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<br />V J I.:Ii\. i,-~f~; (IF'- ';:' ~);,:; t';'\tILL~'g <br /> <br />Regular meeting of t11~~ itillarc Council,. T'118Sday j' JpJ:,ll 19.~ 1960 <br /> <br />The V1,lla~e Council'met on the a'lJcrre date wlth th(;) :f'ollow:j,n~ members <br />preStmt.: Hayor Cedarholm, Carlson, Shields, Flnnaean, and Keene.. <br />A.ttorney Loftsgaarden and l<~nr?ineer Soutter were also present. <br /> <br />Keene ~1oved, Shields Seconded that trr. minutes of 'fuesday, April 12, 1960 <br />be corrected on PaF!'e 1 under Tony Schm.i.dt !i'arm to rea.d 1~1r. Sdhmi.dt stated <br />that he would move"his pigs". Roll eaU,Ayes (5) - Nays (O)~ <br /> <br />i.irs. H. P. Jansen, 681 Lovell appeared be fore the Council asking what <br />had been done on the O'Neill Amusement Co.. matter. As the written notice <br />has not yet been sent to i1r. O'Neill, the Buildine: Inspector was inst.ructed <br />to do so 1!l1l1edi ately . <br /> <br />l'1rs. Agar, 2291 11)'. COcil Rd. B, appeared before the Conncil asking' if Fulham <br />st. between Co. Rd. B and Higmvay 36 1.8 a dedicHted street.. Tho T'~M:ine(a!" <br />reported that it is a. dedicated 8troet but not improved street. Shielcs <br />;'TOl1'ed, Carlson Secorrled that the Engineer barricade Fulhar1 St. hetween <br />County Road B and Highway 36" Roll Call, Ayes (5) - Ha;rs (0) ~ <br /> <br />Shields trOlred, Keene Seconded th~t the ~.'oodbridge Additional F:i,nal Plat <br />public hearing be cont1mJed for one l>feek. Roll Cl?.11, Ayes (5) - 'ITays (0).. <br /> <br />r1r. r.rampton, Assistant County .l!;r.gineer, appeared before the Council re <br />the wld<<tiflR of' County Road C.. The Board 1:bolt oft'!eUl action to ask <br />Roeeville whether they want to acquire the necessary right-of-\-la;y". <br />If 80, RosovUle should notify the Board and ask than t.o prepare the <br />easements 0 <br /> <br />Shields ?f~ed, Keene Seconded that the public hearing fol" the special <br />uris nermit to build apartment buildings :i.n a 9-1 district which will be <br />2~ stories high by' Roberts Construction (',0" be set "'-p for Hay 3rd. <br />Roll Call, Ayes (5) - Nays (0) u <br /> <br />~!:oo T'eH. <br /> <br />fUmJ'I'ES <br /> <br />J ^ 'IlSEt! <br />mtfPLAINT <br /> <br />Ti't'LHAH ST.. <br /> <br />':JOOD BR I T)GE <br />ADD. FH!AIJ <br />PLAT <br />HIDENING OF <br />COUNTY RD C <br /> <br />ROBmTS O1NST. <br />SPF.CIALTTSE <br />ffiR!-r IT <br /> <br />Shields ~10V'ed, Keene Seconded that Hidwlq Trailer Court. be given permission NIWAY TRAILER <br />to expand their trailer court by 36 spaces. Roll Call, Ayes (,)... Nays (0). CT. EXPANSIOT\T <br /> <br />The Sohm Sewer Location report by the ~ngineer was tabled for one veek~ SOHr1 S'E.\.1F.R <br />IDeATIOn <br />FlanQRan J'1oved, Shields Seconded to table the petition for street imprcwe- PEm~aN FOR <br />ment by Ind. School District 621 until next week and that ~tr. Poparich STREET mp. <br />be requested to appear at next week's meeting. Roll Call, Ayes (5) - Nays (0). <br /> <br />Shields ~'loved, Keene Seconded that Albert Johnson be hired as sewer <br />inspector at the rate of a4oo.oo per mnth on the recOMmendation of the <br />Villare J:.ngineer. Roll Call, Aye a (5) - rJays (0) 0 <br /> <br />The Village ~gineer reported that he had contacted )-'lr. Anklin on the Bo.Yle OOYLE lJRAHIAGE <br />Drainage Problem at Lovell and Victoria and they will go along with cleaning FROBLEH <br />up the culverts and checking the grades on the culv8x-ts. <br /> <br />SR\t1Er'R INSPECTCR <br /> <br />Flan~an r'O'red, Keene Seconded that the report on thO! PERA letters be tabled PERA LETTERS <br />unt:U fJay ;rd. Roll Call, Ayes (5) - 'rays (0) 0 <br />