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<br />, <br /> <br />A petition was received r( U1f.:! re,..gradlng of Ft:rm!0od <br />between Roselawn and Garden Avenue signed qy seventeen property <br />owners" Hanmersten Moved, Carlson Seconded that pet1.tion be <br />referred to the Engineer for checkingQ Roll C81l. Ayes (Id,·, <br />~aY8 (0)0 . <br /> <br />Plat was presented by Mr. Hiner .for property at County Road B2 <br />and Victoria. Brennan Moved,. Hammeraten Seconded that the plat <br />be referred to the Planning Conmds8ion .ror thei::- recommendations" <br />Roll Call. Ayes (4)-N938 (0)" <br /> <br />Rahn Realty presented a peti tior! for the rezoning of Dionne 81ld <br />Dunlap from Residence to Commercial. R4hn Realty vas unable to <br />obtain enough signatures on the peti tion as the people surrounding <br />this property do not want it rezoned t.o Com1'nercial. Carlson <br />Moved, Brennan Seconded th3. t peti tlon De :referred to th:) Planning <br />Commission for their recom1nendations. Planning Commission hearing <br />set for April 2, 1958, 7:30 P~M. ar~ Council hearing April 8, 1958p <br />8:00 P.M.. Roll Call, Ayes (4)-Nays (0). <br /> <br />,A letter from Thorshov and Cerny was rev.d info!'liÜng Cmmcil of <br />the resignation of Mr. Ha.sbro'~c:k and that }1;r" Howard <br />Dalgren and Mr. Janes Hawks will ¡:oatinue to advise on matters <br />previously done by Mr. Hasbrouck, <br /> <br />F:;:mr~JCOD ;..; <br /> <br />HI NER PIJI T <br /> <br />REZONING .. <br />DIONNE &. LUNLA? <br />~""'7Swa'?~'" i f..9fl> <br /> <br />..{J ¡' IJ1Þ. Á{JÀ., ~/ <br />~k!-~(''''''ð -- ~<v - 1 <br /> <br />THOHSHO\j,~ C; ¡,.¡ " <br />L,~fll'E:R <br /> <br />A letter from the Railroad and 'Yiarehouse Coounission was read R.n, CnOSS[;/: <br />'informing the Council of a meeting scheduled for Mårch 19th at CO. ED, D ~é r~ <br />9:30 A.M. at 401 State Offiœ Building, pertaining to the <br />railroad crossing at County Road D and Wost of Cleveland .Avenue" <br />\ <br />., <br />Carlson MCN'ed, Brennan Seconded U¡a t t.he Council accep't the COUNTY HOA n <br />Engineer. Ncomundat1ons that bill for $lOOó8J, whicp is our LIGHT BlIJ. <br />share tor lighting 61 lights at county roa.ds be paid.! Roll <br />Call, Ayes (4)-Nqs (0). \ <br /> <br />Engineer questioned if he should ad'¡is9 a certain pro~rt;¡r DRAINAGE <br />OW'I' that drainage area on private propart¡r would nQ~ be <br />proper or adequate in the future. It was determined 1Ì1at the <br />Engineer mq \ <br /> <br />'rhe Acting Engineer reqwsted that t.he Council consider'the VILLAGE ENG" A('f <br />appointing of' a VUlage Eng:ineer.. Carlson Mowd, Ced&rhOlJa <br />Seconded that Actin« Engineer, Charles Soutt.erf Jr. be appointed <br />V1l1age En¡ineero Roll Call.!) Ayes (4)", (OJ... <br /> <br />Carlson MOII'ed, Hanmersten Seconded that Ted Schultz be appointed ASST. ACCESSOR AFP' <br />\ assistant acce..or for personal property and homesteading. Roll <br />Call, Ayes (4).JIays (0) a <br /> <br />Letter frœ the Govern!JI!" vas read pertaining to the Steering. STEERING COíM". <br />Committee, at which our Mqor bas been partaking in their meetings. <br />Cedarbobl adYised that, the matter of mosquito control is under <br />detini te eonsiderationo'·, <br /> <br />A letter tran Drew Agency 'r.H\8 read I1gree1ng....i(ILlQwering ôf bond BOND FOR LIFT ~)'r", <br />for Hurl61 CODst6 Co" fo'!.' lift station contract bond and placed <br />on file '-' <br />