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<br />I.J:Q11,'/t D'.JriG" <br />Dfš"fIITõi:;:¡-"Yij,s t " Go. <br />famous B!'aIlås;(rw II> <br />Griggs Coop~r 8,: Co" <br />~1cKeBBon & Robbins 1m:,,, <br />Mid 'tlest Wil1t'!'1 Co" <br />OldPt)::>r1.a Cn~ <br />Ed Phillips & Sons Co" <br />Amerioan Linen Supply GOG <br />Bc~r \inoJ.esa,lers Toe" <br />Bind~¡" Bmr ~ Go" <br />Briseman Kennedy Inco <br />Canada Dry Bev (, <br />Capital Ci'Ì,y Diat<> Co" <br />Carrier' Bros.- <br />CheroKee Ref'r1.geratioí1 Inr~ ~ <br />Coca Coln B:)·ttl1ng (;¡)" <br />D:lc!~s Di::;t" Co~ <br />,J, C" DohertJr Go 0 <br />}j" 'j}o).Ungor. <br />0, ;'1. Dr01w;r B0V ~ Co '. <br />FalcQn E.:rt€.1l'i)J. Co. <br />'~'I)'.llltlJiX"1 Bra~s" <br />Garl;,;.(œ Dis to, <br />l))1"I Gi1(;,~~ <br />C:J.:ilsk BrfJ'iii" Co" <br />Cold I-JeÔ;ll Bev. Co '. <br />Chas, Eø Hires Co~ <br />HQaf 1, Bloc" Go" <br />Hohenstein~ Del@ Serv. <br />Ka'th Eros" Jí'uel Oil <br />Lux Dist,) Co <, <br />}laLa1]ghlin Bev.. <br />!-lcLafID Dis't,,,, Co.. <br />~1inn" Milk Co.. <br />Nt:\ticmal Gash R3g" Co", <br />Nsedhaul Diõt" Co" <br />Ne'" York Tea Co, <br />N" S.. PO~!er Coo <br />tL, W., Bell 'Iel.. ('.0. <br />N" W.. Cigar Corp. <br />Orange C1"\1eh Diet.. Co ø <br />PeJur'. Cola Bottling Co.. <br />Pfeiffer Brewing Co. <br />Regs l.akellmd Prdtss' <br />St. Paul 7 Up <br />Schlitz Brewing Co. <br />Stillwater Diet. Coo <br />Suburban Bldg" Maint.. <br />Suburban Pick Up Serv. <br />Superior Match Co.. <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Shields Seconded tJl8.t the raqllest to rezone "That part <br />ot the W ,00' ot the E 2<1151 of the SEì of See.. 4, T 29, R 23 1ying <br />N of Co" Rd.. C. ex.. the N 14b6 R th9reo:f'~ for Bruce Motor Co"' be <br />referred to the Planning Com.I'I1:LSSiOIl and public hearing to be held <br />Feb" 11th by the Planning Co¡¡¡r.':i:'JBion and Fab" 24th by the Council.. <br />Request to be rezoned from Fæ,¡~\ t:;) IndU!Jtr1al District.. Roll Call, <br />f,ye~ (5 )-Nay~ (0)" <br /> <br />RECREA'rr ON <br />Westêr"nl)ënnaflt Co.. <br />Claude Jensen Sptg" Goode <br />Carrier Bros" <br />St. Paul Bk" & Sta~ Co. <br /> <br />MUNICIPAL OOURT <br />Ed Weglei tñer . <br />B.. He Lo£tsgaardÐn <br />Miller Davis <br /> <br />ROAD <br />~errace Auto Supply Co ~ <br />Standard Unit Parts <br />Ruffrldge Johnson l'~quip" <br />Rose Plb g. <br />The Rose Tr1.bune <br />N"W. Bell Tel" <br />N ~ S. p _ Co '" <br />Hawk Mfg. Co. <br />Carrier Bros", <br />Bill & D0ug~Texaco <br /> <br />ENGINEERING <br />B:A..-Rogers <br />Albinson <br /> <br />PLAN NING <br />H. A. 'àóge1"s <br />Carl L. Gardner & ASRoe. <br />'í'horsl'lov & Cerny Inc" <br /> <br />FIRE PROT. <br />Mâurice Æõthschild <br />N. ~. Bell T81$ Co" <br />N. S. P. Co. <br />La..-rys Au to Glass Co '" <br />Carrier Bros '" <br /> <br />SI!."WER OPR. <br />H. A. Rogers <br />N. S. P.. Co. <br />Carrier Bras" <br />St. Paul Bk... & Stao <br /> <br />SEWER CONST. B <br />l! '" H. J..Ortøgaarden <br />Jay P.. O'Connor <br />Orrei & Mariani & Sons <br />. ft " <br /> <br />28",80 <br />159",5 <br />4h,,81 <br />-'~ ~~ <br />1...:# H/:) <br /> <br />'n,62 <br />::110.62 <br /> <br />:~.,)60 <br /> <br />20" w.~ <br />96,,36 <br />36 ~,53 <br />:.?ü,,53 <br />,ZJ.~ .12 <br />:~7 ,,99 <br />h'?S,,13 <br />'7 ,~37 <br />20 ~ :;.:> <br />;~ '.; 5{) <br /> <br />i) ,,)'},. <br />" tV" <br />~,~ .) \..iJ <br /> <br />),L;J3e <br /> <br />~~,:j ~} (~ (j() <br /> <br />'{ß"So <br />7n.66 <br />S9~98 <br />~\ r.'1. <br />.' .:;Ii.+ <br />1h.,oo <br /> <br />~i2.BO <br />53:..95 <br />8..9$ <br />12089 <br /> <br />257"SO <br />'(2",O <br />~;9 ~ 022" 94 <br />54 ¡¡454 u,12 <br /> <br />~"t5() i.' 3t~ <br />:::69 ,.60 <br />1,,666,,3h <br />'", '? ""0 <br />;/::>',0 ( <br />65..8) <br />2.54.hl <br />L O!)2 ,,88 <br />. [:1.06 <br />T!..92 <br />15,,:31 <br />,38..85 <br />17..52 <br />83'1,,1;,5 <br />5<>61 <br />h5 J~2 <br />67 .~99 <br />230,,60 <br />?'51.1.90 <br />"'f) ," r' <br />\~., \,", ~);;; <br />006, ,:;':3 <br />-s ,~ ()() <br /> <br />?30,,7ß <br />25,h",9b <br />5~oo <br />1:.;6,,60 <br />115 .þ :~~: <br />L? ,,03 <br />28 "hD <br />559 ,J.~o <br />32,,28 <br />2"::3 ,,65 <br />1,326..75 <br />2,712..8;3 <br />13.65 <br />21..95 <br />25..50 <br />38..h6 <br />664,,82 <br />1:LS5 <br />142..53 <br />2..61 <br />44,,53 <br />1.k6. .. 84 <br />S3.6O <br />142..60 <br />83..84 <br />126..64 <br />42000 <br />18..00 <br />17$..72 <br /> <br />BRUCE Me 'tOR CO, <br />REzm J:NG <br />