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<br />'I <br /> <br /> <br />1..,:.1' ~)~ L'- \ '': <br /> <br /> of the Vil:!..[~..!c <br /> <br /> <br />~ Ins <br /> <br />li, "r:, 'i': j, ~:.- ~~ ? <br /> <br />58 <br /> <br />'~ <br /> <br />Trw Village Council met en the; 8.bove ¿¡:¡'t.e 'Jl.'.ti: C¡,F; foLLmling mfmb~l~¡:¡ <br />present. hayoX'.!, Brennan; rtð,lìlarsten., Carh:on mv5//¡GGee tla:¡ror <br />Cederholm 8bsent,,;,r Sautter wa's Ðlso p;c'e!38nt, <br /> <br />Carlson Movedþ Hammerstøn <br />be accepted a::¡ presented~ <br /> <br />GO r~d,'3ù tllâ. t <br />Eo}:'. ;;;,111; <br /> <br /> <br />the minutes of hpril 15~ 1958; <br />) ,<.~'~VDJ'·~i (' 0) ì <br /> <br />Ste~ra Zeece was heéf..'!~d 0:.: L;.tl-,) r ~I !~:~:J" cL' '·1:~S tl?·~,.,~;_a.'L·Y <br />Civil Defense Police. Nr, NewaLL «'H' 2'.80 :v;;1:"~d,, Ie. ¡'!d,S suggestsd <br />tbe Glel'k check further ìrH/; th.s ;.'t:',CrE·~, f.CI :,:;r:~ü'ij' 'i¡r,:;~ C."il1 transfer <br />some money in-r,o a Civil L~.fense ?Up.~··· ), 1e'"toX' fron the CtÜe.L of <br />?oliçe was read. It wan ~,Ggge3t',;d t:¡;:>(. C:i.';,':l sJlOt11~J get <br />'t.ogether with, the l'olice l"øptr;md lie;:::Lk b:;~ween'cJJçm on an ::¡PF')~o,' <br />pril:lte uniform. <br /> <br />C.L \X"CY.. IY:: ~T' " <br /> <br />~J:'¡ T Iii:) [,'(;\ !._..~ <br /> <br />.Mr" Muska was heard, };:! 'Ii, ::.LC <br />Ì",t"So Mieseler ;,'i'Ì10 has t;;o ot£ <br />tHO a5! lots Hnd 'Jne 91;' }c <br /> <br />like \:;) D'U·Cj'~'.5'3 t:>tr. (j.' :.;)t <br /> <br />~~~. ;' d :\:1./1;) Y:'r ,~c: ~ -~ <br /> <br />~ .._,:.y,~~ <br /> <br />frcr.l <br />t" hørn <br />land <br /> <br />~\~.I::~S~ .,", <br /> <br />13,;; ft,;- ,IDe; .<t:e "'T^~J :~. l:"t::;\:· ',t do <br /> <br />int,(' <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />'Jha <br /> <br />al114vcy'ed bcforf:;' 1J~¡tJ.Jii (~? ~,.~d_~::~(r~ i -'~ :.JJ~\:Ld Ò,,#~ '~:Jt~::;_~:(_ <br /> <br />It I>~t.iticn wa~::, --::'ecHived ~).c~_'J:} i-Lt:.;:, ':.:'!.:';(~ [)r2.~l ;:L:"' "J:(1) ;~i: p" ::)j'l.F' <br />Goo(ù:-ich was hE:ard repl~b,5EJr:t,ir,\g ~:,~;.f ¿,":~.~jl,jant..:' «,~ Gr::..Gg:~~ ~)t", ~âÍl0 , ~:;(', ~., <br />opposed to Vie ball. park tEn ~i>:N l'H~C·ec ;;E,cmc)ed that thf; <br />pe'::!:L\;;m be refi;ú'l'!Kl to i::,':~U':," ';j.t'>\i,' ::~ ::.:1ÒJ.u,n:'8 <br />hð~~d tip,) TIle C:t..:~..~r·k: \11 t-1S ~:n~~·.-',~~::;ct (~C ~'lr::t(~ :j ;,0:·t¡n,,~:;,;:,'I tu ~-,J~.~j ~·;<;1't>·:~ j?,ut,¡h .·.¡e3.[()<~1 <br />to hold up const,l~lcti(,)n ~~¡":;-8¡jj,~t<,~j.)' 0.l'Ï-'j :~:.L-~. pe.r·"~.~(}Si CG'rH:;(;::"~".8(~ <br />of hearing set fin' l'Ia,V 13t: a:,:::fXì L:,:. '(O'L'., C",l1.! ";r8S (!~Ll~ay~~ ii'! <br /> <br />Bob Sch-roeder was heard acc~ '",aid .';, :c:et.i.tiu/l!.n oppos:ì.t,j.Orl of tÌH3 :-;YE' <br />apeed boat race be:il1g pl1nr~'~;d i'o.r :"¡cCa.r·y·ons I..LÜ~i;J by thø .J öC wt ~ s ~¡ill lift :~':~: <br />be presented to the Goru,1~~il ney; G KE;:t:k. Too Clerk '",an ü;:;ked to send <br />a letter to Hr. Fl<magan of the J.C.fS ini·(;¡:,,¡~¡:tng t.hem \ a p2.tit.ion <br />is going to be received :in ')Pi;osit:i~.:.n. <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, H8í11Ifiersot,en Second:3d tha t, the ¡;¡Ô,':.'¡;'~j'\· of A~kj,M :rezoning J,'1':'.,.- <br />~ be continued to the f1ø:y 13t21 meeting and the ¿¡twrney fa,- the t{i:';Uir;-"::: <br />opposit,:lon anà all people :1.nvol'led t,,: n()t:I.i';~·¿~d ot' !LeeÜJ,g;" Roll Ca:.U, <br />Ayes (4)-NaYB (0), <br /> <br />Mr. Geo:i"ge !~oss was heard ;;;,113 ïiS':{fJ1 :'.1' t.1'::::> had :'ecaived a. <br />petition opposing the ldnt'; of rtumping tbat is being done on the Huber <br />property at S\V corner o.i': )'\;;;.le ar..d Co.. Rd. E" '¡'he (;l{~:.....k then :-ead the <br />petition. l1cGee l'ioved:> H;;~n1,{}'3rBten ~e(:;on éed that the pr,/,it,ion be re- <br />ferred to the attorney- anà tl~ attorne;y is to dray! up an ordinance to <br />control this pæ..ti(~laT m.!:',LterR 'I'he Clerk: was l'equef3' to write a <br />letter notifying ]V'J.~R Huber- oi' complHintÆ {'ecEJi".red ';D d is to be <br />stopped. Roll Gall, Ayt;,:" (i4-).N¡;¡:YfJ l'.\ <br /> <br />DOHPnJl: <br />DALE & b <br /> <br />H.r" Fra..Y1k Cincottn 9t8t~::d -(,}11'€€ .:reü1:"S ngo hs C~,r-:I)&sit3d $25'000() w-ith !~1cCAEn(}t~:3 ;; <br />the Village for eng:tYlee.r ree on l~eC~l'rolls Hills Ild.:tl,tif)n;"\ ~thicr! he ATJP <br />believed ,U1S a 1'i:Ol1 price and the ongineer stðtf~s thi.s rUM? just an <br />estimate for engineering cost" l'h8 engineer Ha.s irH3tructed to irwesti,~ <br />gate t.ha records ~nd S(':8 :1." a~t .:1d,Justment of thi'-! cba.rges t'x'e :\.n order <br />due 'co a change of gr;,d;: j':;.("ca..~~:: of ae.\..¡er conBtr;lction., <br />