOYed, HaDftSreten Seconded that Loftsgaarden be <br />authorized to check 111 tJ:i. the Plann1ng Commission on Ordinance No. 216 <br />and to check the ord1Dånðe with state st.atute's. Roll CaU, Ayes ($)- <br />'aye (0). . ; <br /> <br />_ineer 8~ter reo-..nc1ed that St. Mary Street be accepted by the FRY ST 0 ACCP'" <br />Council. ø Mcw~, Carlson Seconded that street be accepted <br />and name be changed troJÐ. St.o Mary to Fry.. Roll Ca.ll, Ayes (!O..Nqs (OJ,. <br /> <br />Apet1t1onwu rec.iYOd to vacate part ot Maple Lane and to dedioate MIIPLE LANi, <br />anoth.X' port1on. Ifeø..reten Moved, Carlson Seconded that petition be PETX'T'!ON <br />accepted.d a p¢)l1c hearing be set tor FebruarY' 2Stb. Roll Call, <br />Ayes (S)..Na)'s (0). <br /> <br />. B...~ ""4.·ª8II1II8J"~ Seeonded that t1r'e. I'OCID be pa1nted and that PAINT FIRE RD <br />Mr. . O. be 81.... the job tor the p:r1Oe of .130.00. Roll Call, <br />kfe8 (,).....,.(0). <br />~ <br />A~ Judie, Jeroae :¡r~1ce,a-.qœ8ted th.t the 'Ulap purchue f1.,..òookB <br />',-.- tor him costiq 'Uo~.aøh and that a n_ robe be puroh...d tot' $7~"OO. <br />rriIß1œ alaorequ.'ted· 11'41188 in par 0 "'x-stell MOt.d, .Jrerman <br />Seconded that the. n.......-., material be purchased and that salary be <br />ÛJc:Nased to $3,000.00 a year. Roll Cal).,'.... (S)-!f¥ (0). <br /> <br />A letter troll the PoUes Civil Service 0Cll1l'1u810n stating that' fourteen <br />ot the sixteen po1J.~ on probat10n&r1 trlalbad been accepted. <br />~ersten Moved, MoGee Seconded that Loltsgurden be authorised. to <br />check into the 1I4tte~. 1t the Council has the author1tyto ti1'e and <br />hire police under 01...11 'Servioo and that the matter be 'contintted untU <br />next week. Roll Call, Ayes (S)·,.Nays (0). <br /> <br />MATERIAL 1''011; <br />COURT &: PAY <br />INca&'Sg FOR <br />.TUDGE <br /> <br />POLICE cÌ'V\ <br />SERV 4 GG~l¡l',j.. <br />