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<br />Ii ·';!i::'it' f,. <br /> <br /> <br />\:... 1_- , 01--' ~ ~ .~ ,<> tl-d.' V·;'¡·' ."co,., (""'1,.,,."1', 'l'-U'>"I!rl"u' <br />.r~vgtl- ~rh.eev..I...tlf:~ 0.1.. ,i"'U '..;¡¡..Ø'.(~..~, -~...ifl. ,¡¡...~~',¿M,Ii,.'· ,t.'ii.....".....Q,~..-~, <br /> <br />I· . ." "j 'ì¡:' .,. <br />JcCe!';¡.Oal~ tl, ~,..~ "');: <br /> <br />The Village Ccrllucil root on t.he abo''!,!} date with the fol1ow:lilg mernberl"s <br />present: Mayor Cedarholm, Hr.enmm" Keene, Carlson, and S'nields( . <br />Attorney Jerry Loftsgaal'den and 1"ngj.neer Soutter Well'e t:tl!H) present., <br /> <br />..:J <br /> <br />. Shields Moved, r~ne Sc(::::mded tha,¿¡ the mirlutes of the rneøt&n.g of <br />Deoember 1# 1959, be approtted as prÐsentE:d wi'th the exception of <br />Page 1, paragraph 6, tb.e 1'011 call should be omitted. Roll Call» <br />Ayes (5) - Nays (0). <br /> <br />,ßrennanl4qved#Keene Set:ondÐd that the minutes of 'the spaci.!J. <br />mee..........t;1ng.' ...... Fr...,:L.da,l, December 4.11 1959, be apprOV'ed as preaønted., Roll <br />Cåll, Ayes (5) - ~B (0). <br /> <br />n 100 P.1'1.. <br /> <br />HINU'l'ES <br /> <br />Hnm TES <br /> <br />.Shields Movett, Carlson ~3acond(Jd that the Clark be f.uthor:Î.zed to open OPEHING or,' <br />tlle,b1ds on the sewer bi.llin.g ! Roll Call, 1,yøa (;)) - r~ays (OJ ~ <br /> <br />Burroughs Corporati.or1 $5,856000 <br />Delive1"'1 of' on December 20t 19,9 <br /> <br />Shields Hoved, Keena Sec·cmded ths.t th.a bid. for tha mm!J1: billing <br />machine be referred to the Village Engineer! and if satisfactory:, <br />he go ahead and purchasE! the machine at $5,ö56..oo from Burroughs <br />Corporation. Roll Call, Ayes (5) - NlY's (0) '" <br /> <br />Mr. Rhort of' Banister Engtnomng Co.. reported on the t:..abulation of <br />b.tds tor I~ement 3:- Project 3" Lmnatt-i & Sones> Inc. "(Jl"G low <br />bidders at $2S1.b57.00. Brennan Moved, Carlson Seconded that <br />'CounøllCOnc1U' witJl B~niBtECf" Engineering Co. rÐëOR'lmCmdat1on and awa7·~!t <br />the bid. to Iamett1 & 30".8., Inc~ for $2.51.4,7.,00 on Imp:r.ovement 3, <br />Project 3. RoU Call, Ayea (5) - Naya (0).. <br /> <br />" . .--~."\ . <br />::; ,;. JJ,~: <br /> <br />AltlAHD ING 0:" <br />BID <br /> <br />AVJlUlDING 0:; <br />BID ON nIP, <br />F'R'XŒCT 3 <br /> <br />Mr'..Pop(JYich d1soussed Mr.. NJ'grcn t s objection to paying the 8fJSÐssment OB<JE(;'.r¡01\f '1'0 <br />before the sewer is a:vailabla to him.. The law prcwides for assess.... ASSES SHE N'l' <br />m$1t as lJoon as contraots ßrc awarded for construct,ion end bortdB <br />are ·1H\\ed,. <br /> <br />Se" appeared beforti tho Council with questions Ð-bout t,he1¡' SEWrŒ ASSr'ESS1Œ~~ <br />sewer&.eitsl:usllt..t.. It wa:3 suggested that they put tbp.!ù" complaints <br />iJ;1~~Ugtan~1n June or J~ 8. re··assessment hearing 'Will take <br />,PJl¿~,;'Ø:'tþ"$Ø lett~rfl will be considered.·· <br /> <br />.. ",~~" ,; <br /> <br />:> <br /> <br />,~~"jt~~,S~ld8 Secondedth~t $2$,000 be transferred bom <br />.OOt'Ût··'.tt.BAccount w a !'lev acco1mt known as Construction C <br />.·.·.tQb·".. ,. . <P4tþ......"d as bonds &r8.late:t issued. Roll 01,11, Ayeø <br />··(~)'''''.fi~>'(ò)¡·t<'''''''''· , <br /> <br />Ðrennar! Men-ad, Keene SeoondGd that $82$þOOO or the proceeds of <br />Beri"sF ~ì)otcurre::ltly œeded be irwested inooøri. term <br />t~~.8lt!'1b1.l1s ... and the Clerk bsaut:hor:bed to pUrCIDMJÐ too 90 day <br />bills. Roll C~ll, Ayes (5) ... Nays (0) ~ <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Keene Seconded that Rsool'tlt1on '308 beadoþ'l;ed rola... <br /> to appartionment of Assessments a.a to Sanitæoy Sewe~ <br />Iropr'<wement No.1. Roll Cull, Ayea (S) - Nays (0).. <br /> <br />K)lm~8 <br /> <br />MO'!UE~3 <br /> <br />RESO ¡¡T~\:rON <br />