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<br />\ <br /> <br />¡-':lr'~, <br /> <br />'~~}:J,o:rtJ :t'€qu,ü ;ste~,d ·tl'lL~t "'~A1(~ <br /> <br />Ci ¡.... <br /> <br />;~::?,!.::: I,,'~.~·, <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />'(:,n <br /> <br />::~ ',~y~\ :. j~'1 <br /> <br />.i. ....ò,,-,< <br /> <br />and HaSner who ,.¡ere aW21'dHd Ú18 contract lo:,' l'ro ,:Ioct. II) Q.t' <br />8(3\181" Irnpr'ovement No) 2.lbo ;:t't.t)l"tlf.JY S\'J~r,~;c1 tLe 1u,,,:Ò I,:::;", <br /> <br />~)an,itary <br />·3 (; C:O)'J\:-;-l) 1~6 <br /> <br />A letter from the Village of Lj.t,t1.e <br />have passed a resolution ~~5.vim~ t~\e <br />t;) connect the new Capit.a} 'i }c}] ,it <br />S8í>Ier Byst.ern. <br /> <br />Canad~t ~'ras :r{-)~c: st3,ting they <br />'v'il1are of Ros€vtlJY })ermi.'3 ~ion <br />a~;.. Sc;bc,o],.'>., <,_~he .R03H~..{:t11(3 <br /> <br />", <br /> <br />Brenn,¡3.n Moved, Mç;ne~) Sec[n1d':-~d 't·.nt~: ^~I '\>.~) ..,C)<~G CO .\n ,:,-,·,!·-:'t·~'::J:c .¡;]~~)r·'(ìVen19~Tt <br />No" 1 bondG be retired aLd pl:Lrchased from Al1:!s;Jn·^~'i:U.L';_B¡11S fox <br />~5,060"33u Roll Call, Þ.Y81J (:';),NaY:'3 ':0)" <br /> <br />",-1.;,.,-,' <br /> <br />Ha:r.marsten Moved~ Carlson ~~8i~ondeÔ +,h;:;t Resolut..'.Q(¡ :To (~':\') be adopt.ed <br />n ' \ or \.~ <br />lor :éI'Jßpportiol1i11ent of aSS8S:;;1l!t.,~),:~::;. ::1,0}1 GÜlj ,\.'1'<;:; \,!':.' ,Nays ;0)" <br /> <br />Hf!.;rn;r\~j.r:>steXl J.vl()\r~d~ Brenn,3,n ~:(;Ji~ol~(_1~3rJ <br />f~O ?rod to :'mild 0n th.,· ;::' ;<: )'.~' <br />\~ .3/-15 of the :4 }/:,;? ç:f t.L'~~: /~~í ~.,'>f <br />T 29 ~ >::, 23 ~ (CO:r:1;2:tf ~;,C '.:.Y~ <br /> <br />'!i~·{~cie,}. <br /> <br />P Ht~,~3.:~ :~~ ic',} <br /> <br />1y~ fìl[en <br />;?;<3 ~,f ·,!:,d <br /> <br />~;',.. <br />,'.......1. V <br /> <br />:..[ \i':'~ 1. 20' (¡ r:::¡ <br /> <br />.\ ,<, <br /> <br />s ~~. <br /> <br />',;-l. ¡<:1 "; <br /> <br />.- ,,"~ "'. <br />...-,' ;. .~. <br /> <br />. ~ <br /> <br /> <br />·;~()"1.L <br /> <br />,,:::U <br /> <br />.I f).· ., <br /> <br />,,>: a ;l ~.::: <br /> <br />Harftns:';3 ten. M{)v (j de; ijr;3Tln;:).n :i~ ::.~~') íi ~'_'(;c.': ~J: ,3·\~,.·~ Gp :lÜ ,-:'¡ <br />rapo!''t. on ?ascal ,lVB~),~ ë'en:, ¿;~G[¡ ;;C',T';:;:U)'U¡¡'; <br />be sw died and ccn dnv.€d lo¡ '." ":cEth 1. <br /> <br />(. , ",~' <br /> <br />tt:'SI'~3' <br /> <br /> <br />J:-"f~:11 ¿rt t~3.1· <br /> <br />s {.'; v~N,'?:'¿/::ì ('-))" <br /> <br />Tho enginoo!' '.':\~1 3'(¡(.)1,!,,;st,t~ j '1 <br />Banting property »1~Ld:t'S C}. '." <br />the ï}iJ~l:if;~ to closü SC'V~=\~i:'-,\ <br /> <br />" <br />..J.;') " <br /> <br />;. 0:) <br /> <br />, '..:' "1' <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br /> :~. ,)--~¡l ~r,;:; r,::p '!:l'~::~ ;1'.' <br />::~ ::·',l'.lss:ion ~troTr <br /> <br />!) ~~ ~¡l ':., 2.? '(""6 qu <br /> <br />'~/ .: :,¡ ~T~~~)n <br /> <br />.': <br /> <br />" " <br />,~:Lr -(,ilZ P';1::,,;';, <br /> <br />:"(:~::.'::: DC U <br /> <br />-c~c~ ':',or" ._ <br /> <br />The u.ttomøy l"'êpor'wd t~j2.'