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<br />¡. '. 'Ii f.~ <br /> <br />Mr~ JOL-Jeph ~1cF'addon of ßJJ. t<!, C() ~>L. ))~. n<3·'1\:;-:' Victoria üppea:!:'(Hl bet'ol'"(" <br />the Co,mc11 reporting that. the:'..'e ü¡ t'¡.ru or tÌ1J:·e~~ teet, of "'"{iter in <br />their front yard sternrningf'rom pc,or grac~irJg,. Brenna.n !'fcwl:,d, C~rlson <br />Seconded that the Hayol· cont¡act· }l!',.> Crampton of the County E~ine(n'" s <br />Office to come out. snd get. it tfLken Cf',,:r.-e of" Holl Ca.1J..~ 1,~'es (5) .~ <br />Mays (0)" <br /> <br />Mr.. frank SrnHih of 2809 F~ìn,g:t,{;n St" e.opoar-i~d before -t.he: Counc:i.l <br />complaining of the condition of that!" street: D.I:.' the contrü.ctoY' is <br />using very heavy equipment OVCI]:' :h.. 'I'hü Hr...IT01' and Road Superint..endent <br />will go look at it to1OOrTOW" Holl r,~ù.l .Ayes (5) .~ N..~y'8 (0).. <br /> <br />Mr.. Kuivinen of l725 No DunJ.a.p appeared beforc the Council requesting <br />the final date to oormect to tha Se1Je1" :1.n Imp:r.O"tement No" 1. HH <br />was told that a notice will be uubm:i.t·;~{)d. Ü\ '!1~it,.:!.ng snd tht'.t, bÐC!lU:3eJ <br />the sever contractors al"V~ 80 bnff.'t;.. th9;'{ h~1'''''Ð u/ikad .fo:.:' a dolay :'Ln <br />setting the tinal date" <br /> <br />j)HACNACHE <br />COHPUIN'!' <br /> <br />ROAD Cmí1't/1,J ;\'1 <br /> <br />F IN:!lfa: DA 1YB <br />OJ<" S?1:i!!1ì <br />CONN8C'I'ION <br /> <br />Mr.. Alfred Czeszynoki app~ared bnf'œ'e th'3 Cou..ì}¡(~iJ. ;l;:;king 11' h~ (;::'111 HE;QIJES'[' <br />got a building permit, fo!' '0 GtK::' f;;1:¡:'&"~7a .::It. h:L3 p:¡<ü:;v·¡·,t b~~.t'or(, jJ,JIU)IYG !':'V;.},: <br />he builds his houae.. Brorm.r:m Har/fid} X:,.H.>r1.e ;3!:,cønd:¡)d th'l t ÜdF.l ·r:\1\i;.·t.-:~z¡' <br />be referred to the Building Inapf!ctùr an":¡ :V:1! may cbodc ...1ith the Att.or:n:o::¡r <br />in regards to the legality of bu:ì.lcUng the gaI" bef~)ro thlJ house is <br />built on a lot, and the Insp.3crtor w:1.11 notify Hr. CZ0szyrwkt <br />his findings" Roll Cä:ll, Aye~ (5) ". ~~rs (0), <br /> <br />RepreøentaUves from J ø '~.. Cr:1ig appeared bQ.rora Coun-:;;:i.l atatiYiJr, 1~E:nNplO()D ::~:". <br />that they vera not able to meÐt the October 1st co~þletion data on <br />the surfacing and grading of Fernuood bE!CaU88 of bad \oTaathaT'~ All):) <br />that the contract specified on black top, ì:mt that it cannot. <br />be put on becauøe of the tamparat.ure t'.~~ the present Thay <br />requ0sted permission to put on hot ¡nix :tnstend, which is a better <br />:mrf'ace" Brennan Mewed, Carlson Sat~ondod that Cou.Ylcil (~onc'Ul" with <br />Banister Engineerl s recomnterKw1:.ion and accept t.he pZ'('\poßt"~l of <br />J ~ W.. Craig with respect t.ìO ·t:h:tn ps.:t'ticu1.a.¡" contra(~·i.;, t,.¡) aubsi:.1tut..e <br />hot mix in the completion of the project fjnd upon completion <br />satistacto!"i1y, the will -waiva the liquidating: darn.ages it done <br />pr-omp~ly .. Roll Call, Ayes (5) - Nays (o) ~ <br /> <br />Mrs.. Mog~. Ja'16 No HamliI'l..g, reprosenting tile league of Women Voter~ U Nto{eek <br />annoUl1OCtd that it io United Nations Week for the League of WOmGn \roterBI! <br />and presented the mayor wi t.h 8. U N booklet" <br /> <br />Mr.. George L1Mgren of 1728 Oakcrest appeared before the Council LIT~OORE;N <br />with I! drainage probl.. caused by a cli:toh running &Outh to nort.h PROtERIT <br />between Rerechcl. and Whee1er being blocked. Brmmsn Moved !' Carlson <br />Seconded that the Village Council and the Engineer go and look &t <br />Mr. Lindgren's property at l728 Oakcrast. s.nd ec€! what ca.n he done" <br />Roll Call, Ayes (5) - Nays (0). <br /> <br />Sh:t~ld8 Moved,. Brennan Sooonded that the M~,;.es HOf ~ ïT:ta'W Plat. be MF.RTES HŒ"IE <br />held until the No'I'ember !.¡th IlJØeting 80 that t..he Enginee~':" can look VIEW PIA T <br />it over and give his recomendationo Roll Call, Ayes (5) u Nayo (0), <br /> <br />Shields MOVM Carlson Seconded that the invoioe, on Sewer Improvement. HOmS <br />#2 tor OWTle%"ship and enc'Unibrance reµo:rta in eonnee"tion vi th easem9nts <br />in the amount 01" $5,,00 00 pAid" Roll Gnlly Ayes (5) - Nays (0),. <br />