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<br />,,> <br />',' ~ ., <br /> <br />Brennan .ìI".oved~ C:Jr190n :=',econdm] t.hd 11 p'.:::r';,::J'G be gI'.<mted to \~m:J'a;y <br />Bros" to build two ap¡¡trl.:mt'3nt. bnilding3 on Lot. l{ Blo'.:k 1 an.! l.ot, It' <br />Block 2, Carley's Addi't,ion ~ Roll CaD:I! AY(1S (5 }~,Nay3 (0). <br /> <br />Brennan MoVt~d, CtJ).'·lson Seconded that. permission be given t.otbe <br />engineer to move the gas pumps foz> the Pol:i.ce Dept.. t.o thc1Drth-west, <br />corner of tbe Rose TNheeler gar8ge and '1:.0 buy' a new t.ank ;and obtairl <br />elect.rical power out to the area.. Cost not to exceed ~50Go:)O anö to <br />be paid for from the Polic,S! Dept.. Fund. 11.011 Call, I~yes (5)«Ne;rs (0). <br /> <br />Shields MO'led, Carlson Secol'C'Ìe() thnt the l:1cilðtng irwpectol" !'.e given <br />authori.ty to start cond~j!mation procodl.lre~n 172h Ry,<m, f:i b:wement <br />home which has never been bl"iH. U;")9 Holl ..tall, Aye'£4 ($)".Na'lu (0) a <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Shields Secor:ded thD. t thø letter pertaining '~(ì the J tmlßI!J <br />Investment Co. for engineer:!.ng costs for f,\;Carrons Adrl. and~}w tTmnes <br />Fourth Add~ be reí"erred to the tmgineE.:r "<1::£) ·,,1.11 cont.act ',Iv) ntLorm¡y <br />,r legal advi(~e.. Roll C"dL~yee (:;).fJ.~',Jr' (0)" <br /> <br />38 P.M. ow Meeting Recess8c,. <br /> <br />:00 PooH.> .. Neating Res'J1I1r:d., <br /> <br />"Snnan Mov'ed, Shi¡glds ::.1econd:.~d 'Uw.t t,ho "" .:.orne;).! be auth~H·.J.~,ed t.;:> <br />'aw up the propel' lea~w6 fer the Ht'Jm:eat.iün Board on th,ø ft):lo'lfing <br />lCatiom,;.. Roll Call, J!ìye@ (5)...:-JHY;S (0).. <br /> <br />1", VacMlt lot - be1;("'e~.m Albert, and HœÜlns.. nort,h of L'r:1:él", <br />2. Co.. Rd" II and Dale Uic!:lO(;ll ~d'':,ø) . <br />3.. Coo Hd" B2, east of T"¡,it·;} (;=>chool s:'~t-e) <br /> <br />annan Moved, Keene Sacond€d tha1" t.he l~Jt.t'3r from Judge Franke re... <br />rding furniturð for the ccu.rt :rocnn he referred to the engineer i'or <br />bulstion and report back YH::~:t 'ifceko ;roll Call, Ayes (5)...n~lys (oL <br /> <br />letter from Roger 81'101"1:. W8'3 readw.i. t.h ref.erenco to tho 1(:r:.1ier of <br />. Highway- Deptu requesting the Villagf:1 t'!pprovo the plana Ù~r ¡¡elo- <br />~d Hwy" DB.. The villa.go (m~ineer COI'ICUr!:C in the l"0commendationH <br />Mrø (;hort that it would be advisable that const,ructlon of Sewer <br />2 take place prior t.o the ~onstruct.1on 01' hight1a)"!1 if p()t!a'lbla <br />aua a180, that the Village should zoequire ä minimum warni:ng period <br />of 12 months prior to the .'1WGrð of contracts for the con9'trm:tion af <br />the highway. <br /> <br />4t25 P.M. - Shields excused. <br /> <br />Carlson Movod, Keene Seconded that Reso1utj.on No.. 2S6 plana <br />ani! epec1t1cations and ordering advertisement í'tì1· bids tor Project <br />No.. S, Ssnitary Sewer No.. 2, be adopt.ed. Roll Call, Ayes (4)...Ña;ys (0).- <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Keene Seconded that the following licenses be approvedQ <br />Roll CIiU, Ayes (4)...Nqe (0). <br /> <br />PLUMBING <br />öarTy ~: Horwitz & Co~, Inca <br /> <br />EL ECTRI CAL <br />Arthur S" Ingebredtøen <br />(Eloc.. Repair & Const. Co~) <br /> <br />EXCAVATING <br />l.irawto~ Excavating Co., Inc.. <br /> <br />GENERAL CONT 0 <br />Giertsen co. <br /> <br />T ,LPn, Pf< T" <br />(ji'HI..E-f !'.fij'S. <br /> <br />GAS put/¡~· ..~ <br /> <br />cmml1,m :'" ¡, SEMEII[T <br /> <br />irc>: :'è: <br /> <br />JANES J]\.. .';8'1'. CC <br /> <br />LEl\~n;~S > .;:' I~i~C ~ <br />13()¡\' . <br /> <br />COURT fiC 'Y' <br />¡;'URN1'r:Jf'1.;: <br /> <br />~1rJY, #6 <br /> <br />PROJ. 5, S'~';'¡ER 2 <br />Rr.·SO "''''I' <br />i!. . ~.~LJ <br /> <br />LICENSES !\:>pR. <br />