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<br />\7j naf.~~ ";1' Ho::e1flJJ.Ci <br /> <br />Rog!.llt'u." l11o~ting ofw(! Vl11.Ptg~~ (,ç)\'1X,.(;5,J~ ';"H::;('i.'/ <br /> <br />:1.1 ? ~ 19.5:) <br /> <br />The CotJJwU. met Oil tbt~ l!bo¡;·!' (;t¡j,t' 1dth t.h~ f'oU.o"ril\f~ !t:'{')!1lbúr'~ <br />present: C'-edarhl) 11.'::., )':c~nù. Df8rH;;[J n, CD;'}~: çln c',\d ,~;h;).'l·). ()~ ~ ì' 't, torne)l' <br />Jerry Lo.ft~é'.aa:r&n nod Enginei!J" :~)m)ìt~::;r '",mre a},ttQ pí."e~j\!nt. <br /> <br />Sh1.eldt~ )-1ovcñ Kconn S't.<:OI'HJC¡1 '~b~t, .))¡.! )r.ì.n\;t~':lS ()1' Ntlrch 2l·h 19:::9 bø <br />aQoe:ptad HR p~'f~:;;m¡,;:,(;',d.. nolI CrJJ,. ¡":!E':J (:;)''':~~iJt~ (0). <br /> <br /> "w.-4, Ca.rlÐon 5econd.:;.;ð t.h.\} to th~~ m1nutee: 0 r the ~pt3cial <br />...tùt¡ q! March 30, 1959, be. ò:.C¢G'p'tAH.J ~\(j pretSented. Roll Cðtll~ <br />Ape. (g)';'Nl\7s (0). ' <br /> <br />Mr.. RiobawJ V (I Johlt8øtt "....ntoð " petit.1on (witJI pic~r.. fit the <br />laDd) 0fJI'0.1ng the Ernea'\ )t...~ p¡,':ooperty ever to b. re.on~ higher <br />than ,in,lê f'arnil,y dtlolline anti :t'e<j'.h'\st,ed the Coune11 \œ~p this <br />,.\1t!cm on file end lItMe .. or reCQrð.. <br /> <br />the ßmeat MaJ'kbt,m rl\l$oning pet,i M.on .'U di9OU1Ju(\d and as vao recam.. <br />DlcndE¡ ð by t.~e Ph.n rd.,ng Gomnri.t'!fsion tl'ic I"С:,oning yotit1on \las t'eferred <br />t,() the /IIttorney to check &.s t..(~ tho ),,0.'$:1111 tl ,,>t tþi) PI),/:,j. tj,on .uf'tm;< a <br />second petit.ion \lM l'e.:':o lved 't,¡¡'.king l!I:omtJ t,t thu nÐ1'lO~ off t.ho o¡"iginal <br />peU tan. 1t1". t.(!.)'d~ :t." Atlde)'~>oo II I':i. t~ '\a'}' lrxt' )1::,. i~r\1:b41~ \1'Q¡f) alGo <br />heard. <br /> <br />.Robert QatlS\?;!' J,"L'(;u.¡¡r::'t€:'d rar·In.J.~3.L,)n to ~.)¡;stl:l1 íl ~;.at!poj~Y C'H!6}}öol <br />vith:!.n )0 ft." 01' won. '1.ntili.h{\ D¡J.i~:r (~(\u:eìt~ tbro\lgh.. Uti was referl'"ad <br />to the PtUll.b:1J1g I05pet-:tJ.:>¡" '\tho "d.E hf' giv"!l oontJ'Ol O<,fiJr thin I:tattcr.. <br /> <br />ttr. v. 1ta.eJd...--k Vu œrJr-,,¡ ~ot:r, t,\¡l'.ftfJ ot"t.:~1'aJd.ol\. And ret... <br />t.¡Ue.,..4 'the entry way int<i ~cCA)"rone ~ imp:rQVed and stated 11 th. <br />'111.aae "6IO\t1d &'3!t: tOO (})un1~:r ~è·ö1.Úd b~ild :1 pa.bl1c aoc.... 1:0 tho <br />~. ICe 113.., etatod tbts b<,.at lün.dhtg. its d~eroua 'beo.1eaIe 1t it; <br />t6t ø1ø_ Ù) the beadl fA1~a. DNrma.n Moved.. !