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<br />Brennan Hemad, HcGer;; :'';econ(k~d thnt EeGohr;~ion No ,) 20') ";)U :~c})p\Æ)d <br />agreeing to enter into a mutuèÜ ,dd art'DngoI.18trt with Fa...con Hs\ghts <br />Fire Da:~,to whereby each ðepartlllÐnt \vll1 assist, the other :in ca.¡;\?¡ <br />of' ma~(~r fire erne:('gency at no (:hÐXgô to e:l ther (' Roll C~;.¡~ <br />Aycs í,$)..-Na.ys (0) Q . <br /> <br />HCIJ\~aerBten Moved, Carlson Seconded that B chec;k for ·,);5,,000.,1:-0 be <br />i1sued to the Minnesota Higimay D8pi;" to b8 deposited '.ft th t.hem. if¡ <br />'.sse of any damage done W Hichway It 36 during the constx'u~'t,ion of <br />the sewer.. Roll Call, A:¡ea CSkN'ayt: {oL <br /> <br />lfiIFtT: DEp4I' p'r~; <br /> <br />DEPosn' 'IUTI-'; <br />,..¡ <br /> <br />EWY 0 DEP'!'. <br /> <br />A letter tram the Chief of Poliœ W~ 't r0ad regr"C'ding t:rlt'l Q.~~tl.gtG Ú.\' LEX" PLAZA <br />cars at the Lexington Plaza Shopping Ce:¡;'t.el"'" CAH OU'TLS'T <br />Brennan Moved_ CedarhoJJn Seconded th at the engtneer g0t :i.n t'(J'J,ch ~rl t , <br />the Highway Departm.ent. a.nd (,~()me t.O l':ome conclusion HS tü hi}'''' many oui,.. <br />lets should be closed" It j,~; t.üo:::bJ:;ge:(·OtU3 ,m'! it m:'1,r '::::I~j;:",,, R()l:L <br />Call~ Ayes (5)øNa;ys (oL, <br /> <br />A letter tram Donald Peterson!, 1133 Osceola A',e OJ) ~;Th,' :1.5 "!:xd,lding at <br />2837 Churchill, was rea.d I'8queating pernj.ssion to 111:;'; tall íi\ te.rn.pOï:'ary <br />sewage system, since sewer j.3 GXI;~ctÐd to l"Un hy his h;:¡ )lf; :UI the nea.r <br />fUture.. Mro Peterson will hav'2! t.o check witJ1 the plum''JJ,ng :i..m;pector <br />as to i:be :feasibility.> <br /> <br />Banister Engineering pret':snt,ed a bill troœ Nortl'tern StateB Potier whtch <br />had been eent. to Morettin1" Hæmersten ltloved¡; Brennan Seconded that. <br />the bill be reterred to thn attcrney. Roll Can, Ayeø (~)-N8YS (0)0 <br /> <br />BeDunersWn Moved. Cedarbol.rn Seconded that Estimate No" 4, Pn-oject Noo 12, / PROJ 0 12 <br />Sanl't:æ7 Sever Ho.. 1, fimÙ payment be JIlaœ tor .500..00 md that the "" <br />pro3ect be accepted" Roll CaU, J\,ws ('),...Nays (0)" <br /> <br />Carlson Moved, 11cGee é.~(.:nnè(!.dthHt, th'f enginetn" ccntü:~::"n:; <br />Dept.. and Count.y Engineer tc: ßee '..htd:; C,¡r¡ bH c1o':l8 ·r-c. h";(,',) <br />semaphores worle a.ll t:'1.E) ~:;i;1\e <~'~ ~~nel1:1.n;~ and Count;;,~ ,a(!¡;~d s., <br />Call,. Ayes (S)",Ntty8 (0) 'c <br /> <br />:~.¡}. gb~'J ~t~/ <br /> <br />" .,., <br /><Hoo",..!.. <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Hammersten Se(~Cind6ð that the ertginee~" '~::H':.e¡'{ tit"?: cul'Jcrt <br />at the residence ot Peter F'a.'r~ri'::k¡! .i r" í¡ 1252 Gakcrast Ave" \, -¡¡ho sent. <br />in a letter stating we dml«lge :!.t, :,ws ctl:~'\Sed his Y'ou-':l., 'i4.:)),:1. GaD,. <br />Ayes (S).Nays (0)" <br /> <br />HaDlnersten Moved, Cedar:tlQ1z!l Seconded that; the report O'¡ iortr.'!í.-¡;¡ S8\olð);' <br />drainage recei'fed trom tho UnivGrsi ty of Mirmeaota b~~ re:fet':oed t..o the <br />engineer to check and tha-t. a boa held w:lt.h t,hf;J ,)t.hfJ: '" 111uuic1.... <br />palities concernedc> Roll Can~ 1\18,9 (,)...Nays (0) 0 <br /> <br />A letter trœa Banister was rend suggesting that a temporary <br />sewer inspector be æployed by the, under the supervision ot <br />them and if' work fails to be done satisfactorily that, he be 1"éleased <br />tran aotift œty until reg\üarly discharged by the Council c <br /> <br />Brennan Mewed, HammeP8ten Seconded that a pemit be granted <br />to Spe1gel Canst" tor the bu.ilding ot two apartment buildings at the <br />corner of Eldridge and Fry Streetso Roll Call, Ayes (,)...Nay-s (0)., <br /> <br />\.~I GN:~L:;<· <br />3~J Er,::,\:.:':~';' ~"; <br /> <br />CUt'l,\"i' " <br />Pi\'{'R,\::K Pfì:O <br /> <br />u 0 01<'~1 () <br />DRAINAGE RL', <br /> <br />T1<:~1P" C'~SSPC <br /> <br />REQUES'l' <br /> <br />1'1.S.P.. BILl <br /> <br />TEMP. 3I<¡flE:¡:, <br />INS? . <br /> <br />BLOOo PERMI'I' <br />SPEIGEL CO\~:'i<> <br />