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<br />j}, -i t~ !~ ()CI r: \-.\ <br />',,1.. ....,,/"', ../J' <br />2,h81.1;) <br />2~ 929 .9!~ <br />),t2,hOl.Oï <br />h~300QOO <br /><,~ 'r¡'^'~'1: 'IJ·~·~-"ir'-- <br />"'cJ{ "o...(J" ,0 <br />3:22).98 <br />. ""-",'?¡,,--::;r:--' <br />;;WO"OLt[h'7/..!. <br /> <br />"1 <br /> <br />Br~-'nrnll )V¡OVE"~ ¡t ('0'V'" r.~e"0""':¡<'J1 tlid t O:crlirn,,)¡c(,',! );1. ' 2j'i.':'} ;-i¡.Jrmd:i.ilE' <br />° \-1"".. ,~,"", . H .J~~>1 ...t, 'c~"'ro'(,: ,~~ .;,,' .....'-~'-......;. -'j I <br />r( lr,c:nee n .1.90,. ~,,,.,, .".1.0,..,: T,O \^IC...1, <br />be anopted. Ron enD., A~reE (~;),. NaY's (0).. <br /> <br /> <br />Easement # 10~2 .for At.hon;r ,}. ~md El:l.'zabc:t!l f)(;Ì¡mi(ìt, r.¡·as 1'e", <br />ceived and 'l<1ill bi¿) .filed 1ÚLh th() Hegir;-()Gl' of r~}(H1SQ <br /> <br />') <br /> <br />. . <br />Brennan Haved, Shlclds Soconr¡l':d :Ula"\. al1 \Til1ago emp~ì.op,"E:'] <br />in',i ted to the Convent:l.on in 'Tntcl'¡'1;::t.ion,::1 Fnlls, ,June 16~ <br />17 and 18th, be :111cv8d t·.);toll G:Ül, i\:tSn (;;)- fO)., <br /> <br />"..,,, <br /> <br />Brennan. :Hoved, Carlson SecondEd ·;J¡.:tt the final plat of' 1.Jm;'-~r <br />.I\ddi ti.m be approved~ Roll Gdl,. f,yes (I').. Nuys(~)).. <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Carlson Se~;ondüd tlwt\w 5011 thc/~in <br />Bonds in Se1¡]::Jl' Gonst,rucu.'J:!l B.¡~on On11, A~les (5)", N~<YD (oL. <br /> <br />Brennan Ho'ved" Gm.'l~;on Seeu;:,' " <br />in Sì'Gl't-term DO"Í;.mi in Cons'., <br />Cons\',x'uctÜm Fi" no]J, C::::U.., <br /> <br />A ¡in, t:,1.D ra ute: :;Þ 30,,000. O~) <br />~::~1;"3 ,\ L::: tr';~·Gla.fE;:l"ll"'D~,J to ~~(;i1C~)'-- <br />(S:} ¡by;; (0)" <br /> <br />Bl·en~13[1 Moved, C:DI~lson SC(;0~" <br /> <br />C()J.1C~,,'T:i.'~·~g· \.;or~':,,:':CH,G t,<}::cs <br /> <br />,'"., <br />I,': ~ ;..: <br /> <br />:/1~.:' <br /> <br />be p3.-:u..h <br />Project II 1 <br />Project # ,! <br />Project !,i 3 <br />Project ill h <br />P:r:oj8èt it 5' <br /> <br />lrlC .. <br /> <br />~,~,S "(¡ · l! Ü <br />F~s'~ c' 8 <br />· if <br />Eßt. II 2 <br />;1 <br />!.,'f-'+ ..'( "1 <br />.\.J \..J "J. J1' <br />;~~)t~ " ). <br />· 't." <br />., <br /> <br />():cfei ~'k r"1a:r~.élr:,1 (:C ~;n';".~ <br />O¡~l.\'1~t F,.: f·1;;'¡rifJ,L:~ f~_~ ~~:,on <br /> <br />~ll'l;~ tt <br /> <br />;;J-mcJst:'Co.m, &. <br />I.rur..ett.i ~I: :~("n;· <br /> <br />! \ i ::~ I: <br />Jr;: <br /> <br />})oter <br /> <br />,,' <br /> <br />BfmrLÌ.,j";kf' <br /> <br />,",' r. <br />ë.!f1 r·~).rJ8';? t~~'/-¡~; <br /> <br />Hall Call" <br /> <br />I r') <br />r:¡ ~ j '",' <br /> <br />l "", '\ <br />\. \~_I,! ~' <br /> <br />N :J~.l a <br /> <br />Shi¡;¡lds Iv;.oved~ Keene SecoDd,,;': ·:,l·,..;, Um r::~ìttaj,' of f'¡:¡lnting J3j.d3 <br />for tho Louní:,;e Sf. Bar b·t) -:~O tin ìf:Ulage ßnglnem'. Engineer toO <br />cont.Slct )1r.', ;'~ie:¡en and tCl;'j '..." ,J tL.:: ':cn'~.r~.ct.., Ho11. Call,. Ayos (~),.. <br />Nays(O)., <br /> <br />Shields Hoveð, fCeone ~3Eicm;d,,<; t,;'¡;,:, <br />hired to tvork :in the Off..Sfd,;:: T,j <br />Nays (0) u <br /> <br />CJ¡<Jrlct> HyncÐ and Hobert Holm be <br />Storø. Roll C'Ùl, AJres (5) <br /> <br />The matter of' the In'Í.;~rnatio...~Ù Unicn ai' Opm·~!tinp; Enginer--rs was <br />tabled, until June 2" 1959. <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Keene Seconc1ed th at, the <br />draw up aCotlification of Ordinances. <br />(0). <br /> <br />attorney be,3uthorizedto <br />Roll Call,Þyes(S).""Ne.Z/'s <br /> <br />The report on I,iquor Store ¡ludit. for lsL Qm¡rter presented and <br />placed on f':i.1e. <br /> <br />Carlson IJloVéd'l K:eene Sf:COf1t~od that <br />Liquor 131 t1p,. F\mò <br />1r{i"t:I;jTèï;"ลก-DI~tribt1.t. i ng CO£llpan;'ý <br />Edls Cleaning :k'1""\(1c8 <br />I"amous Brands, Ine., <br />Ori' ['Sf Cooper & COr;¡pæ1Y, In(~, <br /> <br />the following bills be paid: <br /> <br />~391.64 <br />125.00 <br />433.85 <br />717 .07 <br /> <br />OHT!. iT 276 <br /> <br />EmiT .1052 <br /> <br />COì'WEN'rIOn <br /> <br />Hf~~'Il':H PLí\T <br /> <br />BûrWS ..SE\·ilm <br /> <br />CONE3TRUC. B <br /> <br />TH.I\ ~)E;FI~R OF 8110:;,'£'-1:' <br />'I'EHH NO'mS <br /> <br />LOUNGE 8: ßt"L <br /> <br />LIQUOl't sTorm <br /> <br />LE'r"{''''R..tJ'NJ0N <br /> <br />,CODIF'ICT10N OF <br />:.æ'o¡,; <br /> <br />REPORT-LIQUO:~, <br />S'1'ORE <br /> <br />BILts p~In <br />