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<br />Village of P.osevl11a <br /> <br />Hegu1ar Wgeting of' the Village of Rose\li11e,. Tuesday, September 23~ 1958. <br /> <br />The Village Council met, on the above data with the following members present: <br />Cederholm, Ham.mersten, Brennan. Carlson and McGee. Attorney Loftsgaarden and <br />Engineer Boutter were also present.. <br /> <br />8:00 F.~;Ì ::q <br /> <br />Carlson Moved" Brennan Seconded that the minutes of Septanber 16, 1958, <br />be accepted as presented" Roll Call, Âyes (S)-t~ (0) q <br /> <br />JolINU TES <br /> <br />Hammersten Moved. McGee Secollded that t.he meeting be recessed tor five <br />minuteu.. Roll Call, Ayes (S}-Naye (0).. <br /> <br />MEE7'lNG <br />RECES~;Er' <br /> <br />During the reoess, McGee and three ot..~er Ir.en sang a b&rber shop <br />quartet Bong and after prasaD tad a petition 'to the Council re.. <br />queeting October lOth be proclainwd tlHARNŒII DAY" þ at which time <br />they are putting on a beneri t Sh~T for the Owaaso Children <br />Home" They were requested to present a proclæl1ation tot·,the <br />Council for their accf:Jp'tanea u <br /> <br />The meeting was called to ol"d;3r pUX"3!:t{1nt t.o rsceSB.. <br /> <br />Brennm Moved. Car1.son Seconded that a petition recei-.,sd requesting STREE'l' LIC" <br />street l~hts at Dale and ~i'rr.msi t; Dale and St" Albans; ID1d Da,le .and <br />County Road B2 J be referred ·to tho øn~ineer .for cbecking f.L'1d report back <br />next week" Roll CaD-s Ayes C~)""NaJ"s (O). <br /> <br />Mr. lvey was present froll1 Ive.'r Carpeting and stated his light i8 out at lVEY CARFKt"F¡G <br />9:1)0 P.M. and also t.hat fÙ.l l~bbish is picked up and no excess material <br />i!I burned. Hammersten 1'loved, Carlson Seconded tbat the Council visit the <br />carpet shop and act on the matter in WO weeks (Oc'1:.. 7th) ani also~ that <br />the Planninç Commission consider this at. their ~neeting next week. Roll <br />Call, Ayes (5)-N~s (O)& <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Hammers·ten Secrmded that t.he Clerk roId Trear.rorar be RETIRE S~l>r <br />authoriv,ed to acquire $25,000,,00 of outstanding Roseville Sanitary Sewer SEWER EO; T~::' <br />Bonds for Impro't'Ðœnt No" 1, at the cur-rent market rate by purchase for <br />the p~ose of retiring soma of the existing sewer bonds. Roll Call, <br />Ayes (5)..Nays (a) 0 <br /> <br />Mr. Short of Banister Engineering, tlle Village Engj.neer and Village SEWER RATES <br />Attorœ,y have met regarding Bewer rates and feel the CoW1C11 should have SPECIAL MEr.·l'TN( <br />a special meeting to stUCÒ' t"he rateso Brennan Moved, Carlson Seconded <br />that a special meeting of the Council be held on Friday. Septemb4tr 26th. <br />at 2130 P.M., for the purpose of studying and determining. 'the aatter ot <br />sewer rates for the Village of Rosevi11e.. Roll Call,. Ayes (~)...Na;y8 {oJ. <br /> <br />Carlson MO'9'.d. Breman Seconded that the contract for Sanitary Sewer No.. 2. <br />Project No.2. to Oriei and Mariani be approved and that the Mayor and <br />Clerk be attlihonsed to execute the contracto Roll Can, Ayes (S)~s (0). <br /> <br />CON1RAC't' <br />PROJ.. 2 <br /> <br />The engineer reported on Long Lake Road and etated the road had bee:n <br />accepted by the ViUage f'ran. County Road C to Count¥ Road B2, but that <br />it is not in good condition" The approximate cost or a little bit better <br />than average road would be $14,OOOQOOO It built according to ~tate-.A1d <br />it would cost $50,000000" Mr" McNeilly of Witte Transportation W88 <br /> <br />LONG LAKE IWA D <br />