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<br />co, 1'1Pl1L r(011 (:<:".1'L, AY::3Z' c.) , ~':'Yc~ ( '! <br /> <br />Hr. Huber and his f, tt.ox'ney appc:",l'od in C.,J'lS'AUT to t.lw rlOl'lDloini:. by t:18 <br />neighbors.. The A ttorney p<'wY;~'Jd (.'u::, the fol1m,nnr; f,;)1J).' fp.ct.a.. ( ].) <br />Outsiders aTf) dumping on RubEn"':3 T'iZ'operty ~>nd t.hey fla:fre tri,ed to Gt,op <br />'them but have been lmsucccGs1'111, (:::,) l'hey ar'~ pJ.~'lnntllg 'i,,) build an <br />addi tion to their present build:LTl,G: to al:l,minat.€l tho storage problem. <br />(3) They 8.!"e w111:tn[:; to turn off' tho:ir ::<:tt;1fl at S't(X) P.1\!~ Ud They <br />are planning to do Borne t,o \loake t'le aroe, nlOre nttl"act:t.Vf3" <br />The neighbors requested t.hat. a "f'Jo Dumpl~~1l'l hI') put. ~~\p., <br />Shields Noved, Flanagan Seeondod that. t.he Engj n!te.T';\'.9k th", County' to <br />put up t74'O No Dumping signs I?t the eorn~lX' 01' D:'.?le ~:nd Count.y' Road !1 <br />on the Huber property, one at the dri1re-.-Iay Hnd one o:,t t.he corner" <br />Roll Call, Ayes (5) - Nays (0)0 <br /> <br />Shields Tl'oved, Carlson Seco:l1ded that.i,~he Mt. Dale Ad(tlt5on <br />plat. be referred t.o the Planning Comm:tes:l.on for 'l:,t''.E:d.\"' ,hi':ID lw~,,. <br />Roll Call, Ayes (5) ~ Nay~ (O)ft <br /> <br />Fl .. d ""hi Id (~ '. , ,', d ,.,. " 'h' >>d w '.' ~", '"t''' l")" F" ,. . "I P')"'" <br />. anagan "ove " ,;) Es S .....ecO,~u.~l' I aT. (,.1';', '" ~Ct) ",.,\,(1) 1.1, ,! (___ ,1,,,.tl.c€ (,..; <br />amendir.g Ordlnl'll'lcei\fo" 27S t,c rezone t.he rol1f.',~lng d'3::':':cY':Li::lf~d P1'OP(1!'''\T <br />from R-l to R".3: THE SOU'1'HWF:Smr.:Y 3J,I0 FT.:ET UTi' to'1' :n OF t'~AP OF <br />A. K. BARHU1"i' oS GARDE~r LOTS, EXCEPT Tri, 1:0H'JHE.I\.S'I'ERLY 288;:'?~E'1\ SAID <br />II.JOnTHEASTERLY 288 FEET BEXl\TQ !HE PORTION OR POR'I'IO!l;) C\)!..~J}ITED :m w"132" <br />DEEDS 363, "919" DEEDS 411, AND "934" DEEDS 392, ACCOWDING '1'\ THE <br />~ECORnED PLAT THERIDF. Roll Call, Ayes (S) .. Nays (0).. <br /> <br />Shields MOlTed, Keene Seconded that Ordinance t~293 be nd.opt.~,d amending <br />Ordinance Ho.. 275 to rezone the following da..~cribed property fi'om <br />R-l to B-1: SUBJECT TO STATE mum: HIGHWAY 8 c, 63 AND COlTNTY ROAD <br />"DfI, mmnmnm ON THE '10"RTH LrWE OF SEC'l'ION 5, TOhTNSHIP 29,~ 'RA"HE 2;3 <br />AT A POINT 330 l<~ WESl' OF THE N~' SECTIO'f emmER, ~1.l\ID POPJ'l' r.~EI1\iG THE <br />I"l'J'!i:RSECTION OF THE CENTER LINE OF' HJGHWAY tro~ 8, AlTj) THB Y,)'OP1'H r,pm OF <br />SAITI SECTION, THJj)TCE SOtrrH 270 30' HEST on SATIl CE'TTER IJ\m: [, nrSTA.rCE <br />OF 642,,84 FEET, 'niENCE NO'P'l'Ir"!ESTEnLY AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID CEN'rgrl <br />LINE A l)ISTAN'CE OF 646.14 FEET, THEflCE "lORTHEASTERLY PAPJl.l..1EL 'HI'l'H ::>AID <br />CE~1TER LINE TO THE OOR'l'H LINE OF SAID SEC1'ION, THENCE Eo. AI~o~rG 'fHE nO;:ITB <br />LPlE OF SAID SECTION' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING.. Roll C~11~, AY6$ (5) 'fi <br />NaY8 (0). <br /> <br />The Attorney gave his opinion on the proposed revision of the zoning <br />ordinance. Shields Mewed, Carlson Seconded that the revision of the <br />zoning ordinance be reterred back to the Plarming Commission together <br />with the Attorneyfs opinion tor the:i.r information. Roll Csl1, Ayes (5) .. <br />Nays (0). <br /> <br />i ~~~ ", ;<,; ,\ ' <br /> <br />j",;[ <br /> <br />1.' ;:~; '.~. <br /> <br />.\-1T~. ; );l';,~.-~~: <br /> <br />,", <br /> <br />pr:TLIf{' <br /> <br />OffJJ "~'J":" ~. ",; :,-, <br />{t',[ e (r~~'J ,[;~:',~ <br />R ~:'~ ?ri \~iJ \1,< '_'; '. <br /> <br />BHD ;'~kNCF~ <br />(l1EE' n.,~o 'C';;' 'en 1'. <br />'Ie "J,[li,:J~... "...1 u' ( <br /> <br />REVISION OJ<' <br />ZONTtTG O'RD, <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Keene Seconded that the AdYent !.utheran Church 1l.5Seeement AJ1VEN"r LTT'rH <br /> be referred to the Attorney and he oontact Ad:v'ent Church in reRardsCf{(JR,CH ASSESS <br />to the w<rdtng ot their agreement. 'Roll Call, Ayes (5) .. Nays (0)" <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Keene Seconded thflt the lIanson Rezoning of the follol<ring HA "'iSOn r,:r:ze'n: <br />described property be rererr~d to the Planning Comm:tasion for t,he1.r <br />June 1st meeting upon their written l"eQw!st: 11m SOUTH 175 F'EET OF THE <br />SW; OF THE SW* OF SEC. 12, T 29, R 2.3 AND THE W 743..3 EXCEPl' THE <br />W 4A8Q3 THERFnF. Roll Call, Ayes (5) - Nays (O)ft <br />