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<br />Î ;<., <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~:~ t.~ C Ç) t ;. ö.!:~. ('; 'L11 {:\ 'i:, tl.h ;;: <br /> <br />'f", <br /> <br />the '(lOTdJ.r.r_g da!:,r:! .t'-~;"·nJi ~.~ <br />('t .~_ i ] h ..,:".~ Ç.'" I) 1 ''; .. '1\1' """ "'\':- (,-.. \! <br />.J{.u_..~ ~\)r:;...... \..,~!. "":".)1.." ~.lìl <br /> <br />", ,,' .. <br />.". <br /> <br />-~ í.;'....': <br /> <br />,~)::;) .~ <br /> <br />Ceda:el101rr l'loved,t C;1I'1.30a ~:~uco):;ð(-:)c' ";',,:~,at F\~j...\,-;: <br />Bp€"~(;'i('J: ~ ~')illß 'Wn~n 3D.1:grl~.·~.t¡,;~d ;, :.,;", r!c¿ir,'~ .'1:,:' i(1 <br />car\!:. fo ,t dogs rThl::n ra(r.-:5~j'c /¡ "/ t~ 0 ~ 1. C.,~." <br /> <br /> <br />i',).). <br /> <br />~")~: -l:r,:~ to,~:: <br /> <br />:....,(~ <br /> <br />e~-;ì (~r t·.'·.: n(~~T <br /> <br />.....~ <br /> <br />HcGeð }110'1ed, ßrennw:: <br />reinvest. ,$2ÓO~OOO"Or) <br />Natiol';al Ee..'1k:, Rol:! <br /> <br />.~! " ...,' : ' <br /> <br />.. :~; ::,::~·:(k <br /> <br />~::: ~~[,iJ~·.~j.ZG!i .0 <br />.>: ·"Ü:3i', tbf! fÜ',CTJ.GSn <br /> <br />SeconC:·d::. ':.:.:J <.,-s t·~.~: <br />of t,h" .¡>i2Ór;"CY '''. ~.. <br />Call k",,"~' f ¡, ì <br />4' ~...~ ~,,' ~ .i." ¡ <br /> <br />. :':\f" _' ~ J <br /> <br />McGee Moved, Brennan SrwoT1cJed tha"(, the fol1crevtng reso],n:.L'\1 os aäopt~ð" <br />Be it resolved t.hat the i!j:JÆlCf: ~r:;:·EiUm.'_'E:" up¡m.;¡"fidf,'V::ii:;):' DiJputy <br />Clerk have access 'X s.afe!:;T d,::DOS i-;j Ò,1X ;:¡t (,he S è;, ,l.ntJ1o:w Park ,st~, '(18 <br />Bank when the Village Cle.rlt Is 4 not ¡;~vanabl!a or p:('esE:m~) ~ Holl C;Ù:1;1 <br />Ayes (4)-Nays (0). <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Cedllrho1.'Tl Sücondøcl that Richard 1~" Flam\gBn be hired as <br />tJ. pat,rolman to take the plv..cH oi' Officer L05s1e 1]$ X'?cOJI1'O';-endad by i:h3 <br />Police Department. Roll C,\'Eþ AJ)'EH] (h)*,N,ays (0)" <br /> <br />The attor.ney will continue his (;[lecl:L1.1g Œ1 the s,~wer petit.:.o:1 roce:lvcd <br />and report. back a tala ter date'f <br /> <br />Easement. No, 420 for Willi;'<!n C, &. Enid E,-,,)hn vms :C(iGS:1:,:r:'d and ''inl <br />c..0 !"<;co:rdscL <br /> <br />>: !~ ~.1 . i <br /> <br />";":,'Y <br />~ . (. ..) " <br /> <br />n«:~D, " /, ltí} <br /> <br />DE':? H <br /> <br />~rr;í';' PULl ¡;¡~~; ,'< . <br /> <br />S~.i;~~H r~/j'iTT::: <br /> <br />~j~SI~ 1~' , <br /> <br />~;aSal1ell't Noo 531 for Ida lJ¡a~¡'~iE'rn~"ßl '.~,'l:;) r,;';;::;!