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<br />.1 " K ., ., '\ ,-r.o.. '" "r'I ',' ''''1 " , ,. .., .), .... '" <br />C~laOrl f'lioV"Grl$ .. eeIlt) ~'.e~~c.ln::1C:':i~,J. 'Gl:,~,r<~ .z~lY. \)n.~:;tdltU!:'.:. ~)i~} <br />I ",. ...~. E' 'v i'i V.....'., 1 Cl,( " 'P r:' '1 .".~ m 'j i.. -".' '" {.." ,. <br />.nspe... (:.or .1. c.t' J."!e ,,'.;i.:-\,1 _.~' I,J'/. ., ,. .i... t;(..L,~; r'o!.3 ..' ".. i <br /> <br /> <br />t;!:2t <br /> <br /> <br />Shields Moved~ Ke9'ne SEIC()nd('~d that. Rei t.h .Johnson 0+3 appo:lnte6. ijc3 SG14i:;lJ' <br />Inspector f01,.' the year 1960, Roll Call:) Ayes (~)) ,,.. Nays {OL <br /> <br />CarlSOrt Mov~d~ Shields Secor.ded 'rihat;, John 11i€S6n be appolnted f.lS I..iquol"' <br />Store Man.agerQ Roll C&ll~ A;-:raa (~n.. Ha,:rs (0).. <br /> <br />r'J <br /> <br />Shields Moved, KeenE! Secondvl that. l1ob(:,~.t C,. Bell ba appointtO.d a(~ Chr..:trman <br />of the Planning CoraJllisaion for the ;rem:" 1960.. 'Roll C'nl1~ Ayns (5) .. N'tJ,.Vt3 (0)., <br /> <br />Shields 11oved, Fla.nagan Seccndo~~ thBt K. A" G:t1J;s,s be appoillt.€,d e'l.D Secx'I':d:.e,ry <br />of the Planning Commission~f":J....,'the :;renr 1960", no~l Call, Aj'cl('l (5) - Nayt.'l (0).. <br /> <br />Shields Moved" Keene Secor.Lkd that. t.he res:Lt:;natJon of ~r'. '\lern Ljunl":r.OYl <br />as n member of 'l:.ho Plmtning rAJ:ltl~iss:J_on be flcespt..od and th~,.t ~"he Cle~d( <br />wr1 t...e to Mr.. Ljtmg:t'(m tharlldng h~.\'!l :::0):' t~is 3G1OVic.e1 on the PJ.mming <br />Ccmrrtin3ion. Holl Call, Aye'!'.: C;';) ... 1'Jays (0).. <br /> <br />Shields Hewed J Ke~i1e Second",! t .\. ~,'l,. lknul 'D8 .c4ppo:;ni'.:;:J <;,(i Pln.rm: np; <br />Commission t...o fulf:ll1 11.1".. r,:',7t:ij/'C';.lrs t01"in" R(.)ll r;al1.. 1'.:/on <::;, ,~ <br />Nays (0)" .~ . .. <br /> <br />Shields Hewed, C~rlf.lon Seoo;:ccid tha..:' A.. Iil:.ri::.hel'.....;, be'! appointed LD ilud:1.tor <br />for the Vil1a.~e I s C':enerfll F t.:~ld" R()J.l G!lll~ A:rea (5) '" N,".:>7,'3 (0), <br /> <br />Carlson l'-1OV'ed, Shields Seeo~.d(id that. ,John H. r!atilla. be &ppo::1Jrtacl ~s <br />Auditor for the Liquor Depax'tm:mt.. Roll Call, Ayes (5) ..., Nayo (0)" <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Ca.rlson Secord~'i that. Batty Whitbeclc be appoin~Jd as Depu'hy' <br />Clerk for the year 1960.. li'cTL C.?11,'1 Ayes (>) - Nays (0).. <br /> <br />Shields Moved, ClD"l80n Secor.d&(~ thls\t Mr. George Y.eer.e J the V:!.'UAge CltlI'k <br />and Mr.. Fred Realer. the Tr4!..T,l'JU:t'€l1" be autho'J:'ised to have aaoaaa to the <br />safet.y deposit box Ilnd in t,b,,,, L,':.mence of the VUlage Clerk, the Deput,y <br />Clerk, Betty Whitbeok be tlutJlo:l."lzed to have acee8S to the safety depo!d.t <br />box. Roll Call, Ayes (,) - Nays (0).. <br /> <br />The Mayor appointed Harry Car160n as ex-officio of the Police and ~~ <br />Department.. <br /> <br />, <br />f\ <br /> <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />t: <br /> <br />Il <br /> <br />RES IC,?'1b.'?"J.':," ! <br /> <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />11 <br /> <br />H <br /> <br />SAFETY DF;O(Y: <br />nny <br />rJ'tJ.I. <br /> <br />The Mayor appointed James Shields as ex""officio of tht) Liquor Department <br /> <br />'!'he Mayor appointed Ronald Flanagan 8S ex-otN.cio of the Englnce:ringDspt.. <br /> <br />The Mayor appointed Ronald FlJ.magal1 &B ex-officio of the Platm1ng Commission.. <br /> <br />Shields Hewed, Keene Seconded. that l111 thOS6 that are listed as employees APponrr~1EN~;' <br />a.t the present time in var:i.uua dcpm:-tmenta be re"'SiJ'lPloyed" Roll Call. <br />Ayes (5) - N~s (0)<< <br /> <br />Mr" Richard Wybierala.. owner of lUchard's Salvage SeM'1ce appe8.l"ed before RICHARDtS <br />the Council~ Shields HOV'ed, Cl<u'lson Seconded that Richard's Salvage SALVAGE SE.TtVJC <br />Serd.ce M,B until Februe!.rY 15 J 1960.~ to clea.n up their se.]:-r/.age yard and <br />stop tJleir operation, and that the Building Insp$ctor' should .follow <br />thia up.. Roll Call,. Aye~ (5) ~ N"Y3 (0), <br />