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<br />J o11n H:ömsdn lhlh ShT:)I'8\' J' ;'[1:;('; D, <br />made to th(::: Ol'dimmcr: tìw'l,j,:;; :',) HJ <br />within 250 feet, of sai.d pX'opc:(~.'J,jt'2:1 <br />I'equested by any Shopping CenLe;r, <br /> <br />":,!w:t an <br /> <br />~i tj.or~ "i)8 <br /> <br />pl"(}P211O'i~::y (')l,,(ì'1CI" ~:: ;:ll)tr(/:~ in g <br />~.,~~~\/ b1J ilc1ing p;:'~'rm ·j.t~~) :)1"'"e <br /> <br />Mr. Slm,r'ik 'Wilf:! heard wcating -(,]1<:1 ¡, therc are plann at, this time for <br />subject property, but. no 81'ehi:t8c'i;ural f1rawings are avil"-lble.. He <br />stated that he t,¡ill hav'8 a tra~fic enginecr check t.he a.reê1 for in.... <br />gress and egress. <br /> <br />FJ; '1". J 09 Cory- Has again hp,!,r-¡ recn;<:'Jsting that the ar~opUon of the <br />Zoning Orrlinanco be po"tpOlJBd fm' 2 vleeks. <br /> <br />Brennan ~¡oveñ, Shields Seconded '(.h;,:;t t;, proposed Zoning OrcUnance <br />be amended to rea,4 as follovTs. The following is to be nrlrlí:1Ò t.o <br />Sec. 7 '7.14; "Howeyer, no building .scwl1 exeeed 35 feet in !1ðI height, <br />above gxmde level. Holl Call,. I~yes «())-~ Nays (0)" <br /> <br />Steve Krannaek 't,¡as h,:ap,' in.rorm~_ng the Cmmcil that lte \:on'/;,emplates <br />building a shopping ccntnr. 'I'h;:>, mat rkn~ of t.ho lift-sLni,im1 em hj s <br />property and also thl,'. buiTeI' :~on:, in quu;c:;(,íon Has Òi~'CllriSGd. <br /> <br />!Üchte:c ,PrOpl:T t,y on the <br />Ì!o:¡(j C. shmnl on the Zoning <br />Zonin.g Rap t.o HetaH <br /> <br />Hrenrw,n bO\l'ed, 1~e::,m~1 :;>cc;,mdl,:¡d tJ'¡;li, U¡e <br />Southlrl'est cornPJ:' of H,;¡, ,~'w~ ì '(A1:rt..1' <br />Map as General BU3inc,;,3 be':;:,Ô en <br />Business.. Roll C:'!ll, }'~~e,,~ (~)).. .)t\~'t; (c). <br /> <br />Brennan ¡",o"·"d Sh-1el,1q: ~"';''(''''1''¡ :"(' <br />.. ,,~...,.J,. _, \ ,_., . '.~' -,,' .'.\ \. -." ..4 <br /> <br />II 2"(5 and the Zoning ¡f¡ap (,. <br />as oi' 'l.;oniglrt be a¡¡op~c¡J" nol1 <br /> <br />-~',b tit Ž L.~ ill : 'V! Zan'ing Ord'1 ance <br />o,J:' J.~; S8o(-,lor1s) as amended <br />~;;Œl> i\}'es (5)~·' Nays (0).. <br /> <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Brennü.n, ::;ecor;.:kd:;hat '::'h~' tempo!':)!'! PC1"!1: it issued <br />'to the Univer~'Ii ty of' Hlunosotai.i:' ;:::01\)13 thatr drñínarø problem, <br />allowlnf" them ·w use H01;üvllle iU,leys:" be 't'escinded and they shall <br />have no right to use the al1eYBfcr an;y- pn:cpoDø, Holl Call.. Ayes (5) <br />Nays (0). <br /> <br />Brennan Noved, C"i'lsun Seeondcd th:-ri:;. a copy 01'::,11'0 Zoning Oriiinance <br /># 215 an~ the Zoning 1'1gp b8 f)'~n'c, to F;:ll'iG.V':-; Hoore & Co~,tGllo and <br />inform then! that the Zoning of their. land ¡'¡CiS t,alæn und8r'considera"~ <br />tion. Roll Call !yes (5)- N~Y8 (0). <br /> <br />Ml'. Lindgren: 1728 081H;l'e~rt. ¡"¡-iG Ìlüarr1 'J:'8ßgrdi:1g the high approach to <br />his culvert.. The matt.e!" ycras rei'erred to the Village .ll,ngineer for his <br />recommendations.. A eop.Y of tho engineer'· s recommendations to the <br />Council will be SBnt t.o Hr. l,i'1dgren. <br /> <br />Carlson IvIoved, Shields Seconded that. the Resolu.ation # 264 pertaining <br />t.o Condemnation of Law! for certain locations of underground sewer <br />mains, sewer pipes and appurtances to be installed, maint~ined and <br />operated within the plm:ì be adopt-ed. Roll Call, Ayes (5)- Nays (0).. <br /> <br />An opinion was read froI'lt the At-(,orne,Y' l"egarning two abstrar:ta ~ubm:ttted <br />by Robert Fleming, accompanied by ~~O different plats, there war, a <br />discrepancy in the ovrßers of tho property as the abstracts do not shew <br />Robert Flanjng as J(jhe owner.. Ml'þ F' will be not.ifierl of the <br />attorneys' opinion of the t·¡~O abstracts and he will be requested to <br />correct tJ18 m~tter. <br /> <br />? OY'JII'iG <br /> <br />U' <br /> <br />n <br /> <br />If <br /> <br />II <br /> <br />¡¡HENnEn EONX¡¡( <br />ORne <br /> <br />KRANNACK <br />?ROPERrpy <br /> <br />n,ICHTER. <br />PHOPERrj"'j' <br /> <br />/\ nOF1'ED NE~J <br />ZONING OR'1"\...' <br /> <br />,~". ... '".. <br /> <br />UNIV.. OF ii¡TT. ~ <br /> <br />COL DEN' R.ULE <br /> <br />CUl,VF:RT <.."> <br />LINnOREN PRO}" <br /> <br />Rl¡;SO. # 26h <br /> <br />FLEMING 1'1,:,' <br />