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<br />",,.2<rD <br /> <br />Shields 11Aoved, Flanagan Sscondedll that the recolTlIllSndation of the <br />Planning Commission be foll~;red, and &. Sons be given gj, <br />Special Use Parmi t for c:mst,I'l.lGtton of a building on. GIE;vel21lrl <br />Avenue&! ..:tout'h of Count,y Road C" Holi Call, Ayes (4) "" Nays (O;L, <br /> <br />I..A1~ TTl PEpj.i!~,' <br /> <br />F1.anag...m Moved, Re:l.nacke Seconded, thatthe follovlin[ described HID OAKS FL~T <br />pared of land Lot L Block!~ Nid Oaks Pla,t be accepted, !/'.S ..JJ" <br />building lot in the-vrrrage.~'ol;''WOM1;J~m ~"'}i()ll Gall, A~;'e! s e h) hTilYti ( 0) " <br /> <br />Reinecke Mov.edJ> Shields SaeomiliJdt that t,he ftc,se"lilla Gjxll lX~f.:'I:mr.;r~ ~Tli}lli:'; E, 2,[,';2 <br />Dirscto!":I l~ro James Be Lan::,,, 'bt'J placed on the salary J,t" ;J1OOcCn ps!;'; <br />month!) CE of April 1>> 1961.$ td' l!n:!ch $i50000 is p<:iyabl~) from tJw <br />RO.:ieville Civil Defense Budget and [,50.,00 in miitchin,:; fpl1.ds i'ram <br />the l''ed~)ral Governmnt, ana d'at this action is bein.' to elwrl~ :tv. <br />accordance with the I'acormtem:l&.tJon oj" the St.ats f !>liru;'jesot>C'. an\'~. <br />Federal Law 606(,. Roll C8.n, AY~iS (hi ,~ Nay~; (0)<:, <br /> <br />Reinecke Mov,'d$ m.ields SE~co:r.dr.,df that the H" and Val }'(:t.hschild <br />RV' request ii'em Rl"",n-:;'r f;."l ',,~'JI H-J, m;d ;:q"..l to 30:'$ of <br />t f '31 k 2 ..<.... ,~,-,' "{' '{ ... H'" t 1\1' r> <br />proper ,.y 0 :~:.?C S . :2.-!}::;"';..t.",;l.~;~,~~:J~ '~,..!.;I':J.JE.~.~~::>".:\~....;;.,' at <br />Har:\line Avenue t Ju~1rt,h, and \..:ur:n!.y' t.oaa {~, b c ~:'e.r:erl'f3C tcthc <br />f,'j . C ~ i ~ . 11' '., 1" 1'- ,." . <br />'..l.armlUe onmuss on tor a l. ul: .:teal'ulg on f~ay' .;;f< ';103..(:. b.Oi'... <br />Call, As'sS (h) - N<:-tys (0)" <br /> <br />HO'I'nSC:'I LD <br /> <br />Rt~~~" ':.:1 ~"iC;' <br /> <br />Flana g(;l11 Hoved* Shields See ;>oded: tllat the Hothsch.ld ( Hi .'~ <br />Val) Petition for Vacating uf E;tl'eets That part of 'l\:,rla.'~6 <br />Drive located '::ast of the ~jO.'3t Llne;:;llluron meeCr,U1(C'~~~~st. <br />of the ~~st .Gine 0 f H~~l!.~:!!~:f:~E:~-~~~~~'~_~~:...~,5u~ <br />LIne ?.f. !"'ots i & '1, J31oo~ 3.:....i2S'lE2!idt~s H~~e Ff~!.g!r~.fJ...1I<~.~~.,g.1~ <br />and !\djacent to t~e ~~th 1:~,E':~._~F ~tST and J.1rr_,g;1.o~~t;;'L..~~~:id,~~~ <br />namhne Heights Wo~" 2., be re,;cl';r"'~'d" Cor(JI!~~,::1s:i.Otl fur <br />---r'U m___.__~~.""" (\ ' ,.., <br />a bl1c Hea;ring on Hay 3r :S':-3, Fbll Ayes I.,d,~ j.r:1.YlE, IG}", <br /> <br />HOTHSCHIL.D <br />'V.4C;~ ~rJ r'JG \j F <br />:; TItE I~ 18 <br /> <br />Flanagan l10vadi Sh::elds ;3econde'd, that, Resolut.ion No" h22, j.n n.~,SG]Jr::ICN nc I: f.l2? <br />reeal'd to Harold .J to Sla'.d.k Pet:ition for Vacat,in;f. ';::;1 ~:;t;i'ii:;i)t& i:, br: adopted,. <br />Roll Call" A:res (4) - Na.y~ f oj ' <br /> <br />Resolu,l:,ion No,~ h22 <br />,:hereas, Lhe petitIon-datei:r:rarluki:Y"'''23, 1961 of a majority 0:: the C1!';:; <br />of real property a but.tin~ UtA):\') the street,s her13j.naftfrl' mentio\O'cd., I"f"JUeS 'J5..HiY <br />the Village Council to vaca;,e t.hG said i;;Cr.:O:rI.~\;..l1g t.o :'.12~\" a'rJ&.H du:::;r <br />filed with t he Village G'::lUm~i1.t anJ. sc:lid COll.,?}ci1 met "ie J:ebr.,iit'y 2h:l 19o.l..:H, <br />8100 Po '110 in the place i:lpe~ified. in :;l. notice duly po.bUshed ;;".nn pNlted a.,o <br />required by :law and hear al}. 1.l"J". 0!'asted perso:m~)1 al'ld <br /> <br />'"mEREAS, the~ari.nt' l'ras cont5..nued until the next :r:aetlng <br />of the Counc11p on l~ta.1~ch 3~ 1961 at e:oo ;:'c, ;,.j~, .'Ul;,[ <br /> <br />WHEREfl.Sjlit appC!llal'S t,hat i.t ..lill be for '1:, he intere~;-c. of <br />the public that oaid stI"aots be wacatedJ <br /> <br />NCW, THE!11U' R3fl BE IT RESOLVED ~;y- thc~ Village COUll!<';U of <br />the Village of Rosi!:rdlle, as follows: <br /> <br />1" That, the following street.s in th villatJe of Roseville, as t.he ~>,ame <br />