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<br />~~.~ <br /> <br />157 f\.:(.>t; to a JXlint on the centerllne of Skil..lm91.1 Avenuea t,hence eB",rt;= <br />e:rly along the centerline of SldHman Avenue 333 :i'eei~ t.o the east; <br />line of atoresaid Sec1;ion 1.6; t.bence sou:therly aJ.,ong the line OJ' <br />aforesaid Sect.ion 16 1847508 feet to t.he southeast come::: 01' t.he NE 1/4 <br />of a.t"oresaid Sect.ion 1.6;9 thence east.erly along the south Une of the <br />NW 1/4 of Section 15$> T 299 R 23 a distance of one",half' nd,le to the. <br />center of aforesaid Section 15; thence continuing eastwsret a distance <br />of 109 feet; thence northerly 16702 feet; thence easterly J~~209o 7 teet <br />to a. po.tnt on the west line of the SE ~/4 l)f the 1m ~/4 of a;t'oresaid. <br />Section 15;thence northerly 16306 feet,; 't12ence ea.sterl,y 1.9:31805 feet, to <br />a point on 'the east Une of the NE 1/4 of aforesaid Seclj:ton 15 said l'lO:int: <br />lying a distance at 32804 feet northerly ()f the southeaat corner of the <br />NE 1/4 of aforesaid Section 15Z thence easter~' a, distar.!ce of 65105 :feet <br />to a point on the centerline of Oxford Street& thence southerly MOOg tAe <br />centerline of Oxford street a distance of 14802 teet~ t.hence easterly <br />660 :.feet to a point on the centerline of ChatS'WOrth Street,;; 'thence soui9h= <br />er1.y 2 feet$ thence easterly a distance of 23901 fee18~ tbence northerly <br />a distance of 150 feet.$ thence easterly a distance of. 41.4085 feet>> thence <br />northerly a distance of 98400 f'ee~,; thence east.erly a dis'tance. ot 39208 <br />1'eet~ thence northerly a distance ot 330 teet)) thence easterly a d1st,Mce <br />of 26109 feet to a point on the centerline of' iactb>ria stl"~ a distance <br />of 165 teet, southerly ot its intersection With Parkel" m'el1'Uea thence <br />further east.erly a distance ot one qua:rtel" mile to a point on the: vent <br />line ot the East 1/4 of' Section 14, T 29<,> R 23~ thence so1..ttherly a,lDng <br />said vest, line a distance of approxima;te4r 860 teet -to the sout.hwest <br />corner of the Ibf'fmans Ga:rden 'rra.cts Pla.tJ.; thence easterJ~y along the south <br />line of a.foresa.1d lbff'mans <hrden Tra.c'ts a dist,a.uce of one"'Q, m:tle <br />to the centerline of Dale Street; thence soU'ther~ along t.hecenterlln,e of <br />Date Street 34707 teeta said p)int lying 8. distance oJ: 4lH.,,26 feet northerl~y <br />of the southeast comer of the NE 1/4 ot e.f'oresaid Sec.:tion 14, thence <br />easterly and parallel 'With the south line of the mi 1/4 of Section l::h T 29) <br />R 23 a distance ot 65108 teet~ thence northerly 147 feetlj thence eastE~1.1,y <br />along the south line at Block 3 of Brennan G s Iakeviev a dJ.stsnce Oj~ 650 09 <br />feet" thence northerly along the east line of the West hell" ot the NW 1-/4 <br />of Sect;10Il 13 a d1s'tance of' 17702 f'eet$ thence westeI'~~ e:lJ.)ng tbe south <br />Une of lot 10 Block 5 McCarronOs Addit..ion a distanae of lG6,,18 feet t.o <br />the southwest corner of' a.f'oresa1d Lot .10,9 thence northerly along the west <br />Une of aforesaid Block 5 a distance of 852 teats thence easter;i,y a distai.l.ce <br />ot 23809 t'eet.; thence northerly a distance of 200 f'eetg thence easterl,y' a <br />distance of 260 feet a thence sOl1therly a distance of 200 feet to the no:r-tn <br />line of' Block 1 McCanon 0 s ilddi tiOD; thence eas'terly along the nortb <br />of mock 1 McCanonos .M.d1tion 9140; teet to the centerllne2 of Western <br />Avenue at a 'POint lIOC) teet south of' its intersection With County Roe.d "B1'r <br />thence northerly a distance of' 400 f'eet along the centerl:tne o.r Wes't,em <br />Avenue to the in~ect.1on of (btmty !bad "Bit and Western, Jwenuea said <br />point being 'the point of' beginning of t.Ms descr1:ption.c <br /> <br />t.U13LXC I:tC1l\llrHO <br />{.IN Witi:E.R fn:s'j~'; ~ <br />REOOJlrl-ry:ON I") ~ <br />It ~~ ;,: (m:rl1' fi D " <br /> <br />All persons deSiring to be hea.:rd with reference to 'the 1mp:t"Ovemeut .aoo. the <br />area. prop;>sed t~ be assessed therefor may a~8..l' and be beard. by the <br />Council at 'the t.ime and place st.a.ted above" <br /> <br />...ted June 23$1 1961 <br /> <br />me ORDF~R OF 1l'RE VILLAGE OOUli'CIl. <br /> <br />VtUage <' Bo;;e~.l:.G';-t~ee~ta' <br />