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<br />GD2 !~~., <br /> <br />t <br />Flanagan Moved" Heinecke Secondedj that the propose4 ordinance amending ORDINANCES <br />OrdinancesNo. 120010, 12.020, 16.020, 16.030 be laid' over to the Council <br />'ting of March 3. 19610 Roll Call, Ayes (4) - Nays (0)0 <br /> <br />Reinecke Moved, :[l"lanagan Second.edjt that t he matter of the. extension of WALNUT STREET <br />MSA 221.1. Walnut street, 900. fe~ti. from 32qO !eet to .4100 fe~t, be ref~r~d <br />tro the Village Attome7, and theVUlage E.ngJ.neer, to prepare appropnEl.t.e <br />contracts i.lith the appropriate figureso Roll Call, Ayes (4~ .. Nays (0)0 <br /> <br />Reinecke Haged, McGee Seconded, that the Village AttorneY' be given authorityREVISIONS <br />.to arrange for the printing of the revisions of the ,R~eville Village Code,9 OF VILLJlGE <br />up to January 1$ 19610 RoLl. Calli! Ayes (4) - Nays (O~Q CODE <br /> <br />Reinecke t.loved~ F.l.a.nagan Seconded, that the H and Val Rothschild pstition RO'I'HSClrlL1D <br />for rezordng ot 2/24/61; Rl to R2, Rl to Bl, Rl to B3~ be refsl"'Nd to REZOONG <br />the Village Attorney for further studyo Roll Call, Ayes (4) - Nays (O)lI <br /> <br />McGee Moved, Reinecke Seconded, that the Clerk be directed t.o inform the t-lILIMtTS REZONING <br />property owner t.hat the application :for rezoning by L" He Wil1mllS Properties <br />Ino. of ~bruarY' 23, 1961 is not su'f.f1cient because it doss not contain <br />an ownership repQ~(1 Roll Call, Ayes (4) - Nays (0)0 <br /> <br />McGee Moftd,; Flanagan Seconded, that the Lmootti & Sons Special Permit <br />fB)~ferre4 back to t.he Planning Commission. Roll Call, Ayes (4) .., Nays <br /> <br />LAMETTI PERMIT <br /> <br />McGee Moved_ Flanagan Seoonded, that the of Roseville approve the <br />preliminary plat ot the Schulze Addi tioD of Raymond Avenue North and North <br />cr . "'ounty Road. 02 j upon the recommndation o:f the Planning Commission of' <br />Fb",ruar1 23, 19610 Roll Call, Ayes (4) .. riays (O)Q <br /> <br />SCHULZE ADDITION <br /> <br />McGee Moved.. .Flanagan Seconded tha.t the condemnation a"'lard~ as set forth I:;ONDEM~IATION <br />in Mr. Lottgaarden's letter of February 22, 1961.!it be paid and the check AWARD <br />issued in the amount at $425000 to Mads M" Christiansen, Richard BQ Roberts,) <br />and ~iv1an M.. Roberts. Roll Callg Ayes (4) - Nays (0')0 - <br /> <br />Flanagan Hovede RairJeckB Seconded;i that the recommendation of the Village AL JOHNSON <br />Engineer be accepted and Mr;" kl Johnson be transferred from Sewer Construction <br />to Sewer Maintenanoe for a period of approximately 90 days. Roll Cal~" Ayes (5) <br />Nays (0)0 <br /> <br />Reinecke Moved, Flanagan Seconded, that the Village Engineer be authorized SEV1ER CLEANING <br />to advertise t or bids for the sewer cleaning machine to be t alam on March l-fJl.CPJJiE <br />17, 1961~ Roll Call, Ayes (~ .. Nays (Oh <br /> <br />'FJ.ariagan Moved, BeiDecke SeC~d, that the letter of the Village Engineer .COUNTY DITCH NO., L~ <br />of Feb~ 21, 1961. regarding County Ditch No" 4 be referred to the Vil~ge <br />Attorne,.. for investigation end report to the CounciL. Roll Ca11~ Ayes (~~ Nays (0) t' <br /> <br />Flanagan Mowd, Reinecke Seconded, that the Resolution on apportionment'f SANITARY Si~R <br />at Sanitary Sewer NOe I be adopted" Roll Callg Ayes (4) .. ~lays (0)., NO" 1 <br /> <br />Reinecke Moved>> Flanagan Seconded, that the Resolution on apportionment <br />o:f Ranitary Sewer Noo 2 be adopted. Roll Call~ Ayes (4) - Nays (o)() <br /> <br />SANI'rARY SElNER <br />NO.. 2 <br /> <br />Reinecke bed.. McGee Sec~>nded"L that E\Elsement 9~b16 he re~R~ded. wi iill <br />~he Register 0:1 DeedS orace.. noli Call., Ayes (4'1-- Nays \U;t. <br /> <br />.....aSE"1ENT "~Er'\l~ <br />llifi t &t,.J~ <br />