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<br />\ ;:< ~ ~ . i j.1 <br /> <br />Hogtllu.l" Yi1:B(:\rt:lng oJ <br /> <br />, , <br />f.,tie <br /> <br /> <br />2~L :. 19::,:> <br /> <br />'l'ho Cou..."Ic:L1. met on the abc·,;r!::> clr;¡tf:.\ with the J"'o11o'l\!ing f11l:\;mbe:c's <br />present: HÐ;.Vor Cl3dlA1:~h(J}J11 'í BX'E!m'Hm:: Keel'll"!,~ and Carlson ~ Shield a <br />W'a8 a bsen1~" A t"t O:t" TJ.o;ÿ ~: e:t'¡"Y I,oftsga.,S\rdøn a.nd Engineo:t' Sou"\¡~oor <br />were also present,," <br /> <br />Brannan Hc)V"edJl Keen!") SecM'Jded that the minuteD of' October 13th be <br />approved ao presented 'T¡¡ the ü:œopt:i.on of Par:e h~ t.he seventh <br />paragraph should. havE!! the uords "3 <J 00 'imgt~:;' pa:td to s&.."W'e1" <br />inspector as a Pl"'E:I'lrl.1L"I.,lIp.oll Gllll, J\yes (4) .. Nays (0), <br /> <br />Carlson 1'1oved.. Keane Seconded that the of the special <br />meeting (>f October 16th be aI>pl"oved as presentE!d. Roll CeJl, <br />Ayes (4) - Nays (O)~ <br /> <br />~~' : nc~ P ." f"J ~, <br /> <br />HINU'I'ES <br /> <br />HHW'I'ES <br /> <br />B8nisteJ:~ Enginoorinf; 7'CpO:rtA3d on t.h(·' t.~Ü:ml8.t:¡on of' biàa. AWlŒDlriC! Cf,'::'!" <br />F. HoreM~in..i. CvnstruGtiGn Co ~ .elf t;+, , Paul W8.:':' t.he.l.c\J bidder on <br />the comMned Projects 1 &.nd ;? at $J2J 7ho.,25 fer bDJ"j¡ projecta" <br />He can r:rì:.!l.">t work o~ Fro·)"..··, 1 ,.".,<.', 'r~ek "~·dP.··o'~·"J~~·'· ? 1"" '~:) ...\q.y'" <br />.oJ .L Lí.. 1 (:..\; , _.~ 4.Jt-"'4\:{iJ -A;,J!a~ (::'Jl .-, -, 1>..1'':''....,·,,- .w,l...t...\ \.,'.\....~.... , <br /> <br />Jlr'<mnan Noo'sd!> Koofl..G thl3.tT',,:v\·n"'r~tÜrl" Cm:::.(t:""JctJon Co" <br />bS"''I'lB.rdod the b:l.d o'.~ :~.::'\IY::'o\'j'øf(jcrâ;, J ~ F'r'o jectr.¡ J. ,~.nd ;;'!, on tht~ <br />V:i1lage At'i:,OIJ110y/S re';;.~.t¡n;l)¡::md::J.tJoì'l.. ]. C a.l 1)' Ayv'n~ Uj.)·~ Na.ys (0). <br /> <br />~Ir.. 'I'helen of 2646 Vi:i'gin:Lv. appeEtraà b:3tOr'E.\ the Council a <br />petition requerer'Ging g ,)t:{'øat :Ligbt to be inst.:?lled OJ' t.11e COl't'ì0!!' <br />of CO'tm'ty Road C and ì7i:N;:Lnll1 Ave. [~'øn.nW1 !~crJ'.;.)d, Carlson <br />Seconded that the pot:iti;)l1 he referred to the. Vilíage Eng:inoor 1:.0 <br />cht1Jok i.f the light. ~"B i)øedød '. Roll G.s.ll.; Aye~ O¡) .. Nnyø (0). <br /> <br />Cll..-l&on MO'tJeð.¡¡ K66r~ Second.od th:,:t Hr. BriEmnm1 and the V:J.llv,g¡;¡ <br />AU.orney be authorizfa:d to m!'.l6~' ¡,r:i:!:.ll :\4Hpresant.atiY(HJ 0:1" SUbt''TbCl!1 <br />Sanitation to go OV~1r t.b;::~ proposed gUl'o,age and reftl9~ eolleet.ion <br />dispoBäl fra.nchise ord:\n!U1~~e fmd report buck to the Coul'1cil <br />thtdr f.1ndingo" Roll , Ayes (4) .. Nuyn (0) & <br /> <br />!1r.. Hage of Hage Conat:(·',.'c'i~ion raport-ed on Project p6 of Improv(:,riw:~nt. <br />#2 'chat they have madE! fX:;(¡J þrt':gt'er:53 tho p.!t.5t "resle, Council t.J.3kE.Hi <br />thllt he report back on their progress Þ."I.t the Novmubêí" 4th <br />ìOOê'~ing ... <br /> <br />?f~s. ~"van, President of trJi} Loag-ue of' Woroon V oter'B appeared. <br />before the Counc:1.1 j"t'q1Jes't,tng permission to \ì:S8 the base lI13,P tor <br />D. Rosev1l1e street map 'tJhich "they plan to have made.. Brennan <br />Movf!)d, Carlson Seconded tha/~ the league of \-lomen Voters be <br />granted perìilission to 1'1.!'.!8 the bsf¡O mlP.p.. Roll Cal~., Ayos 0..1) ... <br />~ (0).. <br /> <br />Cm~laon M01ied, Kf,e¡lO Saf;~:>ndÐd th9.t '\'..h:o 1"630lt1'1.;10n grän'''íng <br />permission to instsJ.l 'w~tf1r and !:iffW~"'r pipf.H~ cn Oourt <br />to the existing seHer rimd Wé'Ltl!:Z' 1:\.-11.t;} in Dale street.oo .Q.ppran;:cl and <br />t>1:'Ø.'Ì>,thø ViUagG of EO¡:¡il'§II'ill~~: þllY t.iI"" cost. of tht~ hydr,nn1..;¡ <br />Ro11 CÐJ.l" Ayes (h) .... N¡,.~r3 (0).< <br /> <br />PETITION FOn <br />S'I'REET LIGHT <br />SUBURBAN <br />SANI'fA'rION <br /> <br />!!AGE CONS'I';'·:OC'l'IC <br />REPORrr <br /> <br />STREET l"'.A P <br /> <br />RESOLU'l'ION J?OH <br />HA Tß.'R & Sl'';WE,'R <br />PIPI~S INST..HJ;&~D <br />STUmm. Gouwr' <br />