}:V'(3j E'1nd '¡in} h3 Pu'(¡ OD f'íl0 "r:;:.~'1',' . <br />Check for ,n6 70 7'!3,g roce:1.~"od f,:))' I~!'::'J;::entJ of brL1gii.1g th::: ::\ost.ract èD'Ñ11 <br />ttJ date" <br /> <br />EaS~l\m1t No, S26 for G1J..bel"t :&;1:_ & Al:ic;\} E. iienzel h3.[:1 Ür:snc'.y been :::,;.,:W],,, ¡<iC' t) <br />i~su€d ;) check ,Ò1ch 'JT:i.ll b,:: exdiangød for duly 0:nH~'.l~,~ ~;fin·';.1, eO.St~·· <br />rnent 0 <br /> <br />Brennan Hoved, CarlS;)!'l Seconded t.rH3.'\: E,u;,e:nent Noo 519 1'01' D:moJ.d S. fj ~ E~1"1~('. ;V.:" ~,:l~ <br />Car&l \Hnch be paid in the V\1touù.t of $52"50,, Roll Call, ^:çOt1 (U-Nays (0). <br /> <br />fl, letter from Steve Zaec:e trf.iEJ read gi\ling his resignation as directs:r <br />of Civil Dsf'ens9 effective :iImnad:1,ately.. Þlc.Gee I1ovad, Ca:rlscn Sec9n&ad <br />th,at the GO\L'1cil ~m to a letter t,o Mr. Zeec9 in appreciation of all h1a <br />work dl."'Ue> Ron Call~ Ayes o.l),~Nays (0)" <br /> <br />ZEEC1i: ~i~~ESIG1J_)"L <br /> <br />--..,,,,,,:~ <br /> <br />Cedaj."holul Moved~, Crœ],,3()11 SÐCf)rJòed t,hat tJ œ if 0 Du.ìlca.rJ,; 2c5J N" 1oxi.ngtrvn }1Jr;:G¡~ì\·;·... t? F'i~~' <br />Avenue he f1pp05,ñt.f.H::1 3.8 Civp Døtransc director to t:3::3 th'2 p1nce of ;:~,¡;O''J'o ~~, í),. nTh, <br />,', Ii .. 1 (". ~"1 '; .~ .",.. (I, \ ¡\1 ". r. ft·" <br />!Ji~ece,-~ ..·.O.\....d.. V';;LJ...,,,,> """',jI'I:.10 '.4/~··o~",CJ.Y".J "",1...,1); <br /> <br />/".;.\ ..". ,..,. <br />";,i..i, i_ <br /> <br />Br~"£ ll f::>u,bm::~t:;_.Z>~~~ [;. ¥ra~~e'-'''~:11:r';rEY' rErpCï!"k to '0he G~.~)Dnc:t:t,~ >í (J"."C; 1:l'1(}'i:~{:;!-~ <br />E·T·-a¡~.~nal'1 5·!)':o~1.{:'vd ·~t¡rh. .;~. t,bü r/) ~Ù"O!:~3 ":~dv""¡, ~E>X~{ \~Gmffi () -~~; ~~'.}: ::,~.r; \.1. :1 ~;(,!~5t~ .-~ .'. .>, <br />t:i':; Cl;~¡;<Jkr; Jo'~.1 -~?:;ld ::~·~'~LléJiY 5:t ::~r;.d i .~~~ :~8;~~f;en~J ::':oi J.:1 t ,:~.-~~B .?,(.j <;.·'::}_~~<..·::,~:LC:". 'J j '.' <br />:::. J'1\,i Sf! ~~}h :¡;tî.~~d ,þ.8 ~té~i!__ lk;kl. ~-!_;.-:<ll.. t;I-:)~:,!_ ...~~L)____ <br />Brennan Moved, Carlson Seconded that Audrey Trudeau and Carol La Barre <br />be granted'fan imrea.øe to $ 26th 00 permontJ1apd Hazel Wilson, $270.00 WA.Cß .. <br />per. month and increased to$ð25.o0 a month. Any over-time <br />by Audrey Trudeau, Carol La Barre and Adeline Bohlman over 40 hours a week, <br />they will be paid a straight hourly wage. Also Harold Haglund be increased <br />to $475.00 per month ann Jim Skog to 4iì425.00 per month. Roll Gall, Ayes(4)-'" <br />~¡..,.r,., (,,) <br /> <br />