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<br /> <br />'I? n US;.~:(,~;' .1....,j <br /> <br /> <br />11..... ..J_ ~ ", I' ) .-,i "J <br />nl,.'~Ung of the Village Cour~c '. lueSue.~r., J\u,g11~..,t.,I,O~ ,.,1,.It." <br /> <br />2' : ()() F' <br /> <br />r['h,;; V;.l.L:lP'I:' Coundl Tllf!t on th.e above date with the follcI\-ring ml'?!I'Ibers <br />P!"\?:sent: r.1lwor Ccdarholm, Carlson, Fhna~an) Keene and ~'~hields" <br />J, ttorn!flY I,(lftsgaa:.l."den and Engime:r. Soutter were also pI"E:,\sent,. <br /> <br />On p~,:w,,~ 2 of t.he minutes of August 9th, the Stern Rezoning should be MINUTES <br />bef'o!'(,} the Hcbart.s J1..ezoning in sequence" Under Robl.yrt.s Rezon:tng, the <br />ll!..>.gal de3c:r''ii)'f,lcm should be correet.ed aft"er line 1) to thenee S <br />p8c"alli?J vi.tJ' said E line or y~ ~ 220.,661>t"., thence S} ld.t.l, <br /> S 1:\f:(! (}f~::",~e;; fL Under Zoning or Rice, T..arp", Dale & Hagner, the <br />motion Bho't11d he corrected that the Clerk Elend So let:,terfroll'l 'the Council <br />i'.ogf.>ther wi '1;.: , 'tr.e letter froM the Pla1m1ng Comm:Llsion to ths land owners <br />il1'Tolved il'1 the ot Rice, LarpenteUl"!,l D.llle, and Wagner.. Under <br />Ryme:i.'" Re~'Ioning a,dd the following to the motion 1I1ettex' from My-, Rymer <br />req'OO2r! tho 'ifithdrawaJ.". Under Gerald Lee Plat add tho :f'ollow:!.ng to <br />the ,!\Ol;.ions I1thJ1t the plat. be returned to Mr., IA9~ along mth If cOP~l of <br />the }:ng:in~\!)r' B letter stat,infS that the plat did not conf'orm ~, "it.he <br />C'l'd1,llSnc~~<, H Under Monies, t..hc. :::.mount of $2:;1)00 should b*~ ,correetod to <br />SJ:2}5oo, 'the $2",000 be transferred from C~me:f';!11tJ Hem~~?i.t1.on 9<:>1.!.1"d) <br />and $StXl t.r's.m~ferred from General to Hunjcipal Co'U.<:"to 11ncor r~:"g~ 1". <br />under' l:'z'""neh.tse the following should 00 a.dd.3'li t.o the n1otlo!'1~ "t.hat the <br />V:l.1lngu Kngineer am Ml"o Reill~ confer ~1! I"e'Wol"tti,ng of the ~:tsolut1(m <br />deleting tl1e ~O ;:TC"ar l:l:-,ttt .artl that it he .,.t'l1"i1oJ i:l acccrJa.~ce to <br />i'finnesot.."t ' later C:ompany" Under Rob1nnDod Gonrrtruet1,on Co" the motion <br />Elhould read "Shields M09'eO Flanagnn S,ft(;onded thr;t, the agreement rO:i~ <br />constrtlc"l;.ion o,f' Sanite.~.. Sewer for the 'li'g,ey:'ithography bl.d.ldtng on <br />County Poad '9Z be signed.." Under Addreasograph, before t.het motion <br />Jnsert. the following "Under discussion about the mlltigrnph l'llIlcbine" the <br />AttornO".{ pointed out t.hat a lease with !:.he right to is not <br />legal:; however,. 11 rental contract is,," Under S~er on Orchard, <br />the moMon should read "Shields Moved, Flansgan Seconded that Village <br />Enginoflr draw up easement tor running ot'sewer t'l"'OM Orchard Streat to <br />east end of homes facing Lak"''Tiaw and procure easement as 'Would be <br />feasible to proeeedo" <br /> <br />Fhnagan HCNf3d, em-Ison Seconded that the rlunutes of 'l'uesdaY$I August, 9th MINU'l'ES <br />be approved 3.8 oorr'eet6d.. Roll Call, Ayes (5) ... Nays (0)" <br /> <br />Shields MO'1ed~ Keene Seeonded that as Mr" George Rt:d.ling has not f'lled an RES')LUTION #36'( <br />acceptance wi thin 10 days of Resolution 11367 paStl$d on August 2, 1960.r; <br />it 18 null And Yo1do Roll Call, Ayes (5) ". Na.,ys (0)", <br /> <br />Shields MOlTed, Keene &teom.ed for the adoption of Resolu'tion 11372 granting ROSEVILLE WATER <br />r1~ht, permioerl.on, and franchise and license to inst..all and Iaint.a1n water 00. 'FRANCHISE <br />pipes in st.reota &8 described i.n Rersolut:1on 113726 Roll Call, A,y8"(S) ... <br />Nsys (0) 0 <br /> <br />A letter limB read !rom ths Planning r..oJml.1ss1on noting fin el~ror in Section SPE <br />'I!,12~,020 of the ree~ined Yillige ordinance that tne wordo Ita8 hereinafter rnR~~~ USE <br />8J1'l.lJ11JfJr9,todfl 'W01"e deleted" The AttorM',1 pointed out that he ...8 tull7 <br />~ware ,>f this de10ti.r.m at the time his op:lnion was written on Specin.l Uaes & Special <br />If;rmit.s" ShleldD Hoved.. Keeoo Seconded that the spet-..ilil use permit . <br />dJ.,scus~>l()n be ls;y'ed. OIYGZ' for ont;) week" Roll CalJ.jl Ayes (5) - Ua;rs (0)0 <br />