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<br />VILLAS or ROSEVILJI <br /> <br />slegular Keeting ot the Village CouncU, F:ri~aJ. Janttaf, 13, 1961 <br /> <br />The V1l1ap Council IIl8t on the aboft date with the following members <br />prese)\t J Acting Hayor Shields, Trustees Flanagan, Reine cleo , McGee. <br />Engineer Soutter and 'temporary Attomey Bell were also present, <br /> <br />nuagan Hewed, Reinecke SeCOnded, that tne Minutes at the Counoil <br />Meeting at December 27, 1960 be accepted, as corrected, Roll Call, <br />Ayes (3) .. Rays (0), <br /> <br />Reinecke MO'WJd, McGee &,comed, that the M1nutes at the Council <br />Keeting ot Janu~ 4. 1961 be accepted, as corrected, Roll Call, <br />Ayes (4) ... Rays (0). <br /> <br />KeGe. Koved, Reinecke Seconded, that the Village advertise tor <br />bids, to be taken on February 3. 1961, tor replacing three Police <br />Cars whioh are designated in the report, and that the Village <br />AttoJ'ne7 be instructed to check the matter ot 00101" tor the oars, <br />betore this _ttel" ia deoided. Roll Call, (4) .. Nays (0). <br /> <br />nanagan Koved, Reinecke Seconded, that the Bond Issue Referendum <br />be laid mer to the Counoil Meeting r:t Janu&ry' 20) 1961, Roll Call, <br />AJ'ti. (4).. Rays (0). <br /> <br />McGee Ko_dl Reinecke Seoonded, that _. Sohul. he-Plat, l.ooated <br />approxiMte17 at Ra1'lond Aftnue aM COUftty bad C2, be referred to <br />the Planning CODI1IlisslClft, loll Call. Ayis (4) ... Nays (0). <br /> <br />Re1necke Moved, Hco.e Seconded, tn.t the Fire Depa1"tlnent ~lection <br />be accepted by the COUDoi1. Roll C~l, A1'tlS (4) .. Nays (0). <br /> <br />KoQee Kowd, nanagan Seconded, tbat the C~erJc: be instructed to <br />send a oopy ot the lIngueerls "poJ"ton Arana Street to Mr. Ralph <br />Jtee.,SupeJ'!.n:tlelldent ot ~ V18v. Publio Sctloo1s.,ltoll Call, <br />A,.s (4) .. Ra18 (0).. . <br /> <br />Reinecke.llcved, Fl. anacan SecOn4ec1'. that the re~.8t ot Mr_. Resler <br />w "thacti...... righta, liact to 1.J.,fe.. and a salary increase, be <br />Ii Yen to the Village Atto!'MJ ,ior .;l" the legal aspects. RoU <br />CaU, A188 (4) - Hays (0). <br /> <br />Flanagan JbreclhReineCke Seo~d, _that the applioations tor the <br />position ot '" age Att0ftt81 shOUld be suba1tted in writing, previous <br />to the t1ae ot the Council Heetift& ot January 20, 1961. Roll Wl, <br />AIel (4) - Hays (0). <br /> <br />8,00 P. M. <br /> <br />MINUTES <br /> <br />MINUTES <br /> <br />BIDS JroR <br />POLlCE CARS <br /> <br />BOND ISSUE <br />REFERENlJJM <br /> <br />SCHULZE PRE. <br />PLAT <br /> <br />F.OtE DEPARTMENT <br />ELECTION <br />ARONA STREET <br /> <br />VILLAGE TREASURER <br /> <br />VILLAGE ATTORNEY <br /> <br />r:t.aaago Howd, Reinecke Sec_eel, that the Pickhart. Pre-Plat, looated PICKHARTZ PRE. <br />8.,PProxiutelY at U!Jx:l.ngtOft. A'fenue anc:l.Co\mt;rload BI, ~ referred to PLAT <br />fone P1Ianning C~SSlO1h loll Call, .vea (1.&) - IlQa (OJ. <br /> <br />,PRI-fURCHASING <br />OONDS <br /> <br />Flanagan Mowd, ReweD Seooncledt that, on the rec-.endatlO1l ot <br />the Fiscal __t, Paine, Webber, \facksOft, & Curtis be advised th.t <br />the Vl1lage o~ Rosaville is not in favor ot puJ"Chaeing !the~e bo~s ,. <br />which the,. ha.... oftered, at thie tu.. Roll Call, A,u (-4) .. Nays (0). <br />