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<br />'i" , <br /> <br />Hegu:'' roo,~t.:tng e;f tJlHV :tJJ.I1I'?,e:C.:UW.: <br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br /> <br />::~.\ 'f ~)~J ';" <br /> <br />Th(!1 Village Council met, on tho~'\b{"J'J'c ('tnt.: y.:;:L th t.ho f'o11?\i'hlf( m~mbe:I'':J <br />pT.'ogen'~: ~iaj70r C~)d2:ch\.'llm!; K~~t';;1:'w Ca...' Flnr..l1g~:m:p ~.ll'Jd ;3h:Lt31ds'~, <br />A ttoJ:-nay LoftsgMrden and. 1!:!1f{ine(;~r SCl"'.:i ttGl.'wure also p:raseni:.. <br /> <br />[een€~ fuved, Carlson Saconded th..qt 'the minutes be approve!d as presented If:IHU'I'ES <br />of the Meeting of 'l'uesday.~ January 12th;, Hit.h the exception of' pa~e 1, <br />paragraph 8, the word ''wri ttenrJ ~~h(iUld 1>0 :inserted befO!:"0 .tbo 'tiord <br />"request".. Roll Call, Aye'5 (5) ,. H.!.\ys (0)" <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Flanagan Second~,c1 t.hat the Hoste:rn Hills final plat ha T1l&<)'rEIl'ill m:L',: <br />approved and the !1'ayor and Glcrk bel author:5.zed t.o sign :l t... Roll C.ill" FHIAl. PI". ~i' <br />Ayes (5) - Nays (0).. <br /> <br />Sht.e.'tds Moved, Carlson Secoylded t.l'18 t Council c 'ncur wi t~l~h~l ~:",,3COll'lr;1m}da.~, \'lKS'I~bnn HD:J,':; <br />tion of the Ellginct:ll", Gont}Ulting I:)1g'lneer., and :'lI".,. SAN. 3EfTT: <br />that Western Hills be included :tn the next project of Slwitar,;{ Sevt~):' <br />ImproveJ1lent 113. Roll Call, AYOf3 (.5) .. Nays (0)., <br /> <br />Shields MOtted, Keene Seconded '(,hut Aladdin Homooi teD 1/3 prel:in:d.rm.\;r ALADD:W H<;['i!'. <br />pInt 00 roferred to the Pla:min.)' Com:rdss:ion for their Ji".)bTum'y 3rd ,'re'XES 1/3 <br />nmetingo Roll Call, Ayes (5) .... .lays (0)" <br /> <br />8M.aIde Moved, Keene Soconded t.hnt the Incilwrator Ordintln(le be tablad" JN~T'm!U,'ron <br />Roll Call, Ayes (5) - Nays (0) onDI"J.!,NCi~ <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Flanagan SElO)ncied t.ha';:' thf'J B~:rnard Beck HS20ning be BECK HEZo\\II')r; <br />tabled and the Clerk be d1.rect.{~i:l to V'ite to Mr. Beok t<illing him <br />that a $25.00 tee is required for the rezoning and alao a cart:tf'ica~~ <br />sbov1ng the owners of the prClpt.'>:';,tJl' wi thin 250 teet of the pl"'operty <br />to be rezoned. Roll Call, Aye B (5) - Nrr:rs (0).. <br /> <br />Shields U09'ed, Keene Second\!Id t.hat the letter from Roba.:~t8 ConDtruc~;ion ROBERTS CO"iS'I.', <br />Co. requesting permission to 0:r'(~et apartment buildings on land that 18 A PAR Tt,mw!,S <br />now Boned B-1 be !'orwarded to t.h.:! Plannill,Q' Commission and attached t.oO <br />the rloodbridge Addition Plat. Holl 001, Ayes (5) - Nays (0).. <br /> <br />A petition vas read tor 10lf0ring the speed limit on Vic'lm-ia near the PETITION F'OE <br />Lake OwaS80 School. Shields i~ov'Od, Keene Seconded that the petition r...c)l.'ER SffiED LDJ: <br />tor lo'tMl'ing the speed 11mi t on V1.ctoria be referred to Ray Goneau l'ind <br />he, ill turn, oontact W1l1iam Chenoweth. Ramsey County Saf'9ty il1rector" <br />Roll Oall, Aye. (5) - Nays (0).. <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Carlson Seconded. that the le'tter from Banister Eng ~ ARMCO TUNNEL <br />.. Co.. relaUve to the A1'1I1CO Ttmnel be placed on file. Roll c.ll, <br />Ajres (5) - "Ta:rs (0).. <br /> <br />Carleon MO'Ired, Keene Secondod th;~t Resolution #3~ relative to RESOLUTION' ~{J~25 <br />apportionment of ueeSSl!en"t,(lJ as to Snnitar.y Sever Improvement No.2 <br />be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes (5) ft. Nays (0)" <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Flanagan Seconded that the Fire Chief', LM E.. Squires, FIRE UEPW", <br />be aut.horiwed to attend the FiN Department Instructors Conference CO?l'FRREN'CE <br />to be held in Memphis, TenM8sae the week of March 1, 1960, at A <br />mar1fmn cos1o ot $2S0000. Roll c''lll, A:Je8 (5) - lfa;ye (0).. <br />