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<br />""6". <br /> <br />Hem1:li!'lr HeiIlecka introduced the follolJling ~solution and moved its adoptiOlLH RESOr:JJ'5' <br />NO,. <br /> <br />A RESOLUTION DE'l'ER lININ G TO ACQUIRi:~ BY CC,rmEMNA~~ION <br />m1DER TH::<; POi'JEH OF EHINENT ~C16U11 CERTAHl LANDS FOR THE ruRPOSE <br />OF CONST'WCTION AND MAINTAINING A ROAD IN '!'HE VILLAGE OF' ROSli:VIIJ.E.lJ <br />MINNESOTA AND DIRECTING TlL\T'lHE NECESSARY PROCEEDINGS YE INSTITUTED <br />FOR SUCH PURPOSE G <br /> <br />WHEREAS. the ~5.11age Council of the Village of Ro~ti'vil~ has Det!m ad"risedby <br />competent enginet>TS that i t is .feasible to construct a road to be kno',m &.9 irJUllut <br />street within and for said Vi11ags; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS., deems it necessary and expedient and in .the best in,tcrest of t he Village <br />and its inhabitants that said rG\ad be constructed to serve sa:ld VillagElB and <br /> <br />loi'HEREAS; it is necessary in tMOoft.~,:tn"i.~onandmainteranef) of said road to acquh't! <br />certain lands; and <br /> <br />WHE.'REAS, the present ownen and other persons having an interest in said .requi~d <br />1andshave indicated t.hat they are \11n.Jilling to negotiate wi'th t.he on a reasonable: <br />basis f6r the a.cqubition at the same by t.h., Village; and <br /> <br />\\~IEREAS, under the stat/utes of the!l 0 r Minnestlta the Village has th~ P(YW~~I' and, <br />authority to take and aoquire sid properly by condemnatloTtl 1.mD.eX' the povrer of en:d.Mktt <br />doaain" <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFDRE BE IT P.ESOLV::;.:n by the Village Council of 'the Villa ge of P..ose'\;ri11~f) <br />Minnesota21 sa 1'0110.1 S ~ <br /> <br />The Village Council hereby deteI'!ll.inBlsthat it is neci3SSa1";r and convenie~lt t~t thCl <br />propert.y ttElscribed below be a cquired by aald Village b~";n under t ;1e power o:E' <br />eminent dom.:dn,;. all:J.r said Pl'opt~rty bEring situated in thH CGuntr of }\a.l'i't'l('Y and st.ate of <br />Minn..,sota R, <br /> <br />A strip of land 70 fe<'it -wide ofW'hich.35 feet of such 'uidth l:tes on each 3:lde of <br />the llne1! Commencing at 1h8 northwElst con.leI" of Sec.tlol'1 8t' T 29Nti R;2J'::; then'~~'! <br />easterly on the North section line ot' said Section a tor 62900 .feet tolihe point .:>.!: be"" <br />; the1Y.~e southeast on 8. 11.l\@ haviv..g 4 oent:ral a.."1gle of 95 de ree3 40;: m':.h t,he. <br />North sectiorl line of said Sectio:c 8fl t,o the Nort.h :Flght""of'~ral lioo of ~~he NOr';;he:rn <br />Paci.t1c r~lwG;Y Comp/my right,,-oof.o"illay and there ta:rminating" <br /> <br />The term:tnlJ.s of t"hIs above clf!Jscrlbed center Bne is .-mstl!':rly t'>>f:t h<a ll~;st s e<:tion <br />line of said section 8 along the north r1&ht""'oi>",w~y line of theNorthern Pac:if'ie Hallwl!:~1 <br />Company rlght"",of=wEV a distance of 729 <0 f'eetr, mo):-e or less~, <br /> <br />'I'h~ tract of land ls app:ro:,timat.,~l:v 865 feet lOllg",.~ ~10 fce.t wide:t ;Jith .s.n a1~f:!a ~f <br />1".39 acres", <br /> <br />That the 6t3t.ate to be acquired. in the PI'Operty' deslf}:t'iood a1Jove is ;;.:11 f~~e s1npl$ <br />a,b801uu-:'l., <br /> <br />Tht\t t.he Vi.llage Atr.o:rney be and here~':;1 1.s instruct.ed to (;\ormriG~ce con&~ti,)f} <br />