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<br />Dick's Distributing Co., Inc. <br />Distiller::; Dist. Co. <br />Ed t s CJean5ng Service <br />Don Giles <br />Famous Bc!u:,ds, Ine ill <br />Grtggs., Cooper & Co., Ine.. <br />Hohensteins Delivery Ser\riee <br />Home COQ <br />Kath Bros. Fuel Oil Gr;,. <br />Lux Distributing Co.. <br />Lynn Johnson Co., Inc'e <br />McKF:ssor 8.: Robbins, Ine.. <br />Nid~!1"8t v!ine Coo <br />,Jack Hi.escn <br />N ortiCle!rn Coin Machine C.:::, Q <br />NortlJJ:~:rn States Power Co '" <br />Old Peoria Company, Inco <br />Ed Pi] 1 & Sons Co I> <br />R'3[s t ~3 Lakeland Prt1ducts <br />Sf. Paul 7 Up Bott,ling Co. <br /> <br />SlawiJ~' <br /> <br /> <br />\Tsn Supply Co. <br />Victor Adding JVIachine Coo <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br />,353..35 <br />787.93 <br />125.00 <br />5",00 <br />488.37 <br />1153..31 <br />752 .90 <br />24.,60 <br />30.10 <br />536..12 <br />10'72074 <br />421.25 <br />232.80 <br />23,,10 <br />25.00 <br />542071 <br />285.90 <br />1583.41 <br />7,3.60 <br />324051 <br />156000 <br />9075 <br />21.50 <br /> <br />~)hteJ.d" MUV8d, Reiner:ke S8conded, that the Village Clerk be <br />dU tno,:"1 z..~d to transfer $63,,000000 from the Sewer Debt <br />Retirmn,omt Bank Account to the General Bank Accounte Roll Call, <br />Ayes (5) - Nays (0) <br /> <br />Shields l1c'\Ted, Flanagan Seconded, that fue Village Clerk be <br />aut1';or:ized to transfer $27,840<000 from the Liquor Building Bank <br />Accmm,t t.o the General Bank Accounto Roll Call, Ayes (5) - Nays CO) <br /> <br />Reinecke Moved, 1I1oGee S~eonded that t he Village Clerk be <br />authorized to send the ~?33, 026.60 in the PERA Fund to the <br />N~~" f8,blic Employees Retirement Association). Roll Call, Ayes (5) <br /> <br />Flanagan Moved, Reinecke Seconded, that the contract for <br />Project 10 Sewer Improvement No.3 be approved, and that the <br />Mayor and Village Clerk be althorized to sign the contract. <br /> <br />r1cGee Moved, Flanagan Seconded, that the Village Engineer, Mro <br />Soutterj' be authorized to attend the University of Minnesota <br />Center for Continuation Study, January 30-31. Roll Call, Ayes (5) <br />NilYs (0) <br /> <br />3~h1.'~-~J, J;l()~led., McGee Seconded, that the matter of the Sanitary Sewer <br />IJin, on the Minnesota Transfer property be referred to the Village <br />AhornE";)! for a report back next week. Roll Call, Ayes (5) - Nays (0) <br /> <br />FlanpJ.gan Hoved, Reint'Jckr~ Seeonded., that the Roselawn Cemetery Writ <br />of Mandamus be I' eferred to Mr. Loftsgaarden. Roll Call, Ayes (5) <br />Nays (0) <br /> <br />TRANSFER OF <br />FU NDS <br /> <br />TRANS FER OF <br />FUNDS <br /> <br />PUBLIC EMPLOYEES <br />RETIREMENT <br />ASSOCIATION <br /> <br />PROJECT 10 <br />SEWER <br />IMPROVEMENT NO. 3 <br /> <br />VILLAGE ENGINEER <br /> <br />MINNESOTA TRANSFER <br /> <br />ROSELAWN CEMETERY <br /> <br />l<'lane..gan H01,18d" ReinElcke Seconded, that the meeting be <br />:ho P. N..) Roll CallJ Ayes (5) - Nays (0) <br /> <br />ATTEST' ~,~ . L 1 ~ //) <br />~~"'i:"', 'f IL ,A'-tUfM"..A/ <br />Vl1.1.agC:1 C1..o'" <br /> <br />