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<br />. ">.J#;~~\Ol',; Uy <br /> <br /> <br />Regnhr Wlaf!ltin~~ of the iJ'l~19;"e C'Anmc::.J :\,t r(\..~ (3d:l,r~ \::~o1"(:h ;:i;! ; <br /> <br />f;; <br /> <br />or,' .:: ~ .,~ <br /> <br />The Village Council mat on t,he aoclVoe dc.r!"A) 'l:, th{J .rol1(."U'1n~:; 1:1(~nbt!l1:"l) <br />present: !'~l(Y'or Shields, C:,u:'l.iJons Flt..n.t:..tgan, j!'j.nd Keene" j4,wor <br />Cedarholm 1.,U absent.. Attorney aTerl':l I.oftegeoroen and Engir:'t::tr't4 :{out'f:,~l" <br />were Also present" <br /> <br />Keene Hoved, Carloon Seeond..,d o~'flt thQ!i m:\.ntrt.r,:'8 of ~gul{e' )'1'ltt6~;;.tng ot fT/'m'1';t~5 <br />Tuesd8.Yt M.circll. 1" 1960 btl appl"O'lted l'l?~ p~;l!*+n~/;H:L Roll C~111~ !\~"Os (l~) ",. <br />Nays (OJ. <br /> <br />Mr. Francis Bartho1ett appeQz-ed bai'ore the IX)1Dlirl.l on behalf of' St;:;Dhtm HElm CCf1PIAIlfr <br />Bebr, 645 Transit" reporting that the contractor tm sewer !w.e <br />exceeded the limitations of t.he CE18Ci1fi1l!IDt on }~r.. B>3h:1.~t5 prcrpet't.1. <br />Carlson Moved, Flanagan Seconded tha.t Ud.s mtl'tt.<'n" bn rafeTx-ad to &nlst.$7" <br />Engineering Co. to alleviate t.he :o"i t,wt:ton I1S soon D.~ lX'IH'dbl'~ and <br />officially inform the contractor of' t.he rlourtion of th!!l oar;';J:c3nt. Hol';o <br />Call, Ayes (4) - Nays (0) $ <br /> <br />Mr. Gordon Best, 1038 Sh8rren &.ppt:'8.r~ beforo tl':fll Conl'1\J'D. .; n r~quest rmr. PlAOE pnOHi,;:. <br />t.hat the Engineer tr-J to aolve the d1.'oinar:c probler.'l '.n i'r'ont. oJ' his h(I'U~/!!'! <br />The ~nMr reported he han attArt.t1d ~I\}rl~ on tho 'Pt"o'bloo: 'but It will re... <br />quire a more detailed suney,. I.~".l wi:U repo:.:'t b,!.lf>..k on t,hlt:l 0'11 ~tareh ~'~ond" <br /> <br />Mr. WtI'lTen 3ehulze, )010 N. Glsvelal1d, appoared before the Council w1 th i::CfWr,ZE F.nn:r...DIt:::; <br />a proposal to move his pole-type iJ\111ding on t,o industr1011.1 la:l\d.) It was <br />IJUggested that he contact the Btd.lding Inspeetc.rr, and when read:,!" .00 m(]ITo <br />the building to come baek to the Council. :and get a perm:tt. <br /> <br />Dr.. BlUJlberg appeared before the Coundl 1"Cque9t1~'lg thnt h:ir~ ~ning m.mmfi,1W HEZmrPlG <br />public hearing be continued far t,~ft)5 'Wookt:l 80 that he ard his attorneY' <br />can s't1Mb" Mr. DablgNn's l"4!rP61"'t. f-fr" 11.1'YImnd Buetow, J.~l W" Co.. Rdo" B2, <br />" tor the OppOD8l'xts~ stated th&t this :1.0 favare.blo with them. <br />FlaDagan. bed, Keene Secondood tha't th-e Blumberg Rfl~Ol1iue Pu.b11c Hear1n,r <br />be con1:.:lJmed until Apr'll 12th.. Roll Call, A'1'f!ltt (4) c. Nays (0).. <br /> <br />Hr.. Emest Steneroden, 1970 ASbu:r;r, app88.1"'0d borO'1'8 tho Counci.l on beba1i' REVISION OF <br />of 80M 200 home own.... surrounding tba Sla1d.k Shopping CarAtet'O' ThoT ZONnra ORl1INAiiiCE <br />~ to go on reco:rd as baing opposed to the propolled l"m'iBion of .the <br />BOning ord1nance;s. StmmIl pt-lople stated their oppoe1t1on. Bill MU9b., <br />1'76 ~,l1I WCguted they oho.."1go the reYisioft t..o opertain only tD school. <br />aM ch1D."Obee. Carleon Mored, Ke~e Seconded that the pt"Op06ed re'f'1a1on <br />of the soa1rtt ord1Nmce be tabled until AJn-:11 26th. Roll C:111. A7f;8 (3) - <br />Naye (l)~ <br /> <br />Carleen Morad, 'It..,. Secondad that. COUIjcil concU'l' ytth tho recol'l88ndaticm ALAnDIN H:)~'ESITES <br />of the Plma:1qg CoIll1a<<1.OIl and Eng:tMm' to approve Alnddi.n Homen1tos #3 H3 ptm.LlMI'tlARY <br />pre11m1nary plat sab3ecrt to a S foot dT'ainage oasement being added on PIJ. T <br />the south lot llDe or Lot S, B1.cok 9. Roll CallI Ay.oe (4) - tlays (0). <br /> <br />Mt-" Kubitobak, 303S Rice st.. appaa1"Wd be-fore tllll Cc1.mlCil 1"6Porl;1nc that KUBITCHEK <br />the tiJ~i~ statton on South Owasso Bb-d.. and Rice m... is VEl~ lII181(rh~, C~PU1IN"f <br />that they are ael11ng tira11&r5, S<!lcoDd..hImd cars, end '~:'actoJ."s. Jl1l.t,n;Ipn <br />Mewed, C":rl80n SecoIXled that this matWr be reter.l."lld 'to the Build1D(t <br />Inspector for report bac" next 'Week.. Roll Call, k,yea (b) ~ N8:18 (o). <br />