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<br />R.r.. 1.1", f.\~J!]'ißf'¡ ,~t.~~A):r· 1"';'/ <'~_~;i:)'.~:'·~::';~l':·';·(,: <br />of \~rggr.'.er Retnra ·\Jf1.~:': P!"(~,~3r:=:i1.i:'!1 <br /> <br />"-i~~ ':.-,~;~ --:·.}.~Ç;;:(::L'S ~',;Ü'.- <br /> <br />~~.J '\' ,'" ,' <br /> <br /> t~:f::\!'1 <br /> <br />, '. . <br />;..!,~,(;i.. ;,":. (;,':; <br /> <br />'~, (~;'::¡ '~ <br /> <br />.:;:t:-Á <br /> <br />the peti't.ion be ame~ided to incJ,udc ;"he fo~i.lo1iiIlg: thH.'L tha~', ¡net. O( <br />Wagner RÐturn loeated beh,,jm¡ let ¡\ 3, h aIld ;; all :t11 Ü}odç 1 (..f <br />Rolling Green, Ramsey County, boundod ~E the S by a linE) 201 N of and <br />parallel with W~gner St" and bOlmded on the N by the Nly of s8id lot, A <br />as extended in a Wly d:irection t.o the E line of said lot 3. Roll Gall, <br />Ayes (3).N~s (0). <br /> <br /> <br />;(, <br /> <br />Cc-:trleon I10'teè, Cedr:u:"b.QJJil S(:-H;on(h!d t,1:~tJ pe~~it.:1.on to 'I/{Jcst.·~ ':f~ft?sner· n~:t';lffi 1f1j:\GNI~E :n:?~-'";r")~< <br />as amended be granted upon t.he f..elivsrj' of the executed €{~soment for VAU:,','IUi\; <br />slopes, cuts and fills for the grading, improving, extending ani/ widening <br />of Wagner Stbl a public street, ove~ the following described land lying <br />and being in the Coun~ of Ramsey .31'ld State of Minnesota, to-wit.: 'rho <br />wly 50' of lot 1" the Sly 20; of lot A, and the Sly 20 ~ of lots S,~ 6, 7;; <br />8, 9 anâ 10 all in Block 1 of Green, R"ìr.1sey Count;,!,: :HnnOfj,yGH. <br />Roll Call, Ayes (3)-N~s (0). <br /> <br />Ibnald Stieper I s drainag8 D1'oblem on Dølhl00d was again discu3Ber¡ ;me! <br />'the engineer 'Has in struc'LiI.,) Ò~..o G()l'r".c~:, this '"f) the be:-;; t. (':::: :-:11.3 ~,b~.l:l <br /> <br />The of it'erm.JCod r¡,grading ">i/l':' ag~Ün bJ'ougÍl'i:. IIp, '?ha 3:·¡gined.'C <br />it! to 10;01"1: on t.l1e street ui th +;h0 cormt;¡f in preparing plans to ,!';3gr:'Hk) <br />from Roselsvffi to GQl1den" Engtl.lee:.,'\'iill rspor.... back at t.l'lIJ next '\1wating, <br /> <br />A letter frcm E~ vI" HartweD., ?ß15 H, ~'¡3stern 'Ia!> re-'3.c P)"oT,~:si:,lng t.he <br />propos&d Light Industrial Zoning of h13 prope;"~\"l" ~~"" Ha::"GATBll ¡ s l€tter. <br />'\-1as referr.ed to thaPlanning C'Ji1"1...:b1:~:i.on,) <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Carlson Secon&dd tJ1.3.'~ petition l'13ctdved <br />sent tary sewer for property bounded by L~rdia. on the N, on the S by <br />Millwood, on the E by Snalling w.d on the W by F'atrvl8tJ be r,,;i'erred <br />to the attorneY' for checking" Roll Call~ Ayes (J)".Na.ys (O} '. <br /> <br />Brennan Mov~ Carle on Secof)r::ed that permission be given ifi) lV,œs <; IiQ;ÍJm <br />for a corner lot 75' 1. 190ft on the tiE corner of Sharon and Lerlngton <br />so that a building permit may be grantedc Roll Call, Ayes (3)_Nays (a). <br /> <br />Condemnation notice fran the Highws,y Dept.. is still being studied as <br />it inoludes two eastern areas where sewer assessments ~~ist. <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Ce~8.?holm Seconded that Ordinance Noc 247 amending <br />Or(Unance No.. 190 be adopted pertaining to liabi1i't1 required when <br />licensed to work in Rosevil1e" Roll Call, Ayes (3)-Na;ys (0). <br /> <br />Carlson Moved, Brennan Seconded that Larr.Y' Squires, Herbert Lynch <br />and Janes Borden be given pennission to attend theState Fire Convention <br />and expenses of $75",00 each, a totøl of .t225cOO be appI'OV'ed6 Roll Call, <br />A,os ()-Nays (0). <br /> <br />S1~IE.PEr~ <br /> <br />¿¡"S","(, ~~:.\rl: i,,; '; <br /> <br />-:¡: !.:~ \.~~).;~ ;:1, '!",:;' >-; , <br /> <br />HAJ'llŒLL <br /> <br />:::3,:,\'; <br /> <br />SE'~4Ell P~~t~'T ' , <br /> <br />MRS c RAE'/¡ <br />COHNEH L 0 <br /> <br />HWL 00 Nf:Pì'1N,~ .' <br />nON NOTICB <br /> <br />ORD. 000 247 <br /> <br />STATE FIRE CON" <br /> <br />Brennan Moved; Carlson Seconœd that' the Council concur in the l"'6comrnend- Cf",BLES BUP:':EG <br />ationo of the engineer and that telephone cables to be buried at the <br />follo\fing places be approved; On SrJryer Ave u 270' W and 235~ E of <br />Larlngt(jn .~V~)"; Burke A'!e., 250' g of 1exin?:ron Ave" and fi~L"!1€:!' Stu between <br />Ric¡~ S'¡~, and í,'¡illiGin St Hon CrJ.J.~ Ayea \3)-N'a;vs (0)" <br /> <br />BrfJn~l~~j,::"t M(;,l6d( Gnr]J:;\)i1 Secon_åed >!;j,)!'3.'~,~ ]~~.rtte!' :tr,ç~{a BM:tst(..,r -Englnee¡:-ing <br />.,hi':', .r:c], ,; ~d,n. for ,~~1.¡9')b ';-; 1>:-O1!l ?-1" S" p) t() LfVy::t.t±. ,~: SODfi be <br />..:;-','::t,'J.}",C'·'> '''>'"'1 r;' <~C :;:'t' :;2:\1 T(~r· :)..-<~) ,^l"~,,-,,·.' ~~: '>¡~:j!';:~.l (C) <br /> <br />N'oS,p, BIT" <br />