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<br />.~~H }~f: <br /> <br />, ';l:;ud ~,J~lnut Strt'cLv.E1 b"~ eCrn<,tt't',~ted as per <br />suppl:"lng i,ngrflE;(o a."1d eg)'.::-::Js to a p.~rceJ <br />':rrg;n~:fel" Rf:ilve:y G(:m'r~m,y. ,.>Jhich ..r.'-.11 be <br />trae t,; and <br /> <br />said contract. <br />of lH,:nd now <br />veloped intc. <br /> <br />,~" n ,f <br /> <br />{"-f'\--;; <br /> <br /> <br />. ~ '<J ;',<" <br /> <br />d" ,j ( <br /> <br />\;L<\'L"~1 T::~~ '!111age of' ROSf~vLn{, has been advised by (>ol1'f'..')et~m't <br />ne'?:T thttt it is neeessaY''y and f,,s that sda Walnut St,f'''get Cl'OS5 <br />~q :":3 <:',f'~)ad trH.eks of t,he MinnesoUi Tl:"ansf~1T Ra:l.lw"y COl1"iPSf'Y :i n said <br />d~?: ,,_'~:lopF\12nL; <br /> <br />N::A','; 'li:i l~;J~~EI;Ylll <br /> <br />BE IT RESCLVED bY '[HE "JILJ.AGE COUNCIL Of THF.: Vn,LAGE OF <br /> <br />nl; t <br /> <br />MThNl~~::;<rT'.A<v }~S FOLI1iJWS ~ <br /> <br />1. i The ':i n.age Gotmcil .;~ the Village of RoseviluJs; N:innt'1'~H)ta~ reque~t:'5 <br />"in r}",',,~l,'; the Ra.ilroad and i<Jf:i.r'I~::t,,}uBe GO.!i1lD.3sion ot thE': St~tB or <br />;1i'T'''''S'I-;,~:.0 i~~:,U(1 an oK'der t!pp:t"oving said crossings as reqlltJ.'\3d b~' Walnut <br /><;':,eet, ,.,th', ~;h (Jill be,~(~f!.st!"'l.lI~t~d ~~5 ppt' the 't.erms of the (~Cl.1t..\",~}ct apecified <br />{l t) }'ve <br /> <br />AU B? cr IiUE1BEE Eii.:SOi.,VE[i <br />::"'1:,'-'; ~",~}ILl..J!.~_j I{Iin.~ESU11,A ~ <br /> <br />'TILl.AGE OF <br /> <br />'IR~~ \7ILLi~GE COUNCIL OF <br /> <br />2) "i:Ll1..age Att.orney ~u1c1 th":'l Village Engineer ere sm,thQrimea <br />;in i.ti,1:'l"'rt,,;Jj t,o sUl,ply t,{,\ tJ:H:: Hai h'oad and W~ehouse Com.mis,~ion of the <br />~h, tc"! .if fll!:Lnr':JBoL.!'\ a:ppropriate m.t:tps the exact, lr.,;c.!1tions of <br />~>t~ d ,::;!"(}ss:',nf;lS. <br /> <br />, Thi!.i TIiot;i.iXi fOl' t,he Adopt;i on of the :!'Qregt)ing resolution IN'laS <br />ondcd b:l ',~Mr)$l" and up 1il a <br />;.,.,,' . ~.,--,--_..,---_._-----~- '"" <br />.\~:: n,.:: Lflke!! thtLl'eon thEl fol1tJ'~;inf voted in favet' t..~er~of; <br /> <br />duly <br />vote <br /> <br />:'Jj, 'Chi' fOJ.lo~:LZ1g if 0 t~d ili);ain'S::. th e same?, <br /> <br />t;L0'f'~:m.pnfl. ,,',aj,d t'6t~olution 'il18S declar.'ed ,.:iuly passed andf'tdopt.ed" <br /> <br />j'lcCee t1ovsd'l l''),;;;ruJ,g~m S,:,:)eood(.n"lj tha';;' the Co'V.ocil 1!!\ccept r'1r" UelJus <br />!'i!i:i;;llation a.s Kt r(j{.;~lar mambe:,:" of the ?l.enning Cl;)lTiln.i$siol'L. :aloll Call <br />..,.. r 4 ' ;'j' """,e') \, <br />:,:)\_ '" l.~'Jo." \.... i <br /> <br />"l,{'\ NU\Yi";(j~ HCGdN3 Secondeil,t.l1at -the Vil~ge Clerk be aut~~ori~ed <br /> <br />,,() ':,~;mtact How.\;ll'd D81,hlgran the 'J'illnge PaTlna1." toO bring hl1ck a possible <br /> <br />~~@): ~2H3rr..Jent fOl-- tJle conductirlg oi~ an ,overall tr~f'f1<c; S\l~ve1" tr> cover th@ <br />. , ,~ "I ("''''l~' (' '\ l\, ' '0' <br />:',;',C)lstr:Ull,,!. :r.lrei\ iiOj, ,w".l;t Ayer5 ,)4/ - ~'48J'5 l;, ) <br /> <br />F~LHnagan Moved~ j:1cGee Secondedt t.hat the Village At-tome;}" dra.ft a <br />(,t:';,wlutiml that t.hE:, Village will assist in the cost, of street, name signs <br />to be put up as soon as a street; is passable and the r-8so1ution should also <br />st.<.it.~) t.bat the Village shall insure name signs in existence are maintained <br />:, n gcC'd conditilorio <br /> <br />i!;!", '1'::~'~'ke Mt'ved. ',t~eaoo Sl6iconded, that th.g Village Clerk be authorimed <br />",0 't.iJpo::;n (, tAlt insuranc,;;t commit';,ee 0:1: 5:br~ ;; f'.n)fil ['lutual and )fl"om Stoek <br />c:",)'1ni. ,~'s;< \!Iho a:t'~j Rosev.i1.1e 1"',",3:den'ts, t,o "lO:rk on ;a,n insut"4mce progrgm for <br />~ ;..11:).~~(' !1Xl{i -t t.~ ,",; c.<- ~,yE;j~-\'"~~..'~;;_j {h:; on tl 'c>asl.S" }'~ C:aJ..'.1;,: <br /> <br />ROBERT C" BELL <br /> <br />VII.LAGE PLANNER <br /> <br />STREE'f SIGtl:i <br /> <br />INS Un;HJCE <br /> <br />n:;?'OO.l,A;4 <br />