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<br />'\ '..... <br />0_",; <br /> <br />F~fbU(";(1{ljJjt~ r~qtd!"l~s th"" E1Sl:m.T,,:J1Ci-J th.r:,t;, t.he 'liD.age .,r r~m3e'rlne will <br />not snf,y"er any ener-oacbrilent of m:ty nature or kina what8o~ver on th,3 <br />right 01' vq of' said Trunk High'l,j';1,-r No ~ 125 renumbered as Trunk Highway <br />No. ,1 '~C':t tlrln the co-rp{)l"'~te lill'lit.s of the said Village of 'ROI3(~vill~; <br /> <br />WH"~'RKi'.s 'the Commissioner cf Highil31S des:1.res in the InterEJs~.. cf <br />publ1e safety that all parking of vehicles OD said trunk highway M <br />par~l1s1 with the curb and at 20 feet from any crosswalk" <br /> <br />NOW, THE;l, BE IT RESOLVED .th8t said VUlagt'i or Roserlll<!! dOEl15 <br />herebJr a.gree and COTenant 1<hat i~, mll never pe'l"'mi i. 01' Buffet" f) td.t.h- <br />in i tEl corpor.a~ l:tmi:ts" 81\}~ enel'\O~:hu;!:rr~ of any kind whs.:h:109Ver s; i;~ <br />eluding curb gas pumps .and gas ~t,.:9;t..'l.ons!i hil1hoards or otb,er st:i..'.u,etures <br />of any }elnd whatsoever1 upon t:tH~ :r;1gbt of way of Trunk Higmfl(f Ntl.mb~r 125 <br />"'l'Inumberoo Be '1'1-u1'lk Hig~" NUlllh~:, 51 and to the ab(W~ end ~, V'n~lage <br />or Rosenll. hereby ~ees that it l::1.1..1ne~r issue any lic@rll'~~c' PO;"II'!:ttl' <br />or grant" or give any le.n or 1:ibll}:.t.:r 'M" any ,t)ther cont'3(!nt or 1<'fh,,,tl!.i~tr <br />fCIl'lll ~o't" th6 eont'iltrueticn or .td.n.'t,~;)nAnc<'! of any encr@a~!llI'lent Wh.tlt:iS~Vfil~ iJ <br />including curb gas pumps and gaB atat.1o:i'ltJ 1ft billbClards ~:)r t),~b'.'tl' stlt"'Uetn.re8 <br />of nl'W :id.fldwhatsoeTerg upon Btii.'ld l'i.:~ht ~t way; and th31, lvnd Village f,}f <br />Roaeville 1ldll cooperate inaofa!:' ns possiblo to 611mij/11!l(&e (~'r:ti!lt1.1\lg en~ <br />erollchmellt.s constituting trsffic hazards and 111111 furth~r ~~ake na,~j'!'F.l5l1J:r;y' <br />action to eli1ll1nate any encI"oQch>>'lt!!nt> thflt may here9f'te:t>, "}n !laid, <br />trunk htghwy right of Wlity; <br /> <br />BE I'l' FURTHEH RESOLVED that t a3.d Vil1tJg~ of F1.oseville doeR hl1;:l."'~hy <br />agr'e8t.e require the parking of an 'Wehiel~s en sdd trunk h:jghwa,\rt<~,)\lj <br />pm-aIle! ~rlth the curb and at le~;,f:'lr-; t,T:68nty (20) teet from $.ny erosb"t'1i"llks <br />. '\ all public streets int.erseetu~g said trunk highway td..tbin the tl~,rpO).'.at@! <br />_.l.ll'I1ts tJf l; Village (If' RoaeV1l1(; <br />Upon t.he call o:t the roll the follmdng Shlelds,F'lmlag,!m.F.ein~~ekl&~ <br />and McGee vot,~d in favor oft-he E~801ution: <br />The following none voted <J.gatfiBt its adoption: <br />Tl"\lsteea Rid,necke)} McGee and FlBl\.!i~a.n, and Acting ~~y(':,r Shields;; <br />Whenupon 'tlw Ma;</or ~nd pr~siding oftir:el" deelared the Rtlso- <br />Inti". adoj,tAd" <br /> <br />DAt~2 MAy 12" 1961" <br /> <br />V~~:;r~'~~~'~'''~''''~=~''=- <br /> <br />Attest: <br /> <br />;TATE OF MIi'fflESOTA <br />lOUN'l'Y OF' RAMSEY <br />'ILtN1E 010' ROSEVILIE <br /> <br />} <br />)88 <br />'. <br />; <br /> <br />--,..- --~!~:!~'}!_!!!.~,- <br /> <br />I do hfJreby certify thAt at a T'.(j>~u1ar JOOeting (I!t I! speci81 meeting or <br />hicb due and 18181 notiC8 vas g1v~nior the VillAge Council of f~osf.l'rl.lle s <br />lnne90Ul, on thft 12th rial,)" ()rMa~"'~ 1961>> at. whieh a majorit-y 'Of tbft .mem'oors <br />~ iJ~d Cl)'QDCll Wn! present, the fONgoing !"~<!lf.)lut.i.on was adopt'!rd<;< <br /> <br />.ven under llY hand and seal tbie 12t,t, day of' Mayp 1%1.. <br /> <br />'="-=="-.='~111i1g4'.; Cl"iik .~--=_.~, <br />