.~ .. ;;,<\1' dcr:(j';;;~_¡'dl¡,>¡Hti.))\ <br />insmrance from employe~~Ð fJ";5 '""(\}'1 --'.pon (·'Dquest. Ú.i ':.r,t1.,np:è,O¡!:;-8" I'Ì1{~ <br />CHk will che.::k with G8ch Ôe..;ti.l·tm:~!it :10¿td fmò ;nvÐ~he;,l ob:..Ün th;;) <br />sìgnnture of each €J!'¡ploye,3 .·..h(:' -·d.Hhel' ",0 h,~we h:h;;;)i~,t~L,~,fltl(¡n in.., <br />su~~anca deductad from hia PU? (~n,'>.::~:. <br /> <br />Brennan ¡"oved, Carlson u~; \~ F{:;!.':<)l:lti;:¡1i No, 23S bü 8doQted <br />accepting Skillman Ave" a~¡ é" vil1flgù ~r:.rGet., ¡:k<ll i;'J11:t .~yr.:!s (4)" <br />Nays (1), McGee not voting, <br /> <br />Easement No" 520 for ('reorge a!ìd Irene Dittøl and Ì'lichael snn Elsie <br />Collins was received and ¡,r:i.l1 be re{~OI'd0d., <br /> <br />)(7,'.::( <br />30Ni) <br /> <br />ClìPTT 1'1, <br /> <br />"Jt'~ij' <br /> <br />r <br />.~ ,~ <br /> <br />I--~t:T~CHg f),)fJ :~,~ <br /> <br />~: f:::r~: Pc #~ <br /> <br />HES() '.' <br /> <br />jf r)..... c: <br />n c.:~ -" _,~' <br /> <br />H~~;A.~· ) <br /> <br />~J f{ T.l'. ~_) i, <br /> <br />,c.)-;);;.'c <br /> <br />','''IT <br /> <br />',""" ' <br />".',,' :..' <br /> <br />,.',..': <br /> <br />HC·SY~ <br /> <br />-.. ... ..'~ <br />~.l~ ,~ <br /> <br />':;'ŒLJ},At.; .' <br /> <br />8:31-'1 or , 5~~c <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Carlson Seconded thflt the 'if iUage auU~v1"i::'ø the Road NO Pt.¡{KING <br />Department to put NO PARKINC signs on tho north and south side of <br />Skillman Ave" dcnm to ap~rtrnent hOill:GS Roll Cal1¡. Ayes (5}~NayB (0). <br /> <br />""',...-;' <br /> <br />Bl"'ennan hoved" HBlIìli1e1'sten Seconded that ::>pecial permis,Sion be given <br />t.o the Last Frontier Restaurant to cract a 45 fç,,'t. high SigrlJ \ÚlÎch <br />is higher i:.han oràinance requir~3ment.3; ~w :t."ecœ.mended i)y tJh~ Village <br />r:ng:lfleer and Bu:l.lctlng Inspectc!'" Roll Call, Ayes (5)...Nays (0). <br /> <br />J~f3~? I'T1ur~trTf <br /> <br />~ .":}, <br /> <br />NeGce !<Iov;ar], E8mxr"OTsten Seconóed that:tesolnt.ion N(\~ 237 be f"dopted RYAN ;WE. <br />Q LI'01)_ '" I h '¡:,) 'I {fe' <br />accepting ¡~ya;;l A\''G~ 3,3 a \:i~'lé:¡?e ctrc<;;::".. "" \/¡Ü~, ".yea \,¡,¡"l~llYS ,J}, <br /> <br />A lettar' f'rw. the Rsc!:'e8:~ion Dj:c'eç i"An;' "as l'eaä statin.g too Recreation REG. BOARD <br />Bf)<1rd ,,In 1 3"N'3r t,ise for '~;i(J.s on ro:,\!';;.a:-m1ng sheltBr8 for ice ICI~ SKAT::¡'¡ <br />Sktl\,-.\.¿J[:· rl.nkr;;} \-J JJ~'} to t:)e 0J.)6r.:.:3¿ (.\u i'J()~r(r~·'lbe.~· 2:;·th, PROGR1L\¡j <br /> <br />. .~t _';" <br /> <br />.', <br /> <br />:;':'1: '.:~'.J:' ,.' "')l:lt <br /> <br />, :J~':'!;¡..~ <br />