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City Council Meeting Minutes
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7/17/2007 8:47:40 AM
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />'i11llage of Rosevllle <br /> <br />Regular meeting ot the Village Council, Tuesdq, August 32. 1958. <br /> <br />The V111age Councu _t on the aboye date with the following m8l1berø <br />preeent. Cedarho1m, Hamerstel1, Brennan, Carlson and )lieGee. Atto1'l1ey <br />Lottesaarden wu 8110 PN!Ølt. <br /> <br />H_rsteD Moved, Brennan Seconded that the acceptance of the minutes MINUTES <br />ot July 29, 19S8 and AugtlSt S, 19$8, be postponed one week. Roll <br />Call, A.J'e8 (~)-N.s (0). <br /> <br />8100 P .M., <br /> <br />S1Doe the death of an eleven year old boT (Stanl81l1c:Cart.h7) .s a McCARROtfS LAKE <br />NlNlt of bebag bit b7 a motor boat on McCarron's Lake, a committee <br />tfoa MaCarroD' 8 Lake appeared betore the Conncu requesting 80lIl8 ldnd <br />of aètton be taba 80 that tM.e win not happen again on their _an <br />la.. Bob Sch1'oedlJt, spokesun, waa heard and requested that Oent:re <br />Street. be vacated, which would eliminate a large porti01'1 ot the <br />1.auDob1ng of aotcr boats at tb1a end ot the lake. They also would <br />l1ka to have tour men sworn in as depuq sheriffs and patrol the lake <br />0D1T. Joe Sa11cD vu heard and suggested Centre Street be barricaded <br />bT the boat launoh1ng site and 41so that NO PARKING signs be erected. <br />Mra. Jackson vae also heard. Mr. Anklan troll the County Engineers <br />ott1oe vas heard aDd su¡gested that our Yillage meet vi th aU <br />8Uft'OUDI!1n¡ rillap ofticialø to discuss th1a problem of motor boating <br />.. 811 aN ba:ñD¡ the elM probløa. McCarron's Lake 18 the o~ lake <br />that liee wholly w1th1n the Village of Roeerllle. Mr. Van Buskirk <br />was 8110 beard. It was further nggested that a te. be charged for <br />boau t.o be put on the lake, this would greatlT leaen the number of <br />beaten. Clerk B1a1adell ot Sborerl... and Councilman Gottried P.rle <br />.... pre..t and ~ also haye boating prabl_s at Snail Lale, <br />'1'tart1e La., IellDd Late and part of 0vaa80 Lake. Mr, Scbrieb vas <br />81. beard and qpsted the poss1bUity' of tenpo1"8l"i~ banning water- <br />IkUDa OD MoCuToDt,. Lake. Bud Lannoux, YOluntary patroler on Owuso <br />x.. ... havd and 1D1'ormed that 'YOlunteers SWOI"ll 1n are able to <br />entOJ'Oe tile etàte laws on tbø lalc.. <br /> <br />BreØIIID Mørec1, ø..rsten Seconded that due. to an .ergenCJ' erlst1ng <br />on Lab JIoCarron's that boats w1tb motors be barred traa McCarron's <br />Lake darme the time ot the ex1s~ce of the .ergel'JCT. Roll Cau, <br />.;re. (5)·Ø.,.. (0). <br /> <br />~ MoYed, Ha_rster1 Seconded that . hearin¡ be sei; up tor three <br />web traa __ (8ep..ber 2nd) tor vacating of Centre Stren <br />aad that tbe attorney be Gthori..d to obtain the legal description <br />of tbe porttoa otCentre Street to be vacated. Roll Call. A788 (S)- <br />Her. (0). <br /> <br />CENTRE S'l'R <br />VACATING <br /> <br />TIle IfaJor vU1 appoint a COIIIIIitte. to ...t vith other rlllages on <br />tba prob:t. of aoto!" boating careless17 on the lakes. <br /> <br />A teD Jdmte Ncee.1f88 called - 9120 P.M. <br /> <br />Mon Haber, 700 w. Coun1i7 Rom B requested a 1n1ilding permit to put HUBER BLDG. <br />20 toot add1t1on on the ease 8ide ot the present bu11~. ø.mm..etel1 PBM1' . <br />Kcmtd, BreDnan Seconded that the ba.ild1ng pest be 1e8118d tor an <br />addiUon to the present. building. Roll Call, ",..s CS)...Nqs (0). <br /> <br />MBmNG Fon <br />CARELESS <br />BOATING <br />
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