\.eene 1'eoQø_d that tho- <br />Mttt.t.e"r be reterred to t.he at.torne] fr;¡' lOff!ll Oþin1on .. to whethor <br />the lendS.øc 1e I.m.bli" prøpøl"ty or :; dedi(;a'((1d },"Qadwq 81(1 to the <br />ena1neer to ch1i.K:k; and sae n',J" l'!.I.\Jch t,\Ün :11'1 (Jl"oventeJ\t woa.1.d CloSt and <br />rGl)Qrt b.ok in t,wo vee}œ. ;toll cl1.n. A¡8V' (~)-Na,.. (0). <br /> <br />'b.-ø. Jæk Ad«llson was hor.u·ñ 1"equ1:J6ting permls:i1Q'n to bu.Ud an a,dd1t1o&3 <br />onto tb8 1..ut Fl"!)ntier. B'I'\'mMu Moved,$ Shivlds Seoonded that Po. <br />build1DC pezomit be 1ened ~o build an addition to the Last. Prootier <br />ICcord~ to the '.nøtr<lotions of \:.he 'b\1', innpaofÞr. Ron Call, <br />A,.. (g)..Nqa (0).. <br /> <br />'fbe at~ oOi11J1ton·\.ed 011 the Ma:rldum l"flmcnin3 petition.. ". CI1I'1I~a1 <br />petition, bað 4$ t}t'JI1t':!O out of aposftib1.e 3~ nQTi\eS within tha .....aa... The <br />1.Iecond petitit.rn 'book 1~; ne;lt>es r::.ff of o~iginÐl petition, leaving only <br />30 ntHr:en on ~ r" !-1,¡:¡rkh::1íl' s ?~tH:,j.on l\i<11dJ'lf, tho petition invalid. <br />8rennan Mov~~dt Cü:t'l~on Seoonood t!U;¡t HI" <) Hnrkt~œn 1 s req,uast to withdraw <br />hi. fÆ'tl'Uon to n·Ofß Fm-m t,() Industri01. be R(~ccpœd.. Roll CaU, <br />AreB (5)-~~n {a). <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Shields Se(::Ondacl ~:\ -, the çompleint of 14rsp l1e. <br />Scbottlerþ 1046 \(. COlJ.ntyRoGd Bt,atin(t Mnrkhmns e.quipment dtiveø <br />oV'ur c'U'.('b a.\'1;1\'~hE'r..1 on bi.s ~";¡;"01) J\'ty to get onto the road and it would <br />b(1 a.'UJ:¡r for th~ machlm:!S '';0 go out or control and endanger their <br />chi1.d~'lHl pl~)yir!{:: .,. t.hir:: was referred to the attorney to check. <br />tlJ.]."" R:~.chf.H·d Sp".'.:-l c'.:mplalrv..d AJW.t, thf~ pro-party was not kept very clean <br />llJ1d the h't\ild1.n; inspof/<:tO:t' ',!~S :I.Df;t~'h:tod t..o check into this and <br /> <br />~:':<: \ C::.} ',- <br /> <br />~rJTy1J~;E..:; <br /> <br />Ì"11NU'/'ES <br /> <br />MARKHAM PJWP" <br /> <br />tiMtJŒ.:n~ P;:·:":',(.~·n! <br /> <br />RÐT + ~A¡¡¿;~t( <br />'¡'W·j? _ cr£J~}HX!) <br /> <br />,.1(; CAAAONS LAU <br />SOAT f?Nfl"t~AlfCt <br /> <br />LAM' FRON:n:R <br />ArITl" '1'0 ì:~L DC '. <br /> <br />M.ARt<.RAM ¡.mzoNl' <br /> <br />MARKHAM Pi~(¡P I, <br />utl".rI DY (', E!~\:J 1 P <br />DANGEROUS